Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stress List

  You know what's something I found useful :D? A Stress List. Yes I invented me how genius.

  You know when you realise you have so much sheit to do and dunno which one to begin with and then your mind gets messed up and you start getting aggro because of all that stress piling up.

  Write it down on a 'stress list' in order of priority and cross out something that's already over and done with. Make sure you write what the stress is, and how you're gonna solve it.

  I shouldn't have gone China omg so not worth it. Cassie gave me a good place for last minute work exp today and I hope they accept me :(

My current Stress List:
1. Flute exam on Saturday- Practise FAAARRR
2. Got Dropped- Get work experience form signed FAAAARRR
3. Get formal tickets because I'm too late
4. PDHPE catch-up exam- Study
5. Unprepared for formal- Get that stupid contact lense in my eye, get used to it and contact Sarah for the dress

  That's about it :( FFFAAAARRRRRRRR
Blue Transparent Star