To make myself feel better after watching a bittersweet drama, I decided to write this blog targeting cliche idol-dramas. I believe if all plots seem the same I am perfectly able to direct a drama myself.
Step 1: Find two hot guy actors and two hot chick actresses
A drama is always filled with people(who can't really act and literally 'sell their looks', they can learn as they go can't they. ) who looks nice. Preferably a singer or model. They'll get judged for what they wear and what their face looks like not acting. Majority of my will-be audiences are teenage fangirls. Make sure the guys all wear suits and the chicks all cake their face with make-up(a 'natural' look for the main chick).
Step 2: Everyday Character Background
A plain, poor chick. A really hot and rich main guy who can be a dick sometimes. A really hot but not as rich nice guy. A pretty rich but bitchy chick. A really cool family for the main chick(or no family at all, all died in car accident). A broken rapist family for the bitchy chick. And a 'you-must-marry-duh-rich-chick' dad(his mum died) for the hot but dicky guy. The random secretary who works for the main guy(or butler if he's at school). Alot of equally as rich and dicky friends for the main guy. A naive best friend of the main chick who ends up falling for one of the guy's dicky friends.
Step 3: Storyline
So this chick meets this really rich hot I-have-fangirls-all-over-the-world guy right and she's like "OMAIGAWD I'm like the only chick in the world who doesn't realise how friggin hot this guy is so I for some reason will piss him off and make enemies with him."
She then gets pushed around by the guy's dicky friends and for some reason they guy sees the girl's inner beauty and decides that he loves him. He forces her to kiss him and she falls for him stockholm syndrome or some shit idk. She meets this really nice guy and for some reason although the main guy is a complete dickhead and the nice guy is just really nice like a nice guy is she still goes for the bad boy.
Then the main guy takes her to his dad but he's like NUU you must marry this other chick who's much more beautiful. Turns out the other chick is a total bitch, and wants the guy for his money. And she hits and frames the poor main chick(whom always ends up being rescued by either the baddie or the nice guy; the bad guy always gets their first though, even if he ran and the nice guy had a sports car).
The main guy's dad is still being a doofus(the controlling CEO type), so for some reason their love breaks apart. The nice guy tries to win her over but her heart forever belongs to the dicky guy. And the dicky guy is now going out with the bitchy girl and is overseas somewhere.
The main girl gets hit by a car/gets cancer and the guy runs over and realise their love is so err... lovey all this time and they make up. But for some reason one or the other loses their memory. Then the rich dicky guy loses all his money. After all this tragedy the main chick and dicky guy make up, the bitchy chick is dumped and the nice guy becomes gay and/or turns out to be the main girl's relative.
The end.