LOL, not dedicated to anyone in particular. Just one of 'em venting rants about alot of people in this world in general.
I believe in human equality, no-one should be any better than anyone else. Therefore people who act like the world revolves around them and everyone has to listen to what they say are bad :( Just shut up and get over yourselves!
You just lost the game.
And then what? Oh yeah I got my tickets to K-Fest! So happeh! I can't wait for Cheondung to sweep me off my feet! Horrah! And Legacy day was stoopid. It accommodated us better compared to Daffodil Day, but the stoopid thing is that noone wants to buy Legacy Day stuff and I forgot how annoying getting rejected is. Or maybe Martin place just has richer, nicer people.
Tests are too frequent! I should totally screw all of them but I need to get in Columbia University! Can't possibly afford to screw up any more reports because of Otakuzone lmao.
Here are the shiz I'm selling. Peace.