Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A bit of Everything

  Today when I tried to type a long-ass blog stupid Blogger decided to delete it all so I had to start again. And speaking of starting again I changed my layout! I'm going to lay off the black theme I usually stick to for a while.

  I get real jelly of couples sometimes. Not those ones who suck eachother's faces off in public but those couples who act more like biffles than like they're going out. Everywhere I look there's a cute couple somewhere and I just feel nerghhh. Everywhere I see 'in a relationship' statuses and I feel more nerghhh. Although, I can't bear to think about the last time I agreed to go out with someone *shudders*. Can't risk getting so sick I'm on my deathbed again can I?

  Trig test was weird... As usual I crammed everything I failed to learn in class down 2 days before the test, luckily this time oppa helped me (unlike you other lazy offline pooheads) and although I nearly used sin in my cosine rule it was all good. Trig turned out to be easier than I thought. Anyway, Ms D being the nice person that she is decided to split the test into 2 periods so we all cheated, obviously. And if that wasn't bad enough she said we can go back and CORRECT the ones she marked wrong, and she ended up telling me the answers to one of the questions I nearly got wrong. I love her and all but isn't this too... lenient?

  Speaking of oppa, someone texted me using his phone today and we had a short but interesting conversation about unicorns. Well, more like how that person is a hairy phat unicorn who poos out rainbows for children to play in. It's so funny when your friends' phone gets nicked and the person texts everyone on the contact book really weird messages. Which reminds me at lunch today we played a counter game counting Squishy's hairflips and he didn't notice what we were going on about extremely obviously, until the very end, that is.

  I don't like anonymous people. Both the trolls and the smartasses acting like they're so mature and they know everything when it's really obvious who they are IRL. Maturity-wise, going anonymous basically deems you unworthy of that word. Being anonymous means you're too wussed out to reveal your real identity. I remember being called a bitchy hypocrite BY a bitchy hypocrite on Formspring. I also remember someone extremely obviously trolling us on tinychat when we all kind of guessed who that person maybe.

  And also people who hold grudges, if you think someone's still holding a grudge against you  then ignore it. Wise people forgive and forget. Unless you're really super at fault and really acted like a bish then sorry bro your loss, try apologising mebbeh? Just remember that if the other person fails to let the thing blow-over then it's no longer your problem, but theirs. As long as you treat them nicely and genuinely, if they don't do the same back then WHO'S THE BISH NAO?

  Oh, sorry for the long blog, if you read up to here then WHOA you can marry me ;D

Blue Transparent Star