It was an amazingly fun day! I woke up to weird dreams about ways my party would fail, one of them was about how theres some trivia night happening at the same time at my house and there were dead people everywhere, WUT? Sadly lots of people couldn't make it so I salute everyone who did. Afterwards I woke up lacking sleep so I just kept myself occupied with apps and fanfiction. When it is time to get ready I took all the food I bought for this event out and wrote the last of my Christmas cards. DongChang, Troll, Fishy and T.I. arrived at Mortsy station so mum and I went to pick them up. The 5 of us cramped into my car and although Troll is the biggest he somehow squished at the back and majority of us were like WTF?
So the four of them and I just kind of sat around my dining table and... ARRANGED AND DECORATED MY FOOD? It was so weird yet unawkward because Fishy and T.I were preparing the food asif we're doing some kind of photoshoot, double WTF. We didn't even get it into the photo haha they somehow built a whole Christmas tree with the million packets of chips, boxes of lindt and awkward Chips Ahoy. I tried Chips Ahoy for the first time and it was amazing, need moar of it. Then we proceeded to decorating our plastic cups with sharpis like kids. I should have never brought out my huge sharpie collection, I swear after all that colouring there was no ink left LOL. We trolled Lily by colouring her cup orange so her 7-Up looked like fanta and ended up fooling ourselves (OMG THE FANTAS GONNA SPILL oh wait it's an empty cup).
After Lily got here there was nothing to do so we headed for park and told Lucy to head there after she arrives. We basically went on the equipment but we were followed by this huge tropical wasp. It took Lucy a while but we failed trying to hide from her. Next time we run faster DX. We just kind of got too hot and headed home, we were sweating like crazy! In our blacks and whites and all... After instantly flipping on the aircon we were stuck for what to do. Noone wanted to watch a movie (Let's do it after dinner lah!) so we played my Playstation move, but stupid controllers RAN OUT OF BATTS so we ended up playing Monopoly. The LilyFish Alliance pwned us all with nearly 50 million cash (I was broke on 750K, sigh...). They feel like spoiled rich kids and everything almost feels real... almost. I mean who would winge because someone ONLY paid them a million? LOL.
Monopoly's done with, it was time to order dinner because once again NOONE wanted to watch a movie (except Dongchang and Lily but majority wins). We placed orders for pizza and spilt just about every spillable liquid present (I was so mad because I was like NO THROWING PILLOWS AT DRINKS but no...). Then it was time for Truth or Kiss. Strangely everyone prefered Kiss on Cheek than to tell an embarrassing truth. Fishy got lucky and got to kiss all the girls. That came out weird. But every single guy there got lucky and so did every girl. Maybe 'lucky' ain't the right term for girls. Dinner was awesome because at least nobody was left hungry.
After dinner, hey guys what DID we do after dinner? Oh right! We went on Omegle and after my parents went to eat out we went on Chatroulette. EWWW I can almost guarantee not to go on it again because we saw someone's 'rude part' and it was on the screen for SOOOOO long because we panicked and didn't know how to skip to the next one (we never skipped anyone before that we usually just got skipped). They were so weird and asked for the people to show their boobs or abs. Then Troll and I faked a mugging but the guy saw through it. IT WAS SO REAL THOUGH!
When my parents got back we went out to light sparklers, I bought a shitload of sparklers but for some reason they ran out in... 5 minutes. How sad. It was very pretty however. We took lots of random photos and as everyone either got picked up or lifted home I obviously tidied the house and smiled as I remembered how awesome the day was. I've had alot of house parties in my laifu but this one was definitely the best :L Everyone grew closer even if they were unfamiliar to begin with and close friends grew even moar closer if that couldn't get anymore cornier.
I need to go on msn more because I almost never go on it now.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
[REVIEW] A Crazy Little Thing Called... Love
The Plot is pretty typical, your average Ugly Duckling and Handsome prince structure. Except unlike other movies it's pretty easy to relate to this girl. Trying so hard to impress her crush which included a totally random transformation (it just randomly happened, and I was liek WTF).
Nam is your typical ugly chick (as I'm typing this I actually finished the blog but Blogger fucked up and I lost my draft) who hangs with a group of equally as loser friends (apparently they're losers because they're tanned and it's considered beautiful in Thailand to look Chinese rather than Indonesian). They all fangirl over the hot senior guys. Nam in particular has a huuuuge crush on Shon who is a soccer player/photographer prettyboy in grade 10. Nam does all these creepy things including keeping a shirt button he dropped as a lucky charm (she even TALKS to it!), stalking him everywhere and calling him up just to hear his voice... JUST REALLY CREEPY STUFF OKAY?
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1st I l00k li3k dis. Den I l00k li3k dis. DAYUM. |
The ending was slightly rushed, awkward and weird. I won't spoil it for you. But jokes aside, in my opinion... Nam is like every single teenage girl who likes their hot seniors who seem unreachable out there. This girl put in so much effort in getting the guy she likes (Ultimate Fangirl) and in the end these efforts did have their pros and cons, and yes, it's a happy ending so I'll just leave it there. The movie almost ENCOURAGES girls to be creepy and obsessive like her, and tells us that it'll eventually work. And sadly, as much as the movie gives us things to imagine about... being obsessive over this one guy and leaving everything else in life aside ain't worth it and let's face it, ASIF the guy your like will 100% secretly crush on you at the same time. So as unrealistic and life-irrelevant as this movie can be, I guess it still creates possible daydreams for everyone. Namely me, whom in my own opinion when judged by myself is quite creepy.
So defs go watch this movie! I think it's really good despite the clicheness, cliche, but unique in its own way?

Friday, December 16, 2011
Oh. My. God
My package still hasn't arrived T_T WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?! CHEONDUNG AH! I need it before Christmas or I'll cereally die zomg. I'm not sure whether the Postmen still work during Xmas holidays (doubt it)but I'm working on Xmas eve so I don't really have a say.
I didn't end up going out with mum today. Too busy being depressed and reading this awesome Wattpad story I found it's called 'The Awkward Love Song of Abigail Turner'. It's really funny because during all this omgimmagunnadiedepression yesterday I look back (ok fine I looked UP technically)and saw all this happiness shiz on my wall yeah if you've been to my room (hopefully you haven't you rapist)it has all this 'Happiness Manifesto' or 'Thinking Positive Sheet' plastered on it admist all that Kpop. So you see a chick sitting in the middle of the room being all derp and her room going :D :D :D :D. Cheer up emo kid aye? It's probably just PMS though, considering how I'm a chick and all.
Working tomorrow as well. At least I ain't fired. It's all good except I hope they don't think I'm an insolent brat because the getting yelled in front of your manager thing is kinda embarrassing. I'll live with it aye.
I'm such a fail. I was like to Poohead "Once the bus goes near my house text me and I'll come out and wave". Not realising that it kinda takes a while for every text to arrive so as soon as I got the text I ran downstairs and just as I opened the door I get "Just passed your house lmao". DAMN YOU SMS DELAY!
I watched moar Mike He dramas. Namely 'Bull Fighting' and 'Calling Big Star'. All his characters remain relatively same. Pfft. But he's hot so meh.
I didn't end up going out with mum today. Too busy being depressed and reading this awesome Wattpad story I found it's called 'The Awkward Love Song of Abigail Turner'. It's really funny because during all this omgimmagunnadiedepression yesterday I look back (ok fine I looked UP technically)and saw all this happiness shiz on my wall yeah if you've been to my room (hopefully you haven't you rapist)it has all this 'Happiness Manifesto' or 'Thinking Positive Sheet' plastered on it admist all that Kpop. So you see a chick sitting in the middle of the room being all derp and her room going :D :D :D :D. Cheer up emo kid aye? It's probably just PMS though, considering how I'm a chick and all.
Working tomorrow as well. At least I ain't fired. It's all good except I hope they don't think I'm an insolent brat because the getting yelled in front of your manager thing is kinda embarrassing. I'll live with it aye.
I'm such a fail. I was like to Poohead "Once the bus goes near my house text me and I'll come out and wave". Not realising that it kinda takes a while for every text to arrive so as soon as I got the text I ran downstairs and just as I opened the door I get "Just passed your house lmao". DAMN YOU SMS DELAY!
I watched moar Mike He dramas. Namely 'Bull Fighting' and 'Calling Big Star'. All his characters remain relatively same. Pfft. But he's hot so meh.

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Hug me?
Xmas is nearing, I'm still busy studying Chinese, practising flute and working at the same time. Tiring right? But I don't mind, it's better than spending tons of money. I STILL haven't received my BLAQ+ Seasons Greetings yet!!! Dear Santa, please don't come and pedo on me.
Something nice did happen though, on my way to work today I saw oppa and because I always seem to see oppa when I'm either not expecting it i.e looking terrible or in a hurry. I was almost late for work actually, it's dad's fault but him being him obviously blamed me. I wanted to have this uber long talk but sadly I just awkwardly (and sounding like some kind of adult businesswoman at the same time) waved and ran off. I needed a hug so bad then, but it's just awkward. I NEEDED THAT HUG SO BAD OMG I FEEL LIKE CRYING.
I started looking through some old pictures of everyone. With me in it of course. Funny how we all changed so much overtime. Friendships fell apart and new ones bloom from that. People hook up, break up, and the next second they're back together again. Sweet Nostalgia.
That aside, I got to do self-registers today, yay! I feel so in-control when doing it lmao it was really fun thanks guys.
Something nice did happen though, on my way to work today I saw oppa and because I always seem to see oppa when I'm either not expecting it i.e looking terrible or in a hurry. I was almost late for work actually, it's dad's fault but him being him obviously blamed me. I wanted to have this uber long talk but sadly I just awkwardly (and sounding like some kind of adult businesswoman at the same time) waved and ran off. I needed a hug so bad then, but it's just awkward. I NEEDED THAT HUG SO BAD OMG I FEEL LIKE CRYING.
I started looking through some old pictures of everyone. With me in it of course. Funny how we all changed so much overtime. Friendships fell apart and new ones bloom from that. People hook up, break up, and the next second they're back together again. Sweet Nostalgia.
That aside, I got to do self-registers today, yay! I feel so in-control when doing it lmao it was really fun thanks guys.

Sunday, December 11, 2011
10'er Over
It feels slightly weird to be 'graduating' after receiving my (disappointing)portfolio and holding it upside down while having my photo taken by some undedicated photographer. A feeling of nostalgia also creeps up to me as I struggle to remember my Primary and Junior days. Next year feels so dreamlike in a sense. So much freedom and 1 more year until I'll probably never see Oppa ever again :( Imma treasuring the year. I did go out with my friends for an awesome outing at Meetfresh where we embraced our inner Asians and the awkward walk-around at Sydney Harbour. We need more outings like that, it was super fun. Did end up losing my umbrella though. My mum seemed to have a weird way of comforting people. Instead of telling me that everything's gonna be fine she emphasised on how expensive the umbrella is and how dumb I was for losing it. Thanks man, I feel so much better.
Having a job is awesome, everything seems so cheap and you get this sense of feeling that you can buy whatever you want. The fact that mum gave me her paypal account (her deets, my moolah) didn't help. But I did order BLAQ+ Seasons Greetings and now I'm in that tedious process of waiting for the shipment to arrive. Holidays were pretty boring so far besides work. I bought Heavy Rain but with the exception of the time Lily came over and we played it through I never got to touch it ever again.
I got sick today, and was rolling around dying. Because I had a work shift today but I was too sick to call them. 1 hour prior to my shift I called mum to tell them at the Service desk. When she came back she started yelling all this nonsense at me and telling me that I should die of radiation and I deserve being sick. But one thing that stood out was that she said that I don't have a mature attitude towards work and that I'm gonna get fired. Like, now. Hey! Take it easy on a sick dying person will ya? Nobody likes to get insulted and cursed at while they're, like, you know, dying. There was also a ban on the PS3. Alright, take my computer, lock my phone, but when you separate me from gaming, you are going TOO FAR! Julez and Bucket were all like CALM YOUR FARMS girl they won't fire you. But I don't know really. Feels like everything I worked hard to achieve is falling apart. Not the greatest feeling in the world.
I need to blog more, when I write shiz down, I feel much much better. I still need to organise the currently non-existent sleepover and hopefully squeeze in an outing before that.
Having a job is awesome, everything seems so cheap and you get this sense of feeling that you can buy whatever you want. The fact that mum gave me her paypal account (her deets, my moolah) didn't help. But I did order BLAQ+ Seasons Greetings and now I'm in that tedious process of waiting for the shipment to arrive. Holidays were pretty boring so far besides work. I bought Heavy Rain but with the exception of the time Lily came over and we played it through I never got to touch it ever again.
I got sick today, and was rolling around dying. Because I had a work shift today but I was too sick to call them. 1 hour prior to my shift I called mum to tell them at the Service desk. When she came back she started yelling all this nonsense at me and telling me that I should die of radiation and I deserve being sick. But one thing that stood out was that she said that I don't have a mature attitude towards work and that I'm gonna get fired. Like, now. Hey! Take it easy on a sick dying person will ya? Nobody likes to get insulted and cursed at while they're, like, you know, dying. There was also a ban on the PS3. Alright, take my computer, lock my phone, but when you separate me from gaming, you are going TOO FAR! Julez and Bucket were all like CALM YOUR FARMS girl they won't fire you. But I don't know really. Feels like everything I worked hard to achieve is falling apart. Not the greatest feeling in the world.
I need to blog more, when I write shiz down, I feel much much better. I still need to organise the currently non-existent sleepover and hopefully squeeze in an outing before that.

Sunday, November 27, 2011
My Official Bucket List
As of 27/11/11
I need to do all of these things before I turn 20
-Buy all of MBLAQ's albums except the first one where Cheondung doesn't sing, collect all posters
-Take a photo with a Kpop idol
-Bake sweets for my non-existent-future-maybe boyfriend
-Have $1000 in my bank
-HugOppa a hot guy
-Openly confess to a crush face-to-face
-Replay a scene from a drama in real life
-Slap someone, was meant to punch then I realised I'd get a Police Record, damn you Senior Conference D:
-Cure Mint Addiction
-Have a (road?) trip with friends
-Learn shorthand writing
-Actually finish writing a fanfiction
That is all for now!
I need to do all of these things before I turn 20
-Take a photo with a Kpop idol
-Bake sweets for my non-existent-future-maybe boyfriend
-Openly confess to a crush face-to-face
-Replay a scene from a drama in real life
-Slap someone, was meant to punch then I realised I'd get a Police Record, damn you Senior Conference D:
-Learn shorthand writing
-Actually finish writing a fanfiction
That is all for now!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Classic Convo
Mum: Do the Dishes
Me: Nuuuuuu!
Mum: Do. The. Dishes!
Me: 5 more minutes!
Mum: What would your Cheondung think?
*awkward silence*
Mum: Cheeeeoooonnnduuunnnng~
Me: Not working! Not doing the dishes!
Mum: What would CHEONDUNG think of a lazy person like you?
Me: Nothing! Stop it!
Me: *does the dishes* T^T
Me: Nuuuuuu!
Mum: Do. The. Dishes!
Me: 5 more minutes!
Mum: What would your Cheondung think?
*awkward silence*
Mum: Cheeeeoooonnnduuunnnng~
Me: Not working! Not doing the dishes!
Mum: What would CHEONDUNG think of a lazy person like you?
Me: Nothing! Stop it!
Me: *does the dishes* T^T

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Say Hi to Pigothy
Oh Mike He I found myself watching every single drama you've been in. Ridiculous! Watching too many dramas would make me think extremely unrealistically.
Upon hearing news about whatshisname from Qing today I collapsed onto the ground. WHY wasn't I there this morning!? Why didn't I make my usual train instead of catching the early one!? LOL for collapsing dramatically. Damn you dramas. But hey! Real life may not have uber perfect hot guys, but you don't have uber evil scheming bitches either! So it's a fair situation!
Pigothy's a nice name eh? It's nice enough to sound asexual. Leaving names around apparently just ain't up to people's standards anymore. Let's name everyone after animals! I am going to be a Pig, you can be a Cat, and that one person can be a Dog, of which also happened to be a female.
Yay for anonymity!
BTW, new template, horray!
Upon hearing news about whatshisname from Qing today I collapsed onto the ground. WHY wasn't I there this morning!? Why didn't I make my usual train instead of catching the early one!? LOL for collapsing dramatically. Damn you dramas. But hey! Real life may not have uber perfect hot guys, but you don't have uber evil scheming bitches either! So it's a fair situation!
Pigothy's a nice name eh? It's nice enough to sound asexual. Leaving names around apparently just ain't up to people's standards anymore. Let's name everyone after animals! I am going to be a Pig, you can be a Cat, and that one person can be a Dog, of which also happened to be a female.
Yay for anonymity!
BTW, new template, horray!

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Um... Yeah. So um... You see, it's just a blog. Full of bitching and ranting. People change overtime, but if so many people hate on you for blogging, just don't read it. This doesn't apply to me directly, but everyone else up there. What's a blog full of lies to make criticism sound better? I think if I did write some scandalous thing in the past, it's there for me to look back and laugh about how immature I were. If I want to make a blog sound nice, then that's meaner than going all out at someone because then I'd be lying. I will delete those posts, but it will not prevent me from writing similar things in the future. I'm all for honesty. And I appreciate you for being straight with me. Love you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Stop Dying!
So before I go onto the main topic, let me express some thoughts on work. Firstly, the shifts are way too sudden. I should at least get a day's advance before receiving a shift request, so I can plan the day. You shouldn't tell me to go work ON THE DAY. I don't appreciate calls when I'm at school either. Secondly, I think I'm a little underpaid. The pay arrived yesterday but according to my daily calculations it was $102 instead of $120. But I think it's just a misunderstanding because the company is well-known for its quality in well, everything.
Main topic is the drama I managed to finish watching in two days, called Love Keeps Going. The main guy is absolutely full of smex and mischievousness. Yet I never liked the actor, lulz. It's basically your typical drama with girl getting dumped and guy who is a complete tsundere picks her up and then love happens. There are A LOT of sex hints in it, but all so subtle it hardly exists.
I guess it's too typical. Car accidents and hiding your incurable disease from your girlfriend, really? I mean I love happy endings but the ending for this one felt like someone threw it together the last minute. Kind of like cramming for an assignment and you end up doing crap-ly. But this drama definitely raised my already super high standards in a guy. I mean HELLO? Who WOULDN'T want a boyfriend like Yi Lie? They made him too perfect.
Still, I nearly cried when the guy acted like a bitch all of a sudden because he got this super rare disease and don't want the girl to know so he decided to leave her alone with her hating him so she doesn't get sadder. Why do all dramas do that? It's a crap method! The girl would just get sadder if the guy's a bitch. And where do these diseases come from anyway? It's not like they appear out of nowhere like it did in this drama.
I haven't been social at all recently, I need friends.
Main topic is the drama I managed to finish watching in two days, called Love Keeps Going. The main guy is absolutely full of smex and mischievousness. Yet I never liked the actor, lulz. It's basically your typical drama with girl getting dumped and guy who is a complete tsundere picks her up and then love happens. There are A LOT of sex hints in it, but all so subtle it hardly exists.
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Look at how sick I am. Oh wait I'm still hot. |
For some reason I find a hot guy who's in love with me annoying. |
I haven't been social at all recently, I need friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Define Happiness
I think my version of happiness is simple, I don't need to be kept happy by being fed with materialistic things, although they always add onto the happiness, of course.
A happy day involves getting up in the morning, on time, without feeling like shit. Having just enough time to get ready and make it in time for the bus. I want to be able to catch the train with a friend and have a decent, entertaining conversation. A hot guy to stare at is fine too.
Upon arriving at school I want to hang with my friends without the intrusion of year nines and other people who don't belong. I have to not feel sleepy in all my classes, and at lunch it should be the same as the morning. Having something edible for lunch and recess in my lunchbox and enough water to keep me hydrated.
Everyday, after school; I pray that I'd see him and he'd smile and wave at me. Usually, if this happens no matter how sad my day was it instantly becomes filled with rainbows and sunshines. If he doesn't it backfires and I get sent into depression. Particularly if I see him but he doesn't wave. Hell I don't even know if I can be so sure about not liking this guy anymore, no wonder my friends say that it was hard to believe. I hope I don't like him, because I know it's really depressing to 'like' someone when they don't 'like' you back and you know they never will. We shall stay as friends on speaking terms, as long as he's nice to me as usual, then I'm fine.
I hope to catch the train with Umma, it's always fun with her around. I want to catch the bus with TamTam because then I can give him all the hugs to make up for the ones I wanted to give to him so badly. Arriving at home there should be food in one of the drawers. Then I would usually just sit and chill. Happiness at home is basically not pissing my parents off or the other way around, it sounded so simple, but usually, it happens everyday. The two are never satisfied with me, ah well, nobody's perfect. And after a nice shower I'd crawl into my nice, clean bed and watch Youtube videos on my phone until I fall asleep.
So, am I happy today? Technically yes. Work experience was action-packed, but relaxing in some ways. Was banned from shower because parents were being bitchy, now my hair's all itchy. Then iTunes that bastard screwed up on my and my library/files disappeared. So here I am not bothered to fix that up. Turns out Wifi also died on my phone so no Youtube vids for me. BUT! I caught the train with him and we talked for quite a while and it was very nice because he was smiling the entire time and it made me extremely happy, enough happiness to cancel out the others. See the benefits of 'liking' this guy? Happiness comes so easily and he doesn't even know it! A hug would probably make up for the whole week! Yup, I'm cool with that.
A happy day involves getting up in the morning, on time, without feeling like shit. Having just enough time to get ready and make it in time for the bus. I want to be able to catch the train with a friend and have a decent, entertaining conversation. A hot guy to stare at is fine too.
Upon arriving at school I want to hang with my friends without the intrusion of year nines and other people who don't belong. I have to not feel sleepy in all my classes, and at lunch it should be the same as the morning. Having something edible for lunch and recess in my lunchbox and enough water to keep me hydrated.
Everyday, after school; I pray that I'd see him and he'd smile and wave at me. Usually, if this happens no matter how sad my day was it instantly becomes filled with rainbows and sunshines. If he doesn't it backfires and I get sent into depression. Particularly if I see him but he doesn't wave. Hell I don't even know if I can be so sure about not liking this guy anymore, no wonder my friends say that it was hard to believe. I hope I don't like him, because I know it's really depressing to 'like' someone when they don't 'like' you back and you know they never will. We shall stay as friends on speaking terms, as long as he's nice to me as usual, then I'm fine.
I hope to catch the train with Umma, it's always fun with her around. I want to catch the bus with TamTam because then I can give him all the hugs to make up for the ones I wanted to give to him so badly. Arriving at home there should be food in one of the drawers. Then I would usually just sit and chill. Happiness at home is basically not pissing my parents off or the other way around, it sounded so simple, but usually, it happens everyday. The two are never satisfied with me, ah well, nobody's perfect. And after a nice shower I'd crawl into my nice, clean bed and watch Youtube videos on my phone until I fall asleep.
So, am I happy today? Technically yes. Work experience was action-packed, but relaxing in some ways. Was banned from shower because parents were being bitchy, now my hair's all itchy. Then iTunes that bastard screwed up on my and my library/files disappeared. So here I am not bothered to fix that up. Turns out Wifi also died on my phone so no Youtube vids for me. BUT! I caught the train with him and we talked for quite a while and it was very nice because he was smiling the entire time and it made me extremely happy, enough happiness to cancel out the others. See the benefits of 'liking' this guy? Happiness comes so easily and he doesn't even know it! A hug would probably make up for the whole week! Yup, I'm cool with that.

Monday, November 14, 2011
Too Many Things!
OH EM GEE I haven't blogged in AGES. Not after mum randomly confiscated my computer for 2 days. Not like I needed it anyway because I've been SO FREAKING BUSY!
Firstly we have work. I've been asked to go to 3 shifts this week already and that means $120 of moolah. Work is pretty boring now that I think about it. My feet literally die after 4 hours of nonstop work and you need to wait till all customers are served to go toilet as well. Otherwise except a few bad customers all is well.
Secondly we have the Kpop Music Festival! Cheondung ah! I miss you already! So Carolyn oppa and I went to rehearsal and although we were all the way in Silver and can barely register the stars' faces we were kind of the only ones there(plus we got first row!) so they can hear us pretty clearly if we were loud enough. They ran 30mins late and to think Oppa and I arrived an hour early! Anyway turns out they literally let us watch the whole mock-concert and I waited a long time for Doongie to come out, he did. I was holding a huge Cheondung sign PLUS I'm the only one screaming his name, according to oppa the stadium ECHOED.
Of course the love of my life heard and saw me, he said 'annyeong' and waved. I screamed "CHEONDUNG AH! CHEONDUNG AH!" over and over again with no shame. Unfortunately for all the Sones and Cassies(half the population) there wasn't GG or TVXQ. Oppa got really upset and I got upset as well because I want to see HoMin.
The actual concert was quite a bore. I went with Irene whom I informed last minute but still came. The day event was bleh. But I did see Mychonny and there were so many crazy Chonny fans! He ended up hiding in a corner which was the corner I was in so I got to talk to him (pssh, more like YELL at him) for a bit. I snuck Irene into a good silver seat but unfortunately for me no luck with Cheondung this time, I was TOO FAR off from the stage and everyone was standing up how annoying. Then all VIPs got these signed balls and got to touch the stars and I got very jelly.
Lastly let me just touch up abit on Work Experience. Mandy wasn't there but the manager Andrea and the person who looked after me (Sally) were super nice people. And so were just about everyone there. The weather sucked but the aircon felt so good. They have fancy lunchrooms and office cubicles. I got an early mark and after getting home I ordered White Print Skullcandy Lowriders (see picture).
Peace out bean sprout.
Firstly we have work. I've been asked to go to 3 shifts this week already and that means $120 of moolah. Work is pretty boring now that I think about it. My feet literally die after 4 hours of nonstop work and you need to wait till all customers are served to go toilet as well. Otherwise except a few bad customers all is well.
Secondly we have the Kpop Music Festival! Cheondung ah! I miss you already! So Carolyn oppa and I went to rehearsal and although we were all the way in Silver and can barely register the stars' faces we were kind of the only ones there(plus we got first row!) so they can hear us pretty clearly if we were loud enough. They ran 30mins late and to think Oppa and I arrived an hour early! Anyway turns out they literally let us watch the whole mock-concert and I waited a long time for Doongie to come out, he did. I was holding a huge Cheondung sign PLUS I'm the only one screaming his name, according to oppa the stadium ECHOED.
Of course the love of my life heard and saw me, he said 'annyeong' and waved. I screamed "CHEONDUNG AH! CHEONDUNG AH!" over and over again with no shame. Unfortunately for all the Sones and Cassies(half the population) there wasn't GG or TVXQ. Oppa got really upset and I got upset as well because I want to see HoMin.
The actual concert was quite a bore. I went with Irene whom I informed last minute but still came. The day event was bleh. But I did see Mychonny and there were so many crazy Chonny fans! He ended up hiding in a corner which was the corner I was in so I got to talk to him (pssh, more like YELL at him) for a bit. I snuck Irene into a good silver seat but unfortunately for me no luck with Cheondung this time, I was TOO FAR off from the stage and everyone was standing up how annoying. Then all VIPs got these signed balls and got to touch the stars and I got very jelly.
Lastly let me just touch up abit on Work Experience. Mandy wasn't there but the manager Andrea and the person who looked after me (Sally) were super nice people. And so were just about everyone there. The weather sucked but the aircon felt so good. They have fancy lunchrooms and office cubicles. I got an early mark and after getting home I ordered White Print Skullcandy Lowriders (see picture).
Peace out bean sprout.

Monday, November 7, 2011
Programming Watches with Danny and Miss Develin
Last night I was sooo nervous I texted 10 people asking them what we have today for tests and when I found out I completely chilled out. I looked through my notes for abit (while ignoring a friend whom I have surprisingly grown awkward around) and then just decided to flunk it, I mean who cares right.
We got supervised by these old cranky people who thinks that we use programmable watches and write cheat notes on our liquid paper and drink bottles. For an English exam. Good on you old people. My hands hurt from writing, but it was generally really easy. So I got really nervous for science right, then I finished 45mins early and got to sleep through the rest. I have invented a new method... sleeping on your folded tie! It was very comfortable.
Again, I went home with the strong determination of studying for tomorrow (instead of liking all these reeaaally funny pages on facebook about the School Certificate). I'm abit nervous still I guess. I mean maths is one of my weaker subjects and history... apparently you need to remember alot of things. Geo well... let's just hope I can improvise nicely.
I got a call from my supervisor guy again and this time he's confirming my available timeslots. I guess I was abit bummed out considering how I'm on a crowded bus and I can barely hear him. Lucy commented on how I sounded a little blonde. Oopsies. But this is just... well... it's a really messed up order.
We got supervised by these old cranky people who thinks that we use programmable watches and write cheat notes on our liquid paper and drink bottles. For an English exam. Good on you old people. My hands hurt from writing, but it was generally really easy. So I got really nervous for science right, then I finished 45mins early and got to sleep through the rest. I have invented a new method... sleeping on your folded tie! It was very comfortable.
Again, I went home with the strong determination of studying for tomorrow (instead of liking all these reeaaally funny pages on facebook about the School Certificate). I'm abit nervous still I guess. I mean maths is one of my weaker subjects and history... apparently you need to remember alot of things. Geo well... let's just hope I can improvise nicely.
I got a call from my supervisor guy again and this time he's confirming my available timeslots. I guess I was abit bummed out considering how I'm on a crowded bus and I can barely hear him. Lucy commented on how I sounded a little blonde. Oopsies. But this is just... well... it's a really messed up order.

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Bite-sized Portions
Today I re-watched Other End of the Line and it was soooo good omg as expected. Then it got me wondering. You know those movies where the main guy makes some mysterious delivery to the girl's house and picks out the PERFECT dress/necklace/shoes/whatever for her? Like just her size and everything?
Wouldn't it be awkward if it WASN'T perfect? Like the guy gave her an oversized dress and the girl slaps him or something. I mean how do they know if it's perfect anyway? They're not supposed to know what size of dress/whatever the girl is. Weird huh?
Also, today I was in a pretty nice mood (excluding the part about having a bitchy stepdad from yesterday) right and then I got a call. Semi-hoping it was some hot guy (LOLJKS) it was the Hurzy Coles supervisor so I was like YAY I get a shift naos. But then he was like really serious and mean sounding and he asked me to attend a store interview (see where the part about the dodgyness I mentioned previously comes in?) on Wednesday and bring a load of shiz (I forgot half of them because the phone call woke me up and I was sooo groggy) with me.
So, does that mean they finally found out (well more like I told the lady on Thursday) about the thingy? Am I gonna lose the job? The interview itself sounded so bad it's not funny. The guy just ain't sounding... approachable. Then again today dad was a bitch for the whole day I couldn't even go hurzy and do my work uniform shopping (which I had to re-think over considering how apparently I ain't hired anymore and all).
Overall, my mood went from 100% to about 40%. Not too excited for rehearsal either. Nor am I excited about school since all these random retards have joined our group and I thought it was temporary but NOOOO they're here again! And someone was acting like she's too good for us when noone wanted to talk to her. Is this even a group anymore? Or just a charity camp? Why does EVERYONE come to our group when they have noone to hang with? Grr I'm sounding really mean and conceited right now, not cool man.
I've been getting along particularly well with a certain few people, I dunno why, but it's a good thing. Also, I've been drifting from someone, I know I can't tell her it's not working out anymore (sounding lesbo right now), because then everyone in the whole world would think that everything's my fault and dog me out. Like via formspring trolling or stuff (but ha you can't do that anymore I figured out how to trace you down even if you're anon you idiots).
Ya'know, nobody's at fault when a close friendship can't work out anymore, it's because people change over time, and you can't help it can you? It's sounding like a failed marriage or a break-up, except why is everyone more keen on dogging others when it comes to friendships? They aren't 'betraying' you, maybe you did something that pissed them off! Or maybe they're feeling GUILTY about misleading you when it comes to how much they like you and stuff! Nothing is wrong with you! Something is wrong with me okay?
Before this begins to sound like a relationship, I'm sorry I kept you reading for so long. Have a nice day and wish me luck, peace.
Wouldn't it be awkward if it WASN'T perfect? Like the guy gave her an oversized dress and the girl slaps him or something. I mean how do they know if it's perfect anyway? They're not supposed to know what size of dress/whatever the girl is. Weird huh?
Also, today I was in a pretty nice mood (excluding the part about having a bitchy stepdad from yesterday) right and then I got a call. Semi-hoping it was some hot guy (LOLJKS) it was the Hurzy Coles supervisor so I was like YAY I get a shift naos. But then he was like really serious and mean sounding and he asked me to attend a store interview (see where the part about the dodgyness I mentioned previously comes in?) on Wednesday and bring a load of shiz (I forgot half of them because the phone call woke me up and I was sooo groggy) with me.
So, does that mean they finally found out (well more like I told the lady on Thursday) about the thingy? Am I gonna lose the job? The interview itself sounded so bad it's not funny. The guy just ain't sounding... approachable. Then again today dad was a bitch for the whole day I couldn't even go hurzy and do my work uniform shopping (which I had to re-think over considering how apparently I ain't hired anymore and all).
Overall, my mood went from 100% to about 40%. Not too excited for rehearsal either. Nor am I excited about school since all these random retards have joined our group and I thought it was temporary but NOOOO they're here again! And someone was acting like she's too good for us when noone wanted to talk to her. Is this even a group anymore? Or just a charity camp? Why does EVERYONE come to our group when they have noone to hang with? Grr I'm sounding really mean and conceited right now, not cool man.
I've been getting along particularly well with a certain few people, I dunno why, but it's a good thing. Also, I've been drifting from someone, I know I can't tell her it's not working out anymore (sounding lesbo right now), because then everyone in the whole world would think that everything's my fault and dog me out. Like via formspring trolling or stuff (but ha you can't do that anymore I figured out how to trace you down even if you're anon you idiots).
Ya'know, nobody's at fault when a close friendship can't work out anymore, it's because people change over time, and you can't help it can you? It's sounding like a failed marriage or a break-up, except why is everyone more keen on dogging others when it comes to friendships? They aren't 'betraying' you, maybe you did something that pissed them off! Or maybe they're feeling GUILTY about misleading you when it comes to how much they like you and stuff! Nothing is wrong with you! Something is wrong with me okay?
Before this begins to sound like a relationship, I'm sorry I kept you reading for so long. Have a nice day and wish me luck, peace.

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Job Induction~
To be honest it's like extremely boring! We sat around a table too awkward to talk about anything (or crack jokes, I tried to crack one but they stared at me weirdly) and watched instructional videos, filled out forms and did worksheets (yes, effing worksheets).
Starting work next week with more training (and effing worksheets) to come. But I'm really excited! Moolah here I come! I also need to buy black rabens and black trousers for work.
I made friends with this reaaally pretty tb-ish B2UTY 12'er St. Georgian called Catherine(Katherine?) and she was really nice and we're the only Asians there so Asians stick together lol. Anyway the interviewer lady was as nice as ever. CKatherine and I talked about our schools, HSC, SAT, SC, and lots of Asiany nerdy stuff.
Apparently our grade is extremely infamous for being... well... I'm not going to go there so pathetic retarded formspring trolls who don't understand the concept of an IP trace and how being anonymous isn't actually completely anonymous won't try to frame me again. Yeah, kind of found out who my troll(s) were and ya'know I'm pretty raging about it. But at least, I just lost all of my sincerity and respect towards those people. But I forgive them, because I am nice-ish I think o-0.
You-know-who is being a bitch to me on OZ, I mean chill dude! Stop trying to make yourself look better lol, go get a life or something. But then again OZ is pathetic and gay, you go on there, crossdress and flirt with newbies. Endless hours of fun.
Starting work next week with more training (and effing worksheets) to come. But I'm really excited! Moolah here I come! I also need to buy black rabens and black trousers for work.
I made friends with this reaaally pretty tb-ish B2UTY 12'er St. Georgian called Catherine(Katherine?) and she was really nice and we're the only Asians there so Asians stick together lol. Anyway the interviewer lady was as nice as ever. CKatherine and I talked about our schools, HSC, SAT, SC, and lots of Asiany nerdy stuff.
Apparently our grade is extremely infamous for being... well... I'm not going to go there so pathetic retarded formspring trolls who don't understand the concept of an IP trace and how being anonymous isn't actually completely anonymous won't try to frame me again. Yeah, kind of found out who my troll(s) were and ya'know I'm pretty raging about it. But at least, I just lost all of my sincerity and respect towards those people. But I forgive them, because I am nice-ish I think o-0.
You-know-who is being a bitch to me on OZ, I mean chill dude! Stop trying to make yourself look better lol, go get a life or something. But then again OZ is pathetic and gay, you go on there, crossdress and flirt with newbies. Endless hours of fun.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
This is my Happy Face :D
I am so happy today! *does random hula dance* Lots of good shiz happened this week, horray!
First I got off school early with Alice so she can do this audition casting thing for this TV series. Her mum was really cool! I learnt how to use a Debit Card and then we headed for central to chill at a cafe.
We're just talking about life and stuff(without buying anything from the cafe the guy must be staring at us angrily) and suddenly my phone started to ring. I thought it was my dad because I forgot to tell him about how I'm going to the audition thing but the number was wrong. So I picked up, turns out it's from the Lady from a certain company who interviewed me like months ago~
She's like How did you think you did at the interview you recently (cough bullshit cough) attended? So I told her how I ended up getting rejected because of unavailable time slots. Then she told me that I thought wrong because I got accepted into their company! Just like that! Without a second interview we were informed about! So now I have to attend a PAID training introduction session at Sylvania on Thursday at 4 and that means another note I need to get my (supportive) dad to sign T_T. Hope the office doesn't think that I'm jigging school or anything.
Mummy is such a lucky charm! And Herpe was the first person I told. Also I can get contacts into my eyes in one go now. It still takes alittle while to get it out sometimes, but I'm definitely getting used to it.
Life is all good!
First I got off school early with Alice so she can do this audition casting thing for this TV series. Her mum was really cool! I learnt how to use a Debit Card and then we headed for central to chill at a cafe.
We're just talking about life and stuff(without buying anything from the cafe the guy must be staring at us angrily) and suddenly my phone started to ring. I thought it was my dad because I forgot to tell him about how I'm going to the audition thing but the number was wrong. So I picked up, turns out it's from the Lady from a certain company who interviewed me like months ago~
She's like How did you think you did at the interview you recently (cough bullshit cough) attended? So I told her how I ended up getting rejected because of unavailable time slots. Then she told me that I thought wrong because I got accepted into their company! Just like that! Without a second interview we were informed about! So now I have to attend a PAID training introduction session at Sylvania on Thursday at 4 and that means another note I need to get my (supportive) dad to sign T_T. Hope the office doesn't think that I'm jigging school or anything.
Mummy is such a lucky charm! And Herpe was the first person I told. Also I can get contacts into my eyes in one go now. It still takes alittle while to get it out sometimes, but I'm definitely getting used to it.
Life is all good!

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Nyehahaha it's so funny how my blog turned from teenage angsty rage to bitching to ranting and finally, to complaining.
What complaints do I have today? You ask. Well, it's what happened at Hurzy today when I went grocery shopping with dad.
We were lining up at the bank right I need to deposit some money and I realised there was a couple in front of me so I'm like kay I'll make sure to pay attention and let them go first because I'm so wonderful and all. Note that there are 2 service desks and the one on the right is faster.
So it's finally my turn, I stepped up, but the Asian bank lady who probably doesn't like kids was like SHOOO to me and tole me the couple was first. It's ironic because I let them have the desk on the right which got unoccupied FIRST out of my manners. So I was like FUUUU in my head but on the outside I'm like o-0 okay okay gosh take a chill pill but anyway you can go first and I'll just head over to the right desk.
Then the guy in the couple who was wearing this ugly yellow shirt started lecturing me about how next time I should ask them before going up to the counter. WTF? Do I need your permission to go to the counter now? So I got really angry and began to argue with the arrogant bitch but he instantly shut up when my dad stepped up and was like *tank look* bastard back off my daughter yo. The other bank lady on the faster counter was like why don't you just get served by me and let the poor girl deposit her money.
Fobs nowadays, think they're better than anyone else because they have a wife and is now opening up a bank account. And can't he at least dress properly WITHOUT that ugly yellow shirt? Gosh.
And then as she was serving me the Asian bank lady gave me dirties the whole way asif I murdered her illegitimate children. WTF? Do we teenagers get zero respect now? I wanted to kick her so bad and my dad was like giving me this look that said "Don't kick her I know you want to kick her"
Also, turns out rehearsal tickets I got for Kfest is actually a DOUBLE pass xD. Now it's definitely worth the money! I wanted to go with Helen ze Korean but her parents were like dkfnajkdsfnaf so I was like :( we'll see on Monday.
What complaints do I have today? You ask. Well, it's what happened at Hurzy today when I went grocery shopping with dad.
We were lining up at the bank right I need to deposit some money and I realised there was a couple in front of me so I'm like kay I'll make sure to pay attention and let them go first because I'm so wonderful and all. Note that there are 2 service desks and the one on the right is faster.
So it's finally my turn, I stepped up, but the Asian bank lady who probably doesn't like kids was like SHOOO to me and tole me the couple was first. It's ironic because I let them have the desk on the right which got unoccupied FIRST out of my manners. So I was like FUUUU in my head but on the outside I'm like o-0 okay okay gosh take a chill pill but anyway you can go first and I'll just head over to the right desk.
Then the guy in the couple who was wearing this ugly yellow shirt started lecturing me about how next time I should ask them before going up to the counter. WTF? Do I need your permission to go to the counter now? So I got really angry and began to argue with the arrogant bitch but he instantly shut up when my dad stepped up and was like *tank look* bastard back off my daughter yo. The other bank lady on the faster counter was like why don't you just get served by me and let the poor girl deposit her money.
Fobs nowadays, think they're better than anyone else because they have a wife and is now opening up a bank account. And can't he at least dress properly WITHOUT that ugly yellow shirt? Gosh.
And then as she was serving me the Asian bank lady gave me dirties the whole way asif I murdered her illegitimate children. WTF? Do we teenagers get zero respect now? I wanted to kick her so bad and my dad was like giving me this look that said "Don't kick her I know you want to kick her"
Also, turns out rehearsal tickets I got for Kfest is actually a DOUBLE pass xD. Now it's definitely worth the money! I wanted to go with Helen ze Korean but her parents were like dkfnajkdsfnaf so I was like :( we'll see on Monday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
All for Nothing
Yeah Biffle, you're so dense. Turns out you didn't even realise that I was trying to ask you to our formal, so when I talked to you about it you were the epitome of a dimwit. Turns out he asked a year 9 anyway.
Recently I've been getting really annoyed at year 9s. Usually It's just that natural instinct to hate the grade below you, so you tend to ignore it. I mean I know some fantastic people in year 9, but others? Not quite so... BitchSlut for example. It was funny since when I told Bob and Helena who she was in maths I received quite alot of mutual agreement. Ahahaha, the nonsense.
But seriously, some are just so up themselves you know? Today I was trying to walk past a group in the corridors and I don't know if wearing Senior uniform automatically gets a stick in one's arse but did they just roll their eyes at me? For saying excuse me please stop blocking the way?
So I had a nice talk with Mummy about it during multi, and I instantly got reminded of why I stopped going to the lowers. Friends there are cool, but excessive amount of Carllu and awkward randoms... maybe not.
I'm going to this audition thing with Mummy on Saturday, it's gonna be so fun! We can go all out crazy. Maybe I can finally do the 'spot hot guy and ask for his number' thing I always wanted to do.
Recently I've been getting really annoyed at year 9s. Usually It's just that natural instinct to hate the grade below you, so you tend to ignore it. I mean I know some fantastic people in year 9, but others? Not quite so... BitchSlut for example. It was funny since when I told Bob and Helena who she was in maths I received quite alot of mutual agreement. Ahahaha, the nonsense.
But seriously, some are just so up themselves you know? Today I was trying to walk past a group in the corridors and I don't know if wearing Senior uniform automatically gets a stick in one's arse but did they just roll their eyes at me? For saying excuse me please stop blocking the way?
So I had a nice talk with Mummy about it during multi, and I instantly got reminded of why I stopped going to the lowers. Friends there are cool, but excessive amount of Carllu and awkward randoms... maybe not.
I'm going to this audition thing with Mummy on Saturday, it's gonna be so fun! We can go all out crazy. Maybe I can finally do the 'spot hot guy and ask for his number' thing I always wanted to do.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
Five Things you should (not) Bring to School
1. A fan
You know how when the weather gets really hot or the classroom gets really stuffy and everyone uses their textbook or worksheets as fans? Those noises the makeshift fans make are reaaaaallly annoying. Plus the classroom ceiling fans only reach certain areas, why not just bring your own?
2. Body spray/perfume

Without an ipod. The bigger the better. If you have an annoying friend (for example me) and you don't want to tell them to shut up you just wear your headphones and pretend to be busy listening to music and could not hear what they're saying. They'll automatically shut up.
4. A Pillow
This one's from personal experience, yo. When I sleep in class, on the train or even at lunch the table is really uncomfortable! I end up getting all these weird markings on my face because of patterns on whatever textbook I'm sleeping on. And if you use your arms they end up becoming numb. Therefore for your own comfort you should bring a proper pillow.
Now we get serious, yo. Of course we can't really bring a real one because then we'll get arrested. But a fake gun(it has to look realistic though) will come really handy! Firstly you can use it for pretend-self-defense. So the mugger runs away.Or you can just threaten other people to give you food with it, or threaten teachers to give you a better mark. They certainly won't risk their life for some writing or some chips would they?
And there you go folks. Five things that you REALLY need for school and will make your life much much easier.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Stress List
You know what's something I found useful :D? A Stress List. Yes I invented me how genius.
You know when you realise you have so much sheit to do and dunno which one to begin with and then your mind gets messed up and you start getting aggro because of all that stress piling up.
Write it down on a 'stress list' in order of priority and cross out something that's already over and done with. Make sure you write what the stress is, and how you're gonna solve it.
I shouldn't have gone China omg so not worth it. Cassie gave me a good place for last minute work exp today and I hope they accept me :(
My current Stress List:
1. Flute exam on Saturday- Practise FAAARRR
2. Got Dropped- Get work experience form signed FAAAARRR
3. Get formal tickets because I'm too late
4. PDHPE catch-up exam- Study
5. Unprepared for formal- Get that stupid contact lense in my eye, get used to it and contact Sarah for the dress
That's about it :( FFFAAAARRRRRRRR
You know when you realise you have so much sheit to do and dunno which one to begin with and then your mind gets messed up and you start getting aggro because of all that stress piling up.
Write it down on a 'stress list' in order of priority and cross out something that's already over and done with. Make sure you write what the stress is, and how you're gonna solve it.
I shouldn't have gone China omg so not worth it. Cassie gave me a good place for last minute work exp today and I hope they accept me :(
My current Stress List:
1. Flute exam on Saturday- Practise FAAARRR
That's about it :( FFFAAAARRRRRRRR

Friday, October 14, 2011
Total Fobification.
I hate it when I go somewhere and it ain't as good as I thought. China sucked. Visiting long-lost relatives was cool but that's about it. I didn't even go 'mass-shopping' like I promised myself. I didn't manage to buy awesome headphones or iPod speakers and that badge I had my eye on for oppa. What's worse is that I missed on so much crap in the past few weeks! No Facebook NOR Blogger, THE PAIN!
Got dropped by Work Experience, just before it was due. Teh bish, I tried contacting them so many times to finalise it but noone picked up, then I go overseas, and BAM someone else takes the spot. I thought I had it, it was perfect. That's it, I am never buying any shit from Gloria Jeans again! NEVER AGAIN!
What else? I got my beloved friends stuff? Some have to pay since the stuff they asked for costed me a fortune, but most just took over instead of Xmas gifts. But one thing I hate about giving people stuff is the pressure you get from other people. Like you don't know if you should get someone something, so you ended up not. And you had to deal with their awkward glance when you give other people stuff. THE PRESSURE!
I'll give stuff secretly I think. So people who don't get stuff won't make me feel too bad. Which reminds me, I got heaps of belated Bday gifts to give as well. At least it means I don't have to spend a cent for Christmas. Gosh, I don't like it when I give someone something and they don't give something back. It sounds bad I know, but it feels like you're trying so hard to make them happy and they're just like meh suit yourself. I know some people aint really giftgivers but nerrrghhhhh.
What should I tell people if I couldn't find anything that they might like? Ideas anyone? I can't go Oh yeah i didn't find anything you like so have this cookie as a compensation. Nonono!
Got dropped by Work Experience, just before it was due. Teh bish, I tried contacting them so many times to finalise it but noone picked up, then I go overseas, and BAM someone else takes the spot. I thought I had it, it was perfect. That's it, I am never buying any shit from Gloria Jeans again! NEVER AGAIN!
What else? I got my beloved friends stuff? Some have to pay since the stuff they asked for costed me a fortune, but most just took over instead of Xmas gifts. But one thing I hate about giving people stuff is the pressure you get from other people. Like you don't know if you should get someone something, so you ended up not. And you had to deal with their awkward glance when you give other people stuff. THE PRESSURE!
I'll give stuff secretly I think. So people who don't get stuff won't make me feel too bad. Which reminds me, I got heaps of belated Bday gifts to give as well. At least it means I don't have to spend a cent for Christmas. Gosh, I don't like it when I give someone something and they don't give something back. It sounds bad I know, but it feels like you're trying so hard to make them happy and they're just like meh suit yourself. I know some people aint really giftgivers but nerrrghhhhh.
What should I tell people if I couldn't find anything that they might like? Ideas anyone? I can't go Oh yeah i didn't find anything you like so have this cookie as a compensation. Nonono!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Somehow, I'm Nervous
Last blog post before heading for CHINAA <3 I will definitely keep you guys updated with my journey! Thanks for all the plane letters! I reached my goal of 10 :D
Apparently we're flying with China Southern Airlines. They're known for delays and crappy flight attendants and crappy shtuffz in general. We could have flown with some better company like Cathay I guess, but you know, my parents are Asian, they rather save the money. I will like... pray that my flight goes smoothly? Defs will. I'm always super nervous before boarding planes ahahaha, but once I finish my first flight I quickly get used to everything.
In the past I have flown with 2 of the best air companies ever. Japan airlines and Korea airlines. Both had exceptional service (funny how I got addicted to Anime after flying with Japan and Kpop after flying with Korea) and food (omg we got this Korean green tea porridge thing and I can still remember how delicious it was... mmmm). But on JA I was airsick and there was no TV on Korean airlines. But the crew was definitely friendly. Before my review of airlines go on, I shall shut up, ahaha.
Gonna miss you all so much! I'll take so many photos and I can't wait to meet Lily in Chengdu! Talk about coincidences!
Peace Out.
Apparently we're flying with China Southern Airlines. They're known for delays and crappy flight attendants and crappy shtuffz in general. We could have flown with some better company like Cathay I guess, but you know, my parents are Asian, they rather save the money. I will like... pray that my flight goes smoothly? Defs will. I'm always super nervous before boarding planes ahahaha, but once I finish my first flight I quickly get used to everything.
In the past I have flown with 2 of the best air companies ever. Japan airlines and Korea airlines. Both had exceptional service (funny how I got addicted to Anime after flying with Japan and Kpop after flying with Korea) and food (omg we got this Korean green tea porridge thing and I can still remember how delicious it was... mmmm). But on JA I was airsick and there was no TV on Korean airlines. But the crew was definitely friendly. Before my review of airlines go on, I shall shut up, ahaha.
Gonna miss you all so much! I'll take so many photos and I can't wait to meet Lily in Chengdu! Talk about coincidences!
Peace Out.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Herro, is Cryshtal Der?
That was the last Jap test of my life, unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish the writing section. Dammit, I've actually never 'not' finished a Jap test, that was how easy most of them are. I feel dumb.
Old people, love them or hate them, they're still old. Today I made a wrong life decision, instead of walking behind dad I walked behind an old lady on the stairs. She walked so slowly, like a disabled snail, I literally stood there behind her waiting for her. I don't want to be reported for assault if I go ahead and give her a hand. I wouldn't blame her, obviously, poor old people :(
I'm stressed for flute exam. I had no practice at all and I'm SOOOOOO not ready. I can't even cancel now! FML!
Old people, love them or hate them, they're still old. Today I made a wrong life decision, instead of walking behind dad I walked behind an old lady on the stairs. She walked so slowly, like a disabled snail, I literally stood there behind her waiting for her. I don't want to be reported for assault if I go ahead and give her a hand. I wouldn't blame her, obviously, poor old people :(
I'm stressed for flute exam. I had no practice at all and I'm SOOOOOO not ready. I can't even cancel now! FML!

WHY OH WHY did I start a new account? Tomorrow's my Jap yearly and nope I haven't studied yet. What's the time now? 11:16 goshdayumit. I'm already screwed for drama because I forgot to hand in this important evaluation so I got 0 (along with the rest of the class). Then I screwed the writing component because I had this huge mindblank and didn't know what to write, at all!
Stupid procrastination, I am procrastinating now as we speak (you read, anyhow). You know one thing I dislike? Those immature people whom just don't seem to get the fact that a male and a female can be good friends with no extra suspicious relations. Like today I gave a male friend a hug (like how I give every single friend of mine a hug) and this guy's like, "Oheheho are you guys going out?". WTF! What's wrong with a hug? Are you going out with your mum if you give her a hug? Seriously!
I decided to cut down on my usual aggravation, it brings other idiots' judging and I don't like it. But I can't exactly be like Lily and be nice 24/7. That's just so out of character.
I am such a hypocrite, asking around for plane letters. But hey I'll be on the plane alone and although I haven't thought about it before I need something to do, badly. Write me one :)?
Stupid procrastination, I am procrastinating now as we speak (you read, anyhow). You know one thing I dislike? Those immature people whom just don't seem to get the fact that a male and a female can be good friends with no extra suspicious relations. Like today I gave a male friend a hug (like how I give every single friend of mine a hug) and this guy's like, "Oheheho are you guys going out?". WTF! What's wrong with a hug? Are you going out with your mum if you give her a hug? Seriously!
I decided to cut down on my usual aggravation, it brings other idiots' judging and I don't like it. But I can't exactly be like Lily and be nice 24/7. That's just so out of character.
I am such a hypocrite, asking around for plane letters. But hey I'll be on the plane alone and although I haven't thought about it before I need something to do, badly. Write me one :)?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Lowers One Year Anniversary
Looks like avoiding my friends will be harder than I thought :/ I guess I'll just have to get used to it. I mean, what is the point? No-one there talks to me anymore. I look like a person desperate for friends amongst couples and Year 9s. Sorry man, unless you clean up those fangirls and tryhards and care about me for once there is no way I'm going back. Unless Herpe does, I guess I may make an exception on mornings (I know, it's when Yr 9s are most active) but I have to do it for Oppa.
This isn't anyone in particular's fault BTW! As much as it sounds like it it's cruel of me to ask couples to separate and tell off people who want to fit in. But I've realised ages ago when Fishy was complaining about it (I told him to stop being mean). I'm such a horrible, selfish person. Damn flu and PMS.
Speaking of sickness damn I've been coughing so much my throat is dried up and hurting. My nose hurts from constantly being too runny and I also have cramps because of period. But guess what dear mum still didn't give me a lift home and I had to endure the cold chilly evening winds because the bitchy busdriver drove off without me.
Speaking of bitchy, I saw SlutBitch a few times today. Wanted to trip her over or something each time. I'm really sounding more and more horrible with every passing day. But she really did it this time. Urgh. What's wrong with me. Rageblogging is bad.
So err, that's about it? My goal is to give oppa a hug by the end of the year, maybe I'll ask for one for my birthday and get him to give it to me 3 months early. That would be so awesome. Daydream on Selena... keep on dreaming...
This isn't anyone in particular's fault BTW! As much as it sounds like it it's cruel of me to ask couples to separate and tell off people who want to fit in. But I've realised ages ago when Fishy was complaining about it (I told him to stop being mean). I'm such a horrible, selfish person. Damn flu and PMS.
Speaking of sickness damn I've been coughing so much my throat is dried up and hurting. My nose hurts from constantly being too runny and I also have cramps because of period. But guess what dear mum still didn't give me a lift home and I had to endure the cold chilly evening winds because the bitchy busdriver drove off without me.
Speaking of bitchy, I saw SlutBitch a few times today. Wanted to trip her over or something each time. I'm really sounding more and more horrible with every passing day. But she really did it this time. Urgh. What's wrong with me. Rageblogging is bad.
So err, that's about it? My goal is to give oppa a hug by the end of the year, maybe I'll ask for one for my birthday and get him to give it to me 3 months early. That would be so awesome. Daydream on Selena... keep on dreaming...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
My Gosh
I've been such an idiot today.
So turns out the thing with oppa was yet again another misunderstanding since I'm so freaking paranoid. And now I'm just thinking about how I was feeling when I was writing my previous blog. Crying over a freaking attention whore? Can you stoop any lower Selena? I probably will regret calling her mean things later on.
So turns out the thing with oppa was yet again another misunderstanding since I'm so freaking paranoid. And now I'm just thinking about how I was feeling when I was writing my previous blog. Crying over a freaking attention whore? Can you stoop any lower Selena? I probably will regret calling her mean things later on.

Damn PMS
WTH, I don't even have my period.
Instead of going binball I had a cosy study session with Nifky. I really want to go binball because I'd hope that a certain someone would be there but unfortunately maths test I haven't studied for the previous night is more important. At least I think I did alright with the test. Thanks biffle.
After school I saw oppa but he ignored me so I'm like :( So I was like alright then why don't I just chill like a coolkid. But something inside me went extremely cranky for some reason. Attention whore much? So I was looking forward to get on the train with my friend and complain about my day to him, then some random chick stole his bag so he had to get off at Penshurst and leave me alone. I acted chill and basically just stood there speechless; but in reality I'm pretty cut and wanted to rip their faces off. I hate it when someone steals a friend, I repeat, die bitch. Luckily Steph was on the bus and I talked to her about everything, she listened with that cheerful lovable personality of hers and said alot of reassuring things, pity the bus ride is always so short.
When I got home mum opened the door for me and smiled and I instantly cracked and burst out crying in her arms. She laughed at the stupid reason that I'm crying about as I told her the same things I told Steph. Then I went on a rampage and smashed everything I could get my hands on for some reason. Then Lily called me and I felt much, much better after telling her the same thing. I guess the trick is to tell things three times and bitch all you want about whoever you're hating on. The song that would suit the current situation is "Fuck You" by Cee-Lo Green. And K-Pop wise it would "Hate You" or "Ugly" by 2NE1.
And now I'm just hoping that I'd get another epiphany out of this and make Herpe proud. I've learnt that I'm too tolerant with things sometimes and when I'm pissed although it's damn obvious I don't tell others what's wrong. Especially when it's someone I'm nice to, they deserve just as much ragefest if they angered me. And if you're a yr 9 and you're not Mish or Joanne or JiYoon or even Grant...
...Fuck off.
Instead of going binball I had a cosy study session with Nifky. I really want to go binball because I'd hope that a certain someone would be there but unfortunately maths test I haven't studied for the previous night is more important. At least I think I did alright with the test. Thanks biffle.
After school I saw oppa but he ignored me so I'm like :( So I was like alright then why don't I just chill like a coolkid. But something inside me went extremely cranky for some reason. Attention whore much? So I was looking forward to get on the train with my friend and complain about my day to him, then some random chick stole his bag so he had to get off at Penshurst and leave me alone. I acted chill and basically just stood there speechless; but in reality I'm pretty cut and wanted to rip their faces off. I hate it when someone steals a friend, I repeat, die bitch. Luckily Steph was on the bus and I talked to her about everything, she listened with that cheerful lovable personality of hers and said alot of reassuring things, pity the bus ride is always so short.
When I got home mum opened the door for me and smiled and I instantly cracked and burst out crying in her arms. She laughed at the stupid reason that I'm crying about as I told her the same things I told Steph. Then I went on a rampage and smashed everything I could get my hands on for some reason. Then Lily called me and I felt much, much better after telling her the same thing. I guess the trick is to tell things three times and bitch all you want about whoever you're hating on. The song that would suit the current situation is "Fuck You" by Cee-Lo Green. And K-Pop wise it would "Hate You" or "Ugly" by 2NE1.
And now I'm just hoping that I'd get another epiphany out of this and make Herpe proud. I've learnt that I'm too tolerant with things sometimes and when I'm pissed although it's damn obvious I don't tell others what's wrong. Especially when it's someone I'm nice to, they deserve just as much ragefest if they angered me. And if you're a yr 9 and you're not Mish or Joanne or JiYoon or even Grant...
...Fuck off.

Monday, September 5, 2011
The Game Legacy
LOL, not dedicated to anyone in particular. Just one of 'em venting rants about alot of people in this world in general.
I believe in human equality, no-one should be any better than anyone else. Therefore people who act like the world revolves around them and everyone has to listen to what they say are bad :( Just shut up and get over yourselves!
You just lost the game.
And then what? Oh yeah I got my tickets to K-Fest! So happeh! I can't wait for Cheondung to sweep me off my feet! Horrah! And Legacy day was stoopid. It accommodated us better compared to Daffodil Day, but the stoopid thing is that noone wants to buy Legacy Day stuff and I forgot how annoying getting rejected is. Or maybe Martin place just has richer, nicer people.
Tests are too frequent! I should totally screw all of them but I need to get in Columbia University! Can't possibly afford to screw up any more reports because of Otakuzone lmao.
Here are the shiz I'm selling. Peace.
I believe in human equality, no-one should be any better than anyone else. Therefore people who act like the world revolves around them and everyone has to listen to what they say are bad :( Just shut up and get over yourselves!
You just lost the game.
And then what? Oh yeah I got my tickets to K-Fest! So happeh! I can't wait for Cheondung to sweep me off my feet! Horrah! And Legacy day was stoopid. It accommodated us better compared to Daffodil Day, but the stoopid thing is that noone wants to buy Legacy Day stuff and I forgot how annoying getting rejected is. Or maybe Martin place just has richer, nicer people.
Tests are too frequent! I should totally screw all of them but I need to get in Columbia University! Can't possibly afford to screw up any more reports because of Otakuzone lmao.
Here are the shiz I'm selling. Peace.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Violence is the Answer?
It's finally time for me to realise that I am really too violent for my own good. Although I do like to imply that unless we're real tight I won't attempt to hit/kick you, still, it's time to act more like a... tame creature.
Today upon finding out how mum's being all nasty about K-Fest I slammed my door, threw my tablet pen down on my table, nearly pushed my spinny chair over and kicked the bed a few times. Not the first time this happened trust me. My laptop was too laggy and I always tend to smash it, explains why it's so crappy now, LOL. I think my mouse broke because I smashed it out of rage when blogger refused to save as well.
So anyway, my violence is getting me into so much deep shit! Maybe I really need to go buy me some chill pills. TKD ain't helping much either when the only way we solve problems there is via a round of kicking. Half of the shit in my room are probably broken, dammit.
Oh yeah any ideas on what to give Nifky for her Bday? I wanna get her stuff in china but it's before china... wehh!
Today upon finding out how mum's being all nasty about K-Fest I slammed my door, threw my tablet pen down on my table, nearly pushed my spinny chair over and kicked the bed a few times. Not the first time this happened trust me. My laptop was too laggy and I always tend to smash it, explains why it's so crappy now, LOL. I think my mouse broke because I smashed it out of rage when blogger refused to save as well.
So anyway, my violence is getting me into so much deep shit! Maybe I really need to go buy me some chill pills. TKD ain't helping much either when the only way we solve problems there is via a round of kicking. Half of the shit in my room are probably broken, dammit.
Oh yeah any ideas on what to give Nifky for her Bday? I wanna get her stuff in china but it's before china... wehh!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
China Plannin'
OMG I have so much stuff I want, I'll probably(definitely) end up with a huge suitcase filled to the brim. And that is if I am actually allowed to shop there because Asian parents are stingy even in their own country.
Stuff I want/need: New headphones, x2 new earphones, mouse, iPod dock, COD and other PS3 games, a shitload of Kpop merchandise, manga, clothing(shorts, blouses and one-pieces, also need swimwear), accessories, stationery, heaps of food, a new USB, lunchbox, gifts for bdays, a backpack, circle contact lenses, new glasses, sunnies, polaroid camera, hopefully a new computer.
I literally need the stuff to last me the next 3 years. Yet still have enough money for K-Fest.
Can't I just bring the entire of China back with me :(?
Stuff I want/need: New headphones, x2 new earphones, mouse, iPod dock, COD and other PS3 games, a shitload of Kpop merchandise, manga, clothing(shorts, blouses and one-pieces, also need swimwear), accessories, stationery, heaps of food, a new USB, lunchbox, gifts for bdays, a backpack, circle contact lenses, new glasses, sunnies, polaroid camera, hopefully a new computer.
I literally need the stuff to last me the next 3 years. Yet still have enough money for K-Fest.
Can't I just bring the entire of China back with me :(?

Saturday, August 27, 2011
I only asked for Chips...
It all started off with me telling mum that I'm craving for chips.
Note that she banned chips in the house and I haven't had a decent packet in years.
It ended off with both my parents educating me on the law and social justice system because apparently I'm breaking it.
Parents are weird.
I believe adults aren't always right, and I'm not saying that children/young adults are, just that nobody is always right. Mebbeh Jesus? But he technically ain't all human either.
Adults think they're always right and therefore has the right to accuse me and tell me what I'M thinking when nobody can tell what anyone's thinking, you can't just make false accusations on what others are thinking or what others did because that's what you think and you're always supposedly right. That's just really... up yourself. I ain't making much sense now.
I did learn a lesson though, never engage in any conversation with your parents or you risk getting scolded, every time for the most random-est reasons. And probably not to talk alot like I usually do, talking is always a bad thing.
I should totally just do a 180 degrees personality turnaround and stop talking altogether, like Lucy when she's depressed.
Here's a picture of my matching(broken) shit I was talking about, I shall go get a replacement for all three.
Note that she banned chips in the house and I haven't had a decent packet in years.
It ended off with both my parents educating me on the law and social justice system because apparently I'm breaking it.
Parents are weird.
I believe adults aren't always right, and I'm not saying that children/young adults are, just that nobody is always right. Mebbeh Jesus? But he technically ain't all human either.
Adults think they're always right and therefore has the right to accuse me and tell me what I'M thinking when nobody can tell what anyone's thinking, you can't just make false accusations on what others are thinking or what others did because that's what you think and you're always supposedly right. That's just really... up yourself. I ain't making much sense now.
I did learn a lesson though, never engage in any conversation with your parents or you risk getting scolded, every time for the most random-est reasons. And probably not to talk alot like I usually do, talking is always a bad thing.
I should totally just do a 180 degrees personality turnaround and stop talking altogether, like Lucy when she's depressed.
Here's a picture of my matching(broken) shit I was talking about, I shall go get a replacement for all three.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A bit of Everything
Today when I tried to type a long-ass blog stupid Blogger decided to delete it all so I had to start again. And speaking of starting again I changed my layout! I'm going to lay off the black theme I usually stick to for a while.
I get real jelly of couples sometimes. Not those ones who suck eachother's faces off in public but those couples who act more like biffles than like they're going out. Everywhere I look there's a cute couple somewhere and I just feel nerghhh. Everywhere I see 'in a relationship' statuses and I feel more nerghhh. Although, I can't bear to think about the last time I agreed to go out with someone *shudders*. Can't risk getting so sick I'm on my deathbed again can I?
Trig test was weird... As usual I crammed everything I failed to learn in class down 2 days before the test, luckily this time oppa helped me (unlike you other lazy offline pooheads) and although I nearly used sin in my cosine rule it was all good. Trig turned out to be easier than I thought. Anyway, Ms D being the nice person that she is decided to split the test into 2 periods so we all cheated, obviously. And if that wasn't bad enough she said we can go back and CORRECT the ones she marked wrong, and she ended up telling me the answers to one of the questions I nearly got wrong. I love her and all but isn't this too... lenient?
Speaking of oppa, someone texted me using his phone today and we had a short but interesting conversation about unicorns. Well, more like how that person is a hairy phat unicorn who poos out rainbows for children to play in. It's so funny when your friends' phone gets nicked and the person texts everyone on the contact book really weird messages. Which reminds me at lunch today we played a counter game counting Squishy's hairflips and he didn't notice what we were going on about extremely obviously, until the very end, that is.
I don't like anonymous people. Both the trolls and the smartasses acting like they're so mature and they know everything when it's really obvious who they are IRL. Maturity-wise, going anonymous basically deems you unworthy of that word. Being anonymous means you're too wussed out to reveal your real identity. I remember being called a bitchy hypocrite BY a bitchy hypocrite on Formspring. I also remember someone extremely obviously trolling us on tinychat when we all kind of guessed who that person maybe.
And also people who hold grudges, if you think someone's still holding a grudge against you then ignore it. Wise people forgive and forget. Unless you're really super at fault and really acted like a bish then sorry bro your loss, try apologising mebbeh? Just remember that if the other person fails to let the thing blow-over then it's no longer your problem, but theirs. As long as you treat them nicely and genuinely, if they don't do the same back then WHO'S THE BISH NAO?
Oh, sorry for the long blog, if you read up to here then WHOA you can marry me ;D

Friday, August 19, 2011
Look not Once, but Twice
First things first, I drew the third part of Adventures of Herpewoman today, it's a spin-off about the life of Chlamydia man. But he ends up getting rejected. Herpe you can read it during Science on Monday :D
Where the hell are my red pens? I recently misplaced my old one, so I replaced it right, then I immediately lost the new one as well. I don't even recall using it anywhere! how annoying! And life without a mouse is irritating, sure my tablet's all cool but some things have to be done with a mouse!
Youth was fun! I swear I'm gonna have a seizure if I stayed any longer. The glow-sticks and flashing lights were blinding, my poor eyesight. Had an intense D&M session with Jess; like by intense I mean INTENSE, as intense as the reaction he'd get if I glomped him.
I wonder if I am as important to him as he is important to me. I don't like it when he takes my friendship for granted. I expected something in return. Perhaps he would initiate conversations and such first it would be much appreciated. Unlike him, I don't care about what the other people think; a proud fangirl stays proud; they can say what they like. Although they all think I like him or something, which I don't but sometimes it's just so hard to convince people ya'know? I love Cheondung, but I'm not going to marry him for real! Same deal!
Where the hell are my red pens? I recently misplaced my old one, so I replaced it right, then I immediately lost the new one as well. I don't even recall using it anywhere! how annoying! And life without a mouse is irritating, sure my tablet's all cool but some things have to be done with a mouse!
Youth was fun! I swear I'm gonna have a seizure if I stayed any longer. The glow-sticks and flashing lights were blinding, my poor eyesight. Had an intense D&M session with Jess; like by intense I mean INTENSE, as intense as the reaction he'd get if I glomped him.
I wonder if I am as important to him as he is important to me. I don't like it when he takes my friendship for granted. I expected something in return. Perhaps he would initiate conversations and such first it would be much appreciated. Unlike him, I don't care about what the other people think; a proud fangirl stays proud; they can say what they like. Although they all think I like him or something, which I don't but sometimes it's just so hard to convince people ya'know? I love Cheondung, but I'm not going to marry him for real! Same deal!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Third Time Lucky
As opposed to my original purpose of ranting about how my stepdad's such a bitch, how I got accepted for the Ski Job but never got a shift and how I'm still failing my back hook kicks in TKD, I will rant about something else.
The title is so damn irrelevant! Anyway; 7-10 Director's project is all done and looking back I'm proud of my little Year 7 children. I sound so old now; it only felt like yesterday when i first graduated from Primary school and stepped into High School. How nostalgic. This is one of those moments when I want to stroke my imaginary beard.
Don't you hate people who thinks the whole world revolves around them? The ones who never consider what the other people feels about the situation. I used to be like that; I probably still am but I'm trying not to. I'm obviously not pointing at anyone in particular here, just those people in general. I kind of thought about it after watching this Asian Reality Dating Show. Anyhow, I hate how those people act like you can't piss them off one bit and have to live to please them. How they're annoyed and think we want their attention so badly and stalk them around. It's like, don't everyone have their own issues to worry about, issues completely unrelated to you?
Speaking of issues, I also hate how crammed up the school schedule is! Every test is squished into one week, all assignments due on the same day and after these 'peak hours' we get no homework at all and have to be bored all the time. I hate how the teachers realise it as well, but never make an effort to correct it. I was so busy yesterday and the night before doing homework and today I felt like there's nothing to do!
I cut my hand during drama, and I realised how cool a bandaid can make you look. I swear I'm going to put one on my face one day and act like I got into a fist fight, that would be awesome. But on the downside mum still made me wash my pants and she watched me handling it with difficulty. I thought she'd tell me to stop and leave it to her, ah well, that's my family to you. They just don't care about your wellbeing.
What else? Oh yeah, I can't wait till China! But gotta go through yearlies first, unfortunately.
The title is so damn irrelevant! Anyway; 7-10 Director's project is all done and looking back I'm proud of my little Year 7 children. I sound so old now; it only felt like yesterday when i first graduated from Primary school and stepped into High School. How nostalgic. This is one of those moments when I want to stroke my imaginary beard.
Don't you hate people who thinks the whole world revolves around them? The ones who never consider what the other people feels about the situation. I used to be like that; I probably still am but I'm trying not to. I'm obviously not pointing at anyone in particular here, just those people in general. I kind of thought about it after watching this Asian Reality Dating Show. Anyhow, I hate how those people act like you can't piss them off one bit and have to live to please them. How they're annoyed and think we want their attention so badly and stalk them around. It's like, don't everyone have their own issues to worry about, issues completely unrelated to you?
Speaking of issues, I also hate how crammed up the school schedule is! Every test is squished into one week, all assignments due on the same day and after these 'peak hours' we get no homework at all and have to be bored all the time. I hate how the teachers realise it as well, but never make an effort to correct it. I was so busy yesterday and the night before doing homework and today I felt like there's nothing to do!
I cut my hand during drama, and I realised how cool a bandaid can make you look. I swear I'm going to put one on my face one day and act like I got into a fist fight, that would be awesome. But on the downside mum still made me wash my pants and she watched me handling it with difficulty. I thought she'd tell me to stop and leave it to her, ah well, that's my family to you. They just don't care about your wellbeing.
What else? Oh yeah, I can't wait till China! But gotta go through yearlies first, unfortunately.

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Take a Deep Breath and CHILLAX
I hate that word actually, it sounded funny rolling off my tongue, but everyone else uses it so much I've learnt to cope with it. Same with others like 'Calm your Farms' and 'Take a Chill Pill'. Mainly because everyone uses it on me so much it got annoying, LOL.
I hate how unphotogenic I am ): Like when people take a photo without me looking or me purposefully trying to smile nicely although on the inside I just want to wear a deep scowl. It ends up with either me in the middle of a yawn or looking like a zombie with half-lidded eyes, fat cheeks and yellow skin or a wrinkly forehead (perhaps I'd look WORSE than a zombie). Then I thought about trying makeup, but I'll probably end up looking like a stripper. Plus I'd rub my eyes really hard and screw up the eye-powder things or scratch my face and wreck the face-powder things.
A shout out to my awesome lazy supervisor for my awkward dodgy unpaid training session at a store I'd hope to work in. You're so 'funny', 'enthusiastic' and 'hardworking'. Note the sarcasm; but you're still awesome :) The pay there is really boss and I am really hoping, fingers crossed (although most of the time this doesn't work for me) that I'd get the job. YAAAADAAAAA! Coles is on Monday, I need to be prepared to boss around old experienced people in order to show 'leadership skills'.
I really am craving for cake. Me wants some so muchy. I remember craving for it even when I'm sick as hell in bed. I ended up nomming down half a cake-log but after that I'm lucky it didn't come back out. Fevers suck. Anyhow bring me some cake sometime will ya?! Save the poor girl from her cravings!
Carllu, you're wrong. HE WAS DRINKING! Finger-waves are awesome! Don't deny its powah and wuv! And I am hoping that both of you can read the following... GET A ROOM! I had to take in your gross... touchings and my fever at the same time! I swear if it weren't for the previous finger-wave I would have died right there!
I hate how unphotogenic I am ): Like when people take a photo without me looking or me purposefully trying to smile nicely although on the inside I just want to wear a deep scowl. It ends up with either me in the middle of a yawn or looking like a zombie with half-lidded eyes, fat cheeks and yellow skin or a wrinkly forehead (perhaps I'd look WORSE than a zombie). Then I thought about trying makeup, but I'll probably end up looking like a stripper. Plus I'd rub my eyes really hard and screw up the eye-powder things or scratch my face and wreck the face-powder things.
A shout out to my awesome lazy supervisor for my awkward dodgy unpaid training session at a store I'd hope to work in. You're so 'funny', 'enthusiastic' and 'hardworking'. Note the sarcasm; but you're still awesome :) The pay there is really boss and I am really hoping, fingers crossed (although most of the time this doesn't work for me) that I'd get the job. YAAAADAAAAA! Coles is on Monday, I need to be prepared to boss around old experienced people in order to show 'leadership skills'.
I really am craving for cake. Me wants some so muchy. I remember craving for it even when I'm sick as hell in bed. I ended up nomming down half a cake-log but after that I'm lucky it didn't come back out. Fevers suck. Anyhow bring me some cake sometime will ya?! Save the poor girl from her cravings!
Carllu, you're wrong. HE WAS DRINKING! Finger-waves are awesome! Don't deny its powah and wuv! And I am hoping that both of you can read the following... GET A ROOM! I had to take in your gross... touchings and my fever at the same time! I swear if it weren't for the previous finger-wave I would have died right there!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Can I liek U?
Okay this is going to sound so weird and pathetic coming from me but... *deep breath* I AM SUFFERING HERE.
Recently as I hop down the staircase greeting a new day I am instead met with 4 couples doing who-knows-what to eachother and there I am, standing in the middle not knowing what to say or do. Either way whoever I talk to I become a third wheel. Seriously people, GET A ROOM! God! I want to not puke my breakfast here!
Then I'd stand there awkwardly in a little circle with VivvyIzzyAliceLizzy trying to act normal and ignore what's going on around us. But even then it's weird because it's like getting surrounded on a 10v1 team deathmatch and you're left with only a knife to defend yourself while everyone else has full-automatic weapons, full ammo and truckloads of grenades. AWKWARD!
I need a crush liek... NAO! So I can go chase after him and not go through the same torture I go through every freaking morning. Sure I fangirl over heaps of people as it is, but just because you fangirl over someone doesn't mean it's a crush and you get that weird chest doing a disco feeling... DOKI DOKI DOKI DOKI. I kinda miss that feeling, last time was back in year 8. How nostalgic.
Great, and now formal is coming soon and I have no idea who I'd ask without them thinking that I like them or something. Not that I have absolutely nobody available for asking (sounds like speed dating or smth ARGH) but it's just so URGHHHHHH. If Reo lived in Sydney I'd take him and he'll just troll everyone LOLOLOL.
Mr. Hot Guy, come find me NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW and put me out of my misery.
Recently as I hop down the staircase greeting a new day I am instead met with 4 couples doing who-knows-what to eachother and there I am, standing in the middle not knowing what to say or do. Either way whoever I talk to I become a third wheel. Seriously people, GET A ROOM! God! I want to not puke my breakfast here!
Then I'd stand there awkwardly in a little circle with VivvyIzzyAliceLizzy trying to act normal and ignore what's going on around us. But even then it's weird because it's like getting surrounded on a 10v1 team deathmatch and you're left with only a knife to defend yourself while everyone else has full-automatic weapons, full ammo and truckloads of grenades. AWKWARD!
I need a crush liek... NAO! So I can go chase after him and not go through the same torture I go through every freaking morning. Sure I fangirl over heaps of people as it is, but just because you fangirl over someone doesn't mean it's a crush and you get that weird chest doing a disco feeling... DOKI DOKI DOKI DOKI. I kinda miss that feeling, last time was back in year 8. How nostalgic.
Great, and now formal is coming soon and I have no idea who I'd ask without them thinking that I like them or something. Not that I have absolutely nobody available for asking (sounds like speed dating or smth ARGH) but it's just so URGHHHHHH. If Reo lived in Sydney I'd take him and he'll just troll everyone LOLOLOL.
Mr. Hot Guy, come find me NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW and put me out of my misery.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I can picture it in my head already, first comes the first sighting of Cheondung at the airport, then I'll stalk him and get him to autograph and take heaps of photos with him and then force him to marry me LOLOL, ok the last part was definitely a joke.
Now I've just got to worry about the tickets, they're not THAT expensive; but for a jobless broke person like me $200 is still ALOTTA money for VIP. And not going as VIP kinda defeats the point doesn't it? Besides all my friends are going as VIPs... I have to go! Even if it means going busking and begging for money >_>
Speaking of money, YES I got a call/textback from Coles and they invited me to a group interview! I've never been to a group interview before and I'm really scared I'd be going against old, experienced people. I'm going home early from school (at lunch!) to attend as well! Long story really, first when I applied and it didn't send, therefore forfeited me and all the positions were filled up and I was really depressed and shitty-feeling. Then this morning one vacancy miraculously appeared so I instantly snatched Lucy's laptop and booked it, BAM all I need to do is memorise everything about the company, and wait for Monday...
So... what to wear? They can't possibly expect a high-school kid like me to be in my 'Business Suit' can they? I'm thinking of a white shirt (borrowed from mum), a vest, and black suit pants (thanks mum) and flats. It's totally gonna make me look old. Plus the question of whether I even OWN these clothing is... err... questionable.
I can picture it in my head already, first comes the first sighting of Cheondung at the airport, then I'll stalk him and get him to autograph and take heaps of photos with him and then force him to marry me LOLOL, ok the last part was definitely a joke.
Now I've just got to worry about the tickets, they're not THAT expensive; but for a jobless broke person like me $200 is still ALOTTA money for VIP. And not going as VIP kinda defeats the point doesn't it? Besides all my friends are going as VIPs... I have to go! Even if it means going busking and begging for money >_>
Speaking of money, YES I got a call/textback from Coles and they invited me to a group interview! I've never been to a group interview before and I'm really scared I'd be going against old, experienced people. I'm going home early from school (at lunch!) to attend as well! Long story really, first when I applied and it didn't send, therefore forfeited me and all the positions were filled up and I was really depressed and shitty-feeling. Then this morning one vacancy miraculously appeared so I instantly snatched Lucy's laptop and booked it, BAM all I need to do is memorise everything about the company, and wait for Monday...
So... what to wear? They can't possibly expect a high-school kid like me to be in my 'Business Suit' can they? I'm thinking of a white shirt (borrowed from mum), a vest, and black suit pants (thanks mum) and flats. It's totally gonna make me look old. Plus the question of whether I even OWN these clothing is... err... questionable.

Friday, August 5, 2011
When Things Break...
Don't you hate it when your stuff dies? 3 of my most precious devices died this week and I think I died a little bit on the inside as well.
First my mouse, it was alright before, then the battery ran out but when I replaced it, it wouldn't work! You can't just 'suddenly not work'! You need to at least show symptoms!
Then my iTunes subsequently decided to give me trouble. I want to dedicate this blog as a semi-hateblog for Apple because they suck. Not only did our friend iTunes here screw up my entire music library and their corresponding album covers, it also made my harddrive 'tidy'. I stayed up until 3 fixing it, and it was frustrating as hell. Apple, you suck. First you make the majority of my songs automatically skip themselves, then you give me problems with my album art, then you delete my entire library with an accidental click, then you duplicate everything when I re-sync my files, and after that? You just have to fuck up all my folders and make me sort them all over again. So I was like HEY let's troll their complaint center and then guess what? THEY DON'T FREAKING HAVE A COMPLAINT CENTER, my guess is they're scared people like me will swarm it with hatemail.
And then finally today, my earphones suddenly stopped working on the left ear. I loved those earphones to death and it saddened me alot to let it go. Now I'm using those crappy Apple *insert hate here* earphones with my dad's earwax on them and the rubber bits all torned up by his ears *insert hate for dad's hygiene here, I warned him to be extra-careful with those! Costed a fortune!*. I obviously cleaned it up, but it looked really crappy and the sound quality sucks.
So yeah, I'm sad and my rant ends here. I remember my earphones, mouse and headphones all being the same, shiny metallic red colour, RIP my precious. And dad, stop being a douche already and go apologise to mum for being the ignorant bastard that you are, and next time do as I say and stop stuffing earphones into your ear like they're cotton buds, disgusting.
Oh right BTW, I'm finally going back to China next holidays! I haven't been since year 6 so this is exciting! This be the only good news, kthxbai.
First my mouse, it was alright before, then the battery ran out but when I replaced it, it wouldn't work! You can't just 'suddenly not work'! You need to at least show symptoms!
Then my iTunes subsequently decided to give me trouble. I want to dedicate this blog as a semi-hateblog for Apple because they suck. Not only did our friend iTunes here screw up my entire music library and their corresponding album covers, it also made my harddrive 'tidy'. I stayed up until 3 fixing it, and it was frustrating as hell. Apple, you suck. First you make the majority of my songs automatically skip themselves, then you give me problems with my album art, then you delete my entire library with an accidental click, then you duplicate everything when I re-sync my files, and after that? You just have to fuck up all my folders and make me sort them all over again. So I was like HEY let's troll their complaint center and then guess what? THEY DON'T FREAKING HAVE A COMPLAINT CENTER, my guess is they're scared people like me will swarm it with hatemail.
And then finally today, my earphones suddenly stopped working on the left ear. I loved those earphones to death and it saddened me alot to let it go. Now I'm using those crappy Apple *insert hate here* earphones with my dad's earwax on them and the rubber bits all torned up by his ears *insert hate for dad's hygiene here, I warned him to be extra-careful with those! Costed a fortune!*. I obviously cleaned it up, but it looked really crappy and the sound quality sucks.
So yeah, I'm sad and my rant ends here. I remember my earphones, mouse and headphones all being the same, shiny metallic red colour, RIP my precious. And dad, stop being a douche already and go apologise to mum for being the ignorant bastard that you are, and next time do as I say and stop stuffing earphones into your ear like they're cotton buds, disgusting.
Oh right BTW, I'm finally going back to China next holidays! I haven't been since year 6 so this is exciting! This be the only good news, kthxbai.

Monday, August 1, 2011
Hi Mr. Douchebag
Recently my dad's been just a bit over, he complains about me 24/7 and his moodswings are getting really annoying. And sometimes when he's angry he screams at my mum for the littlest of things. I can literally see a divorce coming... again. Mum's been giving me all this weird talk about never wanting to get married again and if I can manage life without my stepdad, hell yeah I can. With mum even if she does throw tantrums at me I can throw one back at her and we remain in stalemate until we sleep it off; with dad he just disowns me right away and smashes things when he gets pissed.
Today I had all this choc left over from 7-10 Directors, I was like HEY Imma bringing this to Theatresports to share. Then Roslyn asked for some and when I was taking it out to give to her(and later the entire grade) I was bombarded everyone whom just ambushed me and snapped bits of the chocolate block off and disappearing into the crowds of people. By the time I squeezed my way out of this crowd, the full block turned into an empty box, so I was like OMG just take the rest and shoved it into someone's hands. I dunno, I wasn't too happy about my food getting scabbed when I didn't even get to eat any, call me greedy but I did end up starving after Theatresports. Lesson learnt, don't bring copious amounts of food outside in the corridors; and if you randomly scab food off Selena again leaving her nothing to eat be prepared to have your neck snapped.
Something did bother me however, this girl, no names mentioned but she's Asian(get the ambiguity, LOL). She was glaring at me the entire time I was attacked by our grade, then she walked up to me, snapped a block for herself and rolled her eyes at me before walking away. I'm all over the chocolate business now, at least I made half my grade happy and they were quite thankful(although not quite... considerate). But this girl, what gives her the right to take food from me, and then glare at me like I stole her boyfriend? I'm not exactly friends with her, but I don't think I'll ever be after this, I don't even know what her problem is. Lucy was full-on "SLAP HER, SLAP A BITCH!" in Jap but as if I'd do that.
As for subject selections, I really hope our Modern History class can work out. Then we can have the coolest class in 20 years and everyone else would be stuck doing equations and trigonometry. And no, i didn't do any work yesterday, I didn't do any(not even printing my resume) today either. Hope tomorrow would be better. I'm going jobhunting with Lucy and hope we both get employed and start earning munnehs.
Today I had all this choc left over from 7-10 Directors, I was like HEY Imma bringing this to Theatresports to share. Then Roslyn asked for some and when I was taking it out to give to her(and later the entire grade) I was bombarded everyone whom just ambushed me and snapped bits of the chocolate block off and disappearing into the crowds of people. By the time I squeezed my way out of this crowd, the full block turned into an empty box, so I was like OMG just take the rest and shoved it into someone's hands. I dunno, I wasn't too happy about my food getting scabbed when I didn't even get to eat any, call me greedy but I did end up starving after Theatresports. Lesson learnt, don't bring copious amounts of food outside in the corridors; and if you randomly scab food off Selena again leaving her nothing to eat be prepared to have your neck snapped.
Something did bother me however, this girl, no names mentioned but she's Asian(get the ambiguity, LOL). She was glaring at me the entire time I was attacked by our grade, then she walked up to me, snapped a block for herself and rolled her eyes at me before walking away. I'm all over the chocolate business now, at least I made half my grade happy and they were quite thankful(although not quite... considerate). But this girl, what gives her the right to take food from me, and then glare at me like I stole her boyfriend? I'm not exactly friends with her, but I don't think I'll ever be after this, I don't even know what her problem is. Lucy was full-on "SLAP HER, SLAP A BITCH!" in Jap but as if I'd do that.
As for subject selections, I really hope our Modern History class can work out. Then we can have the coolest class in 20 years and everyone else would be stuck doing equations and trigonometry. And no, i didn't do any work yesterday, I didn't do any(not even printing my resume) today either. Hope tomorrow would be better. I'm going jobhunting with Lucy and hope we both get employed and start earning munnehs.

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Procrastination's a Bitch
NUUUUUUUUUUUU I haven't started on maths at all! Thanks Nifky for helping~ I haven't done any geo either! Nor did I start catching up on drama logbook! FML x 100000000!!!!
Aaaanyway, I swear I was so groggy on Thursday night I forgot about Civi Day, then I also forgot the next morning and as soon as I entered the bus in full, perfect uniform I was like OH SHIET I FORGOT SOMEONE KILL ME NOW. So yeah, first civi day missed in High School history, and it happened to be my favourite theme. Then everyone started asking me about it, like why I'm not in mufti, WELL YEAH WHAT DO YOU THINK, I OBVIOUSLY FORGOT!! Stop rubbing it in my face!
So what did I do on this wasted weekend? I played Infamous and COD like a boss. Then I got stuck on both but then I realised Reo's got MW2 so it's all good. Then today I just read RAW manga, like a boss. And now I'm overexposed to yaoi and it's grossing me out, sheit, why does every manga have BL in it nowadays? How can you kids like that stuff? Now it's almost midnight, time to do homework last minute, like a boss. I read the rest of Cosplay Animal and S Kareshi Joujou, I swear the main guys there have an endless sex drive, both of them! Thank God for censorship and subtlety! But both have stupid plots.
I miss catching the train with a friend of mine, we've been drifting apart alot recently, if we were ever close friends. Our conversations always end off awkwardly and sometimes he just stops talking like I'm not there. It bothers me. Did someone tell him shit about me? That's just too low bro. It's been happening alot, stop the bitching nao! However, everytime we do talk I treasure those 3 minutes of time, I think I remember every single conversation we had. I'm so creepy.
I need to dl songs and DO HOMEWORK now, goodbye! A shout out to pooface, I didn't practise my patterns at all and I think I almost forgot pattern 5 now, KILL ME I DARE YOU.
Here's some Thunder, he toys with your mind doesn't he.
Aaaanyway, I swear I was so groggy on Thursday night I forgot about Civi Day, then I also forgot the next morning and as soon as I entered the bus in full, perfect uniform I was like OH SHIET I FORGOT SOMEONE KILL ME NOW. So yeah, first civi day missed in High School history, and it happened to be my favourite theme. Then everyone started asking me about it, like why I'm not in mufti, WELL YEAH WHAT DO YOU THINK, I OBVIOUSLY FORGOT!! Stop rubbing it in my face!
So what did I do on this wasted weekend? I played Infamous and COD like a boss. Then I got stuck on both but then I realised Reo's got MW2 so it's all good. Then today I just read RAW manga, like a boss. And now I'm overexposed to yaoi and it's grossing me out, sheit, why does every manga have BL in it nowadays? How can you kids like that stuff? Now it's almost midnight, time to do homework last minute, like a boss. I read the rest of Cosplay Animal and S Kareshi Joujou, I swear the main guys there have an endless sex drive, both of them! Thank God for censorship and subtlety! But both have stupid plots.
I miss catching the train with a friend of mine, we've been drifting apart alot recently, if we were ever close friends. Our conversations always end off awkwardly and sometimes he just stops talking like I'm not there. It bothers me. Did someone tell him shit about me? That's just too low bro. It's been happening alot, stop the bitching nao! However, everytime we do talk I treasure those 3 minutes of time, I think I remember every single conversation we had. I'm so creepy.
I need to dl songs and DO HOMEWORK now, goodbye! A shout out to pooface, I didn't practise my patterns at all and I think I almost forgot pattern 5 now, KILL ME I DARE YOU.
Here's some Thunder, he toys with your mind doesn't he.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Should have Noticed a Long Time ago
And I should have blogged about it, too.
Just as I thought everyone is awesome in life and I wuv them all as well, like WTH, give me that deserved happiness already!
I am serious about this, but I do feel sorry for the girl that everyone seemed to hate upon because the majority of them think that hating her automatically makes them cool. Sure she may be annoying, I am annoying too and although I hate to admit alot of people hate me, but all of them, I am sure have their own reason, being cool isn't one of them. You'll be surprised on how few people can actually be considered as 'cool'. We're all losers in reality, and I just happen to be one of the extremities.
Anyway, so today, correction, YESTERDAY I was humiliated. I will not go into detail how, but being treated like a stalkerish fangirl should give you the correct idea. I'm sorry hun, do I LOOK like I'm obsessed over you? You need to get over yourself and accept the fact that life has coincidences! I thought it was obvious I have Thunder/Oppa syndrome, but unfortunately out of the many people I nag, stalk and annoy like a fangirl everyday, you are NOT one of them! Simply because face it, you're not worth obsessing over. Whatever I thought ages before was all lies. Now guess what? You just lost your place as a good friend as well.
The nerve of people... ANYWAY, I literally ran a whole train length today in order to sell my fundraising candy, managed to sell a few and now I have 2 packets left... what to do what to do... Buy some will you ;3;!!!?!
And for the rant, I'll give a picture instead! it's what I wore to SMASH! this year; literally identical to last year but hey, my tie and chain doesn't get old.
Just as I thought everyone is awesome in life and I wuv them all as well, like WTH, give me that deserved happiness already!
I am serious about this, but I do feel sorry for the girl that everyone seemed to hate upon because the majority of them think that hating her automatically makes them cool. Sure she may be annoying, I am annoying too and although I hate to admit alot of people hate me, but all of them, I am sure have their own reason, being cool isn't one of them. You'll be surprised on how few people can actually be considered as 'cool'. We're all losers in reality, and I just happen to be one of the extremities.
Anyway, so today, correction, YESTERDAY I was humiliated. I will not go into detail how, but being treated like a stalkerish fangirl should give you the correct idea. I'm sorry hun, do I LOOK like I'm obsessed over you? You need to get over yourself and accept the fact that life has coincidences! I thought it was obvious I have Thunder/Oppa syndrome, but unfortunately out of the many people I nag, stalk and annoy like a fangirl everyday, you are NOT one of them! Simply because face it, you're not worth obsessing over. Whatever I thought ages before was all lies. Now guess what? You just lost your place as a good friend as well.
The nerve of people... ANYWAY, I literally ran a whole train length today in order to sell my fundraising candy, managed to sell a few and now I have 2 packets left... what to do what to do... Buy some will you ;3;!!!?!
And for the rant, I'll give a picture instead! it's what I wore to SMASH! this year; literally identical to last year but hey, my tie and chain doesn't get old.

Friday, July 22, 2011
10 Reasons why I'm a Loser
1. I am an Otaku. I used to be a forum moderator on a site called Otakuzone
2. I am a big fan of the most pointless and random things. For example, a British guy who creates parodies of an anime, Asian gamers and a minecraft griefing team.
3. I enjoy watching ancient Chinese television dramas that old people usually watch.
4. Photoshop is my life (Y)
5. I blog, nuff sed.
6. I like first-person-shooter games, and if that ain't bad enough, I also like real-time-strategy and MMORPGs. And it ain't like I'm particularly good at one or two either.
7. I spend the majority of my time on Youtube watching gaming commentary.
8. I can tell what flavor the Eclipse mint you're eating just by smelling your breath. I can also tell blindfolded what flavor I'm eating.
9. I like writing fanfiction. Link on my Blogger.
10. I go on 4chan and literally speak in internet memes.
Even with all of the reasons stated above, I still get bad report marks.
2. I am a big fan of the most pointless and random things. For example, a British guy who creates parodies of an anime, Asian gamers and a minecraft griefing team.
3. I enjoy watching ancient Chinese television dramas that old people usually watch.
4. Photoshop is my life (Y)
5. I blog, nuff sed.
6. I like first-person-shooter games, and if that ain't bad enough, I also like real-time-strategy and MMORPGs. And it ain't like I'm particularly good at one or two either.
7. I spend the majority of my time on Youtube watching gaming commentary.
8. I can tell what flavor the Eclipse mint you're eating just by smelling your breath. I can also tell blindfolded what flavor I'm eating.
9. I like writing fanfiction. Link on my Blogger.
10. I go on 4chan and literally speak in internet memes.
Even with all of the reasons stated above, I still get bad report marks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Since this month is so busy! Happy Birthday to Kalis, Anty, Hiro, Viv, Squishy, Fishy, HardcoreTim, Qing, Jessica and all you other Bday people :)
A shame Smash was so tight-packed, I want it to be longer D:
A shame Smash was so tight-packed, I want it to be longer D:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
[REVIEW] Ima Ai ni Yukimasu
I never thought someone like me would ever be affected by movies, but I guess the after Koizora I was proven wrong. I don't remember flinching the slightest bit through tearjerkers like Titanic and The Notebook; but the Japanese really has their way of torturing people and making them all depressed.
The drama this time I'll be talking about is Ima Ai ni Yukimasu. It is based on a novel, which was later adapted into a movie, then a drama. I obviously watched the drama because movies are usually rushed, I really need something to do in the holidays and I'm literally stalking the main actor.
The plot in a (big)nutshell... A clumsy (and super hot... mmm... Narimiya Hiroki... don't watch the movie since the main guy's ugly as, same kid actor though) father with a strange chronic disease lost his wife. His kid also becomes all depressed but hey they still live happily, although shabbily together. Before his wife died she hand-painted them a picture book telling them not to fear when she leaves them for 'Planet Archive' because she will return during the rainy season of the next year, however she will have to return to Planet Archive after the rainy season is over.
The father thinks it's ridiculous, but the son believes it and eagerly awaits for her return. When the two went out one day they found the mother sitting inside the ruins of a building. Confirmed it was her but she lost all her memories! Like all of them! The whole of the drama is basically telling us of their lives after her return(she falls for him all over again and blah blah blah, oh please I'd fall for NariHiro anyday) and we also explore some of the parents' love history.
The tearjerker did live up to its name; I cried 3 times through the first episode and about 10 times through the last. Heaps in between as well. Damn you child! Your acting is so good it moves me!
Unlike other dramas I didn't skip episodes to get the plot going. I remember looking everywhere on Google hoping to find a complete synopsis that includes the ending so I can find out whether the mother ended up leaving.
I won't spoil it for you, I understand why other bloggers and reviewers didn't. The ending hit me as a surprise and the drama did a good job having an awesome ending that ain't cliche (ok... kind of cliche...) and predictable (sometimes cliches aren't necessary all predictable either).
I felt like I just HAVE to blog about this one, it deeply touched me(that's what she said lol) and made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Unlike Koizora I'm not gonna obsess over it and get all depressed, because as I said this one's truly a masterpiece. I watched it over Veoh(had to download this program just so I can watch it); not only it's fast the quality's pretty good as well. I 100% recommend you to watch it; trust me, all that crying's worth it at the end :D
Thanks for putting up with me over this extremely long entry, here's your reward:

The plot in a (big)nutshell... A clumsy (and super hot... mmm... Narimiya Hiroki... don't watch the movie since the main guy's ugly as, same kid actor though) father with a strange chronic disease lost his wife. His kid also becomes all depressed but hey they still live happily, although shabbily together. Before his wife died she hand-painted them a picture book telling them not to fear when she leaves them for 'Planet Archive' because she will return during the rainy season of the next year, however she will have to return to Planet Archive after the rainy season is over.
The father thinks it's ridiculous, but the son believes it and eagerly awaits for her return. When the two went out one day they found the mother sitting inside the ruins of a building. Confirmed it was her but she lost all her memories! Like all of them! The whole of the drama is basically telling us of their lives after her return(she falls for him all over again and blah blah blah, oh please I'd fall for NariHiro anyday) and we also explore some of the parents' love history.
The tearjerker did live up to its name; I cried 3 times through the first episode and about 10 times through the last. Heaps in between as well. Damn you child! Your acting is so good it moves me!
Unlike other dramas I didn't skip episodes to get the plot going. I remember looking everywhere on Google hoping to find a complete synopsis that includes the ending so I can find out whether the mother ended up leaving.
I won't spoil it for you, I understand why other bloggers and reviewers didn't. The ending hit me as a surprise and the drama did a good job having an awesome ending that ain't cliche (ok... kind of cliche...) and predictable (sometimes cliches aren't necessary all predictable either).
I felt like I just HAVE to blog about this one, it deeply touched me(that's what she said lol) and made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Unlike Koizora I'm not gonna obsess over it and get all depressed, because as I said this one's truly a masterpiece. I watched it over Veoh(had to download this program just so I can watch it); not only it's fast the quality's pretty good as well. I 100% recommend you to watch it; trust me, all that crying's worth it at the end :D
Thanks for putting up with me over this extremely long entry, here's your reward:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A new Page in my Story
...Anons y u so troll :(
You're so sad you only remember sad things and not happy things.
You only care about the past and not focus on the present, which is something you should be focusing on >(
Can you like, stop reading all my past entries? Just because I decided that I don't wanna get a new blog and start over doesn't mean the past is up for stalkers like chu :( Why you love me so much you care so much anyway :(
I think I will dedicate this blog to 1) Rants 2) Reviews and 3) Interesting things I have taken interest in and find interesting. No moar depressing teenage hormone outbursts :D
So this may sound insignificant, but I hate it when something so unthreatening and little can give me a big scare. I was walking along those brick fences you have in your neighbourhood today, being all chill and awesome and you know how they have these step-things gradually getting lower? Like steps on brick fences, if you know what I mean. I was just pacing around and when I took a step WOOSH I took an actual step down, and my psychology allowed me to think that it's flat ground, not a step and I got a huge scare I screamed.
I friggin screamed on a low brick fence because I stepped down a step about 5cm tall I never knew existed.
It was embarrassing.
You're so sad you only remember sad things and not happy things.
You only care about the past and not focus on the present, which is something you should be focusing on >(
Can you like, stop reading all my past entries? Just because I decided that I don't wanna get a new blog and start over doesn't mean the past is up for stalkers like chu :( Why you love me so much you care so much anyway :(
I think I will dedicate this blog to 1) Rants 2) Reviews and 3) Interesting things I have taken interest in and find interesting. No moar depressing teenage hormone outbursts :D
So this may sound insignificant, but I hate it when something so unthreatening and little can give me a big scare. I was walking along those brick fences you have in your neighbourhood today, being all chill and awesome and you know how they have these step-things gradually getting lower? Like steps on brick fences, if you know what I mean. I was just pacing around and when I took a step WOOSH I took an actual step down, and my psychology allowed me to think that it's flat ground, not a step and I got a huge scare I screamed.
I friggin screamed on a low brick fence because I stepped down a step about 5cm tall I never knew existed.
It was embarrassing.

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Imagine if you were suddenly hit by some kind of positive-spiritual-ookypooky energy, and suddenly your eyes brightened and you smile and people around you look at you like a retard.
It happened to me. But if you read this you probably won't believe me and think I'm pretending and being a fake, well I don't care! Hear me out here! Do whatever you think is appropriate!
I was just in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to get something off my face, minding my own business and then it hit me and alot of stuff just seemed to all enter my brain at the same time. I swear I nearly became dizzy and fainted right ther.
I quickly went back to this blog and reviewed my past entries, I was wrong about everyone all the time! Like some sudden self-realisation just happened to occur as I read on and on. Hell I can really be mean without knowing the whole situation at times! I'm not saying I suddenly realised it's all my fault, I guess I still have that bit of pride left. I'm just saying, I did many things I regret doing this year, all because I never seem to think before I open my mouth and then the future becomes all sad.
What happened with OZ was kinda sad; I can't believe I said those things because I was in sulking mode(everyone seems to go through that stage). What happened at camp was depressing; it was like word vomit at its worst state. Although I don't know about what some people(not putting them in a bad light here, just implying that they might have misunderstood) kept on saying how they overheard me bitching when all I talked about with my roommates was Carl's infatuation with Lucy, Nifky's old love and Kpop. What happened during a certain lunchtime was pure impulse; I ought to get a new brain replacement.
Anyhow I believe since I regret doing those things I will here and now apologise to all whom I have unknowingly(or purposefully, I can be like that) hurt. This real 'Selena' is still hard to grasp, but I realised Selena is never made to hate others, it always makes her frustrated in the end. She's the cheerful one who will always stick by her loved ones till the very destruction of her being.
Nothing is irreversible! I say! Unless someone you know... passed on... I hope that if you're reading this; you would kind of understand how I feel right now. Can't things just go back to how they were before? It seemed like a stupid, naive idea; but always worth a shot. I'm sure if you're sad or affected enough you'd be like "OHH you do this and that and now you think saying sorry's gonna change anything?" or "OOH you're just a fake little piece of #*$(@" or maybe a little "YEAH good thing you realised what a sorry little *@$(# you are now go kill yourself" and the likes. Well save your tongue for praising Cheondung because I just said all of that for you.
...I'm feeling like an Alice right now >_>
Oh, and I really wanna play TF2 but my comp is being a poo >(! And what would be cool? Working for Machinima :D
It happened to me. But if you read this you probably won't believe me and think I'm pretending and being a fake, well I don't care! Hear me out here! Do whatever you think is appropriate!
I was just in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to get something off my face, minding my own business and then it hit me and alot of stuff just seemed to all enter my brain at the same time. I swear I nearly became dizzy and fainted right ther.
I quickly went back to this blog and reviewed my past entries, I was wrong about everyone all the time! Like some sudden self-realisation just happened to occur as I read on and on. Hell I can really be mean without knowing the whole situation at times! I'm not saying I suddenly realised it's all my fault, I guess I still have that bit of pride left. I'm just saying, I did many things I regret doing this year, all because I never seem to think before I open my mouth and then the future becomes all sad.
What happened with OZ was kinda sad; I can't believe I said those things because I was in sulking mode(everyone seems to go through that stage). What happened at camp was depressing; it was like word vomit at its worst state. Although I don't know about what some people(not putting them in a bad light here, just implying that they might have misunderstood) kept on saying how they overheard me bitching when all I talked about with my roommates was Carl's infatuation with Lucy, Nifky's old love and Kpop. What happened during a certain lunchtime was pure impulse; I ought to get a new brain replacement.
Anyhow I believe since I regret doing those things I will here and now apologise to all whom I have unknowingly(or purposefully, I can be like that) hurt. This real 'Selena' is still hard to grasp, but I realised Selena is never made to hate others, it always makes her frustrated in the end. She's the cheerful one who will always stick by her loved ones till the very destruction of her being.
Nothing is irreversible! I say! Unless someone you know... passed on... I hope that if you're reading this; you would kind of understand how I feel right now. Can't things just go back to how they were before? It seemed like a stupid, naive idea; but always worth a shot. I'm sure if you're sad or affected enough you'd be like "OHH you do this and that and now you think saying sorry's gonna change anything?" or "OOH you're just a fake little piece of #*$(@" or maybe a little "YEAH good thing you realised what a sorry little *@$(# you are now go kill yourself" and the likes. Well save your tongue for praising Cheondung because I just said all of that for you.
...I'm feeling like an Alice right now >_>
Oh, and I really wanna play TF2 but my comp is being a poo >(! And what would be cool? Working for Machinima :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Perhaps we all need sometime to relax and chill like cool kids.
Perhaps we can mentally apologise to eachother.
Perhaps we should clear some misunderstandings.
Perhaps we can smile at eachother again.
Perhaps we should embrace the next time we meet.
Perhaps we just should stand on neutral grounds.
Perhaps we can just realise how silly it all is, and laugh it off.
Or perhaps... no, screw perhaps.
You can't turn back time, you can only face what's in front of you, and make the best out of it.
But I'm out.
Perhaps we can mentally apologise to eachother.
Perhaps we should clear some misunderstandings.
Perhaps we can smile at eachother again.
Perhaps we should embrace the next time we meet.
Perhaps we just should stand on neutral grounds.
Perhaps we can just realise how silly it all is, and laugh it off.
Or perhaps... no, screw perhaps.
You can't turn back time, you can only face what's in front of you, and make the best out of it.
But I'm out.

Long story short and abridged:
We on tinychat, link on facebook, random came in, picked on my friend, trolled, all these guys from the grade above also came in and apparently they got linked or something. Apparently they're posed by guys from the grade below. Utter confusion, friend overreacting, epic amusement, eternal mystery.
It got kinda weird when these guys began talking about how hot some people in my grade is, totally not awkward and creepy at all. All this time they should have known that I'm a chick and guys should be nice to chicks.
Finally got my hands on MW2 today, my COD collection is complete. GAME went on a complete insane sale and the choice was so difficult to make! Heavy rain Move compatible platinum edition for $38, R U SRS? BioShock2 for $40, WHUT? Hbt MW2 limited for $50, OH DAYUM.
A girl like me could burst out crying in difficult situations like that.
Also, catch me at SMASH Convention next Saturday. Peace!
We on tinychat, link on facebook, random came in, picked on my friend, trolled, all these guys from the grade above also came in and apparently they got linked or something. Apparently they're posed by guys from the grade below. Utter confusion, friend overreacting, epic amusement, eternal mystery.
It got kinda weird when these guys began talking about how hot some people in my grade is, totally not awkward and creepy at all. All this time they should have known that I'm a chick and guys should be nice to chicks.
Finally got my hands on MW2 today, my COD collection is complete. GAME went on a complete insane sale and the choice was so difficult to make! Heavy rain Move compatible platinum edition for $38, R U SRS? BioShock2 for $40, WHUT? Hbt MW2 limited for $50, OH DAYUM.
A girl like me could burst out crying in difficult situations like that.
Also, catch me at SMASH Convention next Saturday. Peace!

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy Things... or not
Here are a few things I have planned for the coming holidays:
1. Buy FPS
3. SMASH! Convention
4. Go shopping with Nifky
5. Go eat Hotaru Sushi train again
6. Go try that sex-god ice-cream with Lily
7. Watch a good movie(or dl, you never know).
And also, although I try to keep this entry as happy as possible sadness is inevitable... I'm moving houses ): And by the looks of it it's definitely in the Illawong area... it sucks because I'm not only far away from my beloved friends, the transport isn't convenient and I have to get up even earlier for school. I have to catch completely different train lines(Lucy... Merry... Nifky... Oppa... Anty... Tamtam...Jenni... Qing... Lydia... too many to name! ;A;), and I might even be loner-ified on the trains. I can no longer go home on my beloved 944 bus(Tamtam... Stephanie... Jeffy... Cousinypoo... ;A;) and have to change my daily schedule altogether! Not to mention organising this and that school crap... if I happen to get a job it'll be super inconvenient as well! FML!
Apparently parents don't care if they ruin their children's lives as long as their lives become more convenient ==
Peace out.
1. Buy FPS
3. SMASH! Convention
4. Go shopping with Nifky
5. Go eat Hotaru Sushi train again
6. Go try that sex-god ice-cream with Lily
7. Watch a good movie(or dl, you never know).
And also, although I try to keep this entry as happy as possible sadness is inevitable... I'm moving houses ): And by the looks of it it's definitely in the Illawong area... it sucks because I'm not only far away from my beloved friends, the transport isn't convenient and I have to get up even earlier for school. I have to catch completely different train lines(Lucy... Merry... Nifky... Oppa... Anty... Tamtam...Jenni... Qing... Lydia... too many to name! ;A;), and I might even be loner-ified on the trains. I can no longer go home on my beloved 944 bus(Tamtam... Stephanie... Jeffy... Cousinypoo... ;A;) and have to change my daily schedule altogether! Not to mention organising this and that school crap... if I happen to get a job it'll be super inconvenient as well! FML!
Apparently parents don't care if they ruin their children's lives as long as their lives become more convenient ==
Peace out.

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Dramas ain't got Nothin' on Me
To make myself feel better after watching a bittersweet drama, I decided to write this blog targeting cliche idol-dramas. I believe if all plots seem the same I am perfectly able to direct a drama myself.
Step 1: Find two hot guy actors and two hot chick actresses
A drama is always filled with people(who can't really act and literally 'sell their looks', they can learn as they go can't they. ) who looks nice. Preferably a singer or model. They'll get judged for what they wear and what their face looks like not acting. Majority of my will-be audiences are teenage fangirls. Make sure the guys all wear suits and the chicks all cake their face with make-up(a 'natural' look for the main chick).
Step 2: Everyday Character Background
A plain, poor chick. A really hot and rich main guy who can be a dick sometimes. A really hot but not as rich nice guy. A pretty rich but bitchy chick. A really cool family for the main chick(or no family at all, all died in car accident). A broken rapist family for the bitchy chick. And a 'you-must-marry-duh-rich-chick' dad(his mum died) for the hot but dicky guy. The random secretary who works for the main guy(or butler if he's at school). Alot of equally as rich and dicky friends for the main guy. A naive best friend of the main chick who ends up falling for one of the guy's dicky friends.
Step 3: Storyline
So this chick meets this really rich hot I-have-fangirls-all-over-the-world guy right and she's like "OMAIGAWD I'm like the only chick in the world who doesn't realise how friggin hot this guy is so I for some reason will piss him off and make enemies with him."
She then gets pushed around by the guy's dicky friends and for some reason they guy sees the girl's inner beauty and decides that he loves him. He forces her to kiss him and she falls for him stockholm syndrome or some shit idk. She meets this really nice guy and for some reason although the main guy is a complete dickhead and the nice guy is just really nice like a nice guy is she still goes for the bad boy.
Then the main guy takes her to his dad but he's like NUU you must marry this other chick who's much more beautiful. Turns out the other chick is a total bitch, and wants the guy for his money. And she hits and frames the poor main chick(whom always ends up being rescued by either the baddie or the nice guy; the bad guy always gets their first though, even if he ran and the nice guy had a sports car).
The main guy's dad is still being a doofus(the controlling CEO type), so for some reason their love breaks apart. The nice guy tries to win her over but her heart forever belongs to the dicky guy. And the dicky guy is now going out with the bitchy girl and is overseas somewhere.
The main girl gets hit by a car/gets cancer and the guy runs over and realise their love is so err... lovey all this time and they make up. But for some reason one or the other loses their memory. Then the rich dicky guy loses all his money. After all this tragedy the main chick and dicky guy make up, the bitchy chick is dumped and the nice guy becomes gay and/or turns out to be the main girl's relative.
The end.
Step 1: Find two hot guy actors and two hot chick actresses
A drama is always filled with people(who can't really act and literally 'sell their looks', they can learn as they go can't they. ) who looks nice. Preferably a singer or model. They'll get judged for what they wear and what their face looks like not acting. Majority of my will-be audiences are teenage fangirls. Make sure the guys all wear suits and the chicks all cake their face with make-up(a 'natural' look for the main chick).
Step 2: Everyday Character Background
A plain, poor chick. A really hot and rich main guy who can be a dick sometimes. A really hot but not as rich nice guy. A pretty rich but bitchy chick. A really cool family for the main chick(or no family at all, all died in car accident). A broken rapist family for the bitchy chick. And a 'you-must-marry-duh-rich-chick' dad(his mum died) for the hot but dicky guy. The random secretary who works for the main guy(or butler if he's at school). Alot of equally as rich and dicky friends for the main guy. A naive best friend of the main chick who ends up falling for one of the guy's dicky friends.
Step 3: Storyline
So this chick meets this really rich hot I-have-fangirls-all-over-the-world guy right and she's like "OMAIGAWD I'm like the only chick in the world who doesn't realise how friggin hot this guy is so I for some reason will piss him off and make enemies with him."
She then gets pushed around by the guy's dicky friends and for some reason they guy sees the girl's inner beauty and decides that he loves him. He forces her to kiss him and she falls for him stockholm syndrome or some shit idk. She meets this really nice guy and for some reason although the main guy is a complete dickhead and the nice guy is just really nice like a nice guy is she still goes for the bad boy.
Then the main guy takes her to his dad but he's like NUU you must marry this other chick who's much more beautiful. Turns out the other chick is a total bitch, and wants the guy for his money. And she hits and frames the poor main chick(whom always ends up being rescued by either the baddie or the nice guy; the bad guy always gets their first though, even if he ran and the nice guy had a sports car).
The main guy's dad is still being a doofus(the controlling CEO type), so for some reason their love breaks apart. The nice guy tries to win her over but her heart forever belongs to the dicky guy. And the dicky guy is now going out with the bitchy girl and is overseas somewhere.
The main girl gets hit by a car/gets cancer and the guy runs over and realise their love is so err... lovey all this time and they make up. But for some reason one or the other loses their memory. Then the rich dicky guy loses all his money. After all this tragedy the main chick and dicky guy make up, the bitchy chick is dumped and the nice guy becomes gay and/or turns out to be the main girl's relative.
The end.

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