Recently my dad's been just a bit over, he complains about me 24/7 and his moodswings are getting really annoying. And sometimes when he's angry he screams at my mum for the littlest of things. I can literally see a divorce coming... again. Mum's been giving me all this weird talk about never wanting to get married again and if I can manage life without my stepdad, hell yeah I can. With mum even if she does throw tantrums at me I can throw one back at her and we remain in stalemate until we sleep it off; with dad he just disowns me right away and smashes things when he gets pissed.
Today I had all this choc left over from 7-10 Directors, I was like HEY Imma bringing this to Theatresports to share. Then Roslyn asked for some and when I was taking it out to give to her(and later the entire grade) I was bombarded everyone whom just ambushed me and snapped bits of the chocolate block off and disappearing into the crowds of people. By the time I squeezed my way out of this crowd, the full block turned into an empty box, so I was like OMG just take the rest and shoved it into someone's hands. I dunno, I wasn't too happy about my food getting scabbed when I didn't even get to eat any, call me greedy but I did end up starving after Theatresports. Lesson learnt, don't bring copious amounts of food outside in the corridors; and if you randomly scab food off Selena again leaving her nothing to eat be prepared to have your neck snapped.
Something did bother me however, this girl, no names mentioned but she's Asian(get the ambiguity, LOL). She was glaring at me the entire time I was attacked by our grade, then she walked up to me, snapped a block for herself and rolled her eyes at me before walking away. I'm all over the chocolate business now, at least I made half my grade happy and they were quite thankful(although not quite... considerate). But this girl, what gives her the right to take food from me, and then glare at me like I stole her boyfriend? I'm not exactly friends with her, but I don't think I'll ever be after this, I don't even know what her problem is. Lucy was full-on "SLAP HER, SLAP A BITCH!" in Jap but as if I'd do that.
As for subject selections, I really hope our Modern History class can work out. Then we can have the coolest class in 20 years and everyone else would be stuck doing equations and trigonometry. And no, i didn't do any work yesterday, I didn't do any(not even printing my resume) today either. Hope tomorrow would be better. I'm going jobhunting with Lucy and hope we both get employed and start earning munnehs.