Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can I liek U?

  Okay this is going to sound so weird and pathetic coming from me but... *deep breath* I AM SUFFERING HERE.

  Recently as I hop down the staircase greeting a new day I am instead met with 4 couples doing who-knows-what to eachother and there I am, standing in the middle not knowing what to say or do. Either way whoever I talk to I become a third wheel. Seriously people, GET A ROOM! God! I want to not puke my breakfast here!

  Then I'd stand there awkwardly in a little circle with VivvyIzzyAliceLizzy trying to act normal and ignore what's going on around us. But even then it's weird because it's like getting surrounded on a 10v1 team deathmatch and you're left with only a knife to defend yourself while everyone else has full-automatic weapons, full ammo and truckloads of grenades. AWKWARD!

  I need a crush liek... NAO! So I can go chase after him and not go through the same torture I go through every freaking morning. Sure I fangirl over heaps of people as it is, but just because you fangirl over someone doesn't mean it's a crush and you get that weird chest doing a disco feeling... DOKI DOKI DOKI DOKI. I kinda miss that feeling, last time was back in year 8. How nostalgic.

  Great, and now formal is coming soon and I have no idea who I'd ask without them thinking that I like them or something. Not that I have absolutely nobody available for asking (sounds like speed dating or smth ARGH) but it's just so URGHHHHHH. If Reo lived in Sydney I'd take him and he'll just troll everyone LOLOLOL.

  Mr. Hot Guy, come find me NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW and put me out of my misery.


Blue Transparent Star