Saturday, October 22, 2011

Five Things you should (not) Bring to School

1. A fan
  You know how when the weather gets really hot or the classroom gets really stuffy and everyone uses their textbook or worksheets as fans? Those noises the makeshift fans make are reaaaaallly annoying. Plus the classroom ceiling fans only reach certain areas, why not just bring your own?

2. Body spray/perfume
  Not for yourself, no. But for other people. Like when someone has really stinky armpits and the smell just goes over to you. Or when someone has stinky breath and they just happen to be really talkative. Spray them with perfume! Now everyone is happy.

3. Headphones
  Without an ipod. The bigger the better. If you have an annoying friend (for example me) and you don't want to tell them to shut up you just wear your headphones and pretend to be busy listening to music and could not hear what they're saying. They'll automatically shut up.

4. A Pillow
  This one's from personal experience, yo. When I sleep in class, on the train or even at lunch the table is really uncomfortable! I end up getting all these weird markings on my face because of patterns on whatever textbook I'm sleeping on. And if you use your arms they end up becoming numb. Therefore for your own comfort you should bring a proper pillow.

5. A fake gun
  Now we get serious, yo. Of course we can't really bring a real one because then we'll get arrested. But a fake gun(it has to look realistic though) will come really handy! Firstly you can use it for pretend-self-defense. So the mugger runs away.Or you can just threaten other people to give you food with it, or threaten teachers to give you a better mark. They certainly won't risk their life for some writing or some chips would they?

And there you go folks. Five things that you REALLY need for school and will make your life much much easier.
Blue Transparent Star