Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Things... or not

  Here are a few things I have planned for the coming holidays:

1. Buy FPS
3. SMASH! Convention
4. Go shopping with Nifky
5. Go eat Hotaru Sushi train again
6. Go try that sex-god ice-cream with Lily
7. Watch a good movie(or dl, you never know).

  And also, although I try to keep this entry as happy as possible sadness is inevitable... I'm moving houses ): And by the looks of it it's definitely in the Illawong area... it sucks because I'm not only far away from my beloved friends, the transport isn't convenient and I have to get up even earlier for school. I have to catch completely different train lines(Lucy... Merry... Nifky... Oppa... Anty... Tamtam...Jenni... Qing... Lydia... too many to name! ;A;), and I might even be loner-ified on the trains. I can no longer go home on my beloved 944 bus(Tamtam... Stephanie... Jeffy... Cousinypoo... ;A;) and have to change my daily schedule altogether! Not to mention organising this and that school crap... if I happen to get a job it'll be super inconvenient as well! FML!

  Apparently parents don't care if they ruin their children's lives as long as their lives become more convenient ==

Peace out.
Blue Transparent Star