Wednesday, December 31, 2014


2014 had actually legit been a blast.

Today not only had I only a 3 hour shift (UNBOHLIEVABLE) I got to meet up with my CG afterwards to watch Big Hero 6, it was such an amaze feelsy movie I crai evertim. Then we went to D Y beach to catch 9pm fireworks, then back to R's house for chills and funs until the clock strikes 12. I got the first Deal victory of the year so R was like it's gonna be a good year for me ^_^

To give you an idea of how amaze it was let's take a look at some of my resolutions:

1. Get into digital and social media course at UTS, then transfer to a double degree/jou
rnalism degree
Yeah I ended up getting a double degree and even became my course's SPROUT

2. Get a job, preferably at a better store than Coles
SPROUT and H&M pretty legit, even though I'm totally itching to quit atm LOL

4. Make new friends, whether it's in uni or on Steam
Arguably what I did the best this year. My FB friends more than doubled figures-wise and I met some awesome people I will love to hang with for a lifetime.

5. Continue to volunteer with mum, start going to church!
I'm pretty solid in church-attendance this year, doing pretty well with Hillsong Kids and I guess doing stuff for my club is volunteer-enough hehe

6. Get better at nail-art
Double score! I got better at nail-art AND make-up which I was such a scrub at last year. That expanding collection though... #scary

On the negative side, I failed to achieve alot of goals like losing weight (does gaining more weight count ROFL) and having a better sleeping pattern (3-4 ERRDAY M8).

So I will make this blog double-up as a new-years resolution.

1. Spend more time with friends whom I have missed hanging out with alot this year due to being so darn busy all the time

2. Start to look into leading Youth and move on from Kids, continue regular church attendance

3. Find someone to love and truly appreciate, no more random infatuations and settle down

4. Get a paid-internship in social media/digital marketing

5. Managing my money better, no more mindless spending


7. Become more girly and refined, swear less, drink less, speak softly.

Ok thats all guys happy new year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spoiling Myself This Christmas

So in the past 48 hours I have successfully spent a few hundreds bucks on expanding my ever-growing makeup collection.

It all began when I grew so sick and tired of my fake Naked palette I impulse bought a ChiChi one with Chairman. Nekminut double impulse Too Faced purchase from Mecca and all the money spent at Myer today just to accumulate enough points to reach silver. But hey... at least I can continue them makeup review entries amirite?

So because I've been working 7am-11am alot lately I've had the entire day available to chill with parents. So of course we went city! I was abit grumpy upon arrival but we got to go Kabuki Shoroku again and eat their yummy seafood! The manager even gave us free miso soup :3 A fed pig = a happy pig!

Mum ordered two tubs of ice cream online and her goal of the day was to pick them up even though dad and I were like can u not damn u groupon but as a result she went all: "Ok all ur makeup purchases today I will shout" and I'm all "HEH PREPARE YO BODIES". Then dad was like to her "man you're too stingy" and it made her go into a rage buying spree (which quickly stopped because she wanted to wait till before Singapore for duty-free saves). I bumped into Kry and Kae and Kae put makeup on my mum and she actually looked quite nice afterwards (big surprise since she doesn't wear makeup anymore). So while my dad patiently waited mum and I skipped around Westfield looking at random shops.

Dad wanted Crazy Wings for dinner but we ended up going the KBBQ beneath HK Yumcha Cafe. The menu was tiny and the food average but the service really made everything better. Waiters were attentive and super nice they literally came by every 5 minutes to flip our meat (dad: but I wanna cook it myself D:) and refill our sidedishes even without us asking. I was really keen beans to go K with my family because I wanted to sing Chinese songs, so we went Lantern for an hour despite it being 9:30pm (nothing like partaying hard with ur rents amirite).

I just got home and I'm so exhausted. Mum wanted to get me an iPhone 6 and a Nespresso machine from her credit card loyalty points but I feel abit spoiled so I said I'll think about it (WEIRD HUH). The day was almost too fun to be perfect since everytime the three of us go out someone ends up upset. I kept on expecting something bad to happen but guess not! (NO JINXING)


Sunday, December 7, 2014

City Shenanigans

Welp, since the Melbourne post has been super delayed might as well delay it even longer. I'm just gonna blog about my time at JASS Ball and Christmas Party.

Gal, Soso, BD and I booked for two nights at Menzies next to Wynyard station cuz it was cheap and actually not full. The hotel sucks poop is all I can say. You call yourself 4-star?? I've been to motels better than that! Plus it was super inconvenient in terms of travel as well despite being right next to Wynyard sigh. One of the major reasons why we were super late to JASS Ball.

So Soso decided to pick me up from my house which I was really grateful for but unfortunately since I'm so freaking disorganised he walked in my mum doing my hair still (it ended up coming undone anyway sigh). The traffic to the city sucked so much instead of taking 30mins it took us two hours. Soso got mad at me but somehow both of our angers got redirected to the hotel location which was technically my fault anyway OTL So it ended up taking us forever to get a taxi we decided to just catch a bus. I had to run around in my amazingly high heels (which I wore to our yr 12 formal I just don't understand why it was so freaking tall how did I not notice) and my legs were like dead by the time we got to the venue (it was shaking and bruised quite an unpleasant sight).

The event itself was okay I guess? The food wasn't great the free drinks weren't great either and I didn't even know many of the people there but somehow the night passed in a blur and it just felt good to dress up all formal and shieet. Once we were back at the hotel we passed time with Cards Against Humanity and Tinder LOL And of freaking course I got cramps again because of my amazing "hotel and period' curse so it was awkward for all as we had to look for places selling pads at 1am.

Christmas Party was a whole different story. I started stressing out about work because the timetable for next week got changed to scaryass times that I have no buses for. People also started coming over to the hotel for our pre-party and this part was probably the most fun I had since we were so retarded. Like rating girls from League of Hunnies and troll sites. All good except for my crappy cramps so I couldn't go help set up either. Feels really bad how I haven't done jack since getting elected. Jes came with our wigs and accidentally brought me the short wig she used for Len.... shieet. I tried to style it as a girl but didn't work out so well.

The night went by like a blue, I was stressing way too much over work to really have fun. Cramps prevented me from drinking anything and all my friends were busy with stuff to really spend time chilling together. I got food for my Kris Kringle while some random guy got my Gintama book THE INEQUALITY! Some hair got into my contacts so my eyes also hurt for the entire end part because we were kicked out of the venue on time.

I decided to just embrace the manliness of my wig and do the full guy makeup and take failed selfies. It was a quieter night than most cuz everyone was really tired and just wanted to go to bed. Took me a while to fall asleep because BD and Gal FREAKING SNORES EARTHQUAKES. In the end I just plugged in my iPod only to find my remote not working. The check-out time was at 10:30 so we basically just scrammed the place in the morning. We went to have Sushi Train for brunch and what do you know Takeru isn't as crappy as it was before now!

Upon getting home I felt a mixture of weariness and stress. After finding out my workmate isn't picking up (she offered to drive me) and the AGM re affiliation was taking too long all the stress came back to me and I fell down really sick. Turns out my manager let me go work at 7 instead of 6 after I called him. But I was too sick by then anyway and warned him I might not make it. Then in the morning I realised my alarm wasn't set properly but I stayed sick till 3pm anyway.

All in all I'm definitely just gonna look for a paid internship now because I'm definitely quitting this job once the holidays end.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Work and Assignments Collide

So I've just handed in my final assignment, half assed and two weeks late. Now I'm seriously worried about failing it. I've always been proud of my ability to hand in everything a week late yet still get straight Ds but this time when none of my tutors replied to me regarding to my begging for leniency boy am I so super scared. I mean this freaking thing is worth 50%, I guess for the L&D one I don't really care because half of it was actually on time (surprise surprise) but this one just no. I got one more left to go as well.

Work, on the other hand can be considered as the primary culprit to my frustrations stated above. Because I'm on 16 hours a week I've been losing alot of valuable assignment time. This is really bad especially for a big procrastinator like me because I leave stuff till the last minute and when I find out that I have work till 7 freaking pm on the due date boy will I freak out. I've also been detatched from any kind of social life as a result because I'd either be working or too tired from work. This also includes Sunday mornings and Friday nights as well. I can't neglect anymore Anime stuff! Now I either have to go work or just want to stay home and do nothing cuz I'm that tired. I can't imagine how bad it would be when uni starts. Maybe I should transition into a casual.

As for miscellaneous rants, I bombed out of a Kikki-K interview even though I called in sick for it, I somehow got my hands on an uncensored version of SRIV so now I can't play with my friends who have crappy AU versions. Stupid buses always come early or late which is really unreliable cuz it might make me miss work. And finally just how annoying retail life can be.

Yeah basically my life is filled with first world problems.



Melbourne post soon.

Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm seriously exhausted

It's been more than a month since I last blogged, I apologise sincerely to my imaginary readers.

Stuff that happened after last blog:

- Stepsiblings came over and left. They stayed in my room so I had to stay in guest room. I guess you could say my room was in the filthiest state- filthy like feeders. We spent more money than we had in years and now I feel like a poor peasant.

- When they went to Queensland I was home alone again. It was less lonelier than last time cuz of my big comp >:D

- I held a drinking night and we got smashed. Also did alot of embarrassing inapropro things with my friends. Never again hangovers are the worst.

- I went to Turtle and Blaq's bday parties and I had a great time. Good company is all that matters. Wilso and Dwood doing stripteases to randoms ahahhaa.

- I am now Anime@UTS's secretary. AGM was super long and boring. Not too impressed with end result but hey when there's war there's casualties.

- I got a job at H&M, retail life is not glamorous at all. I officially have no free time to myself. GJ me just GJ.

- Finally got to hang with Jes again. We had a good long D&M and I feel like I understand her better than ever. Her issues directly affect my mood and I feel so fking useless not being able to do anything to help. I also saw someone clearly for the first time and now all I wanna do is get rid of them from this world. Leave my bb alone pls u fk.

- My parents got into a car accident in Cairns so their trip was cut short. Noone was hurt but the car got absolutely smashed. Apparently it doesn't have insurance either so my mum thinks it's devil's doing. It is kinda weird though since we insure it every year. Parents are feeling the physical aftereffects of the crash too. Filthy Queenslanders and their crappy driving.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I really need to get into the habit of actually doing my assignments. This procrastination game is going too strong.

My parents haven't talked to eachother for a whole week because of some stupid over-her-head request by my stepsister-in-law.

I've started to stream! Find me on Twitch: Waspberry
Dota lags alot so I haven't streamed much of it yet, but I've been doing alot of Civ streams and Indie games. Please support me by clicking that 'follow' button ^_^

Friday, September 19, 2014

Over and done with

I never thought this day would come so soon, but it came quick and it came good.

I have finally gotten over someone and this time it was not a heartbreak.

*confetti, fireworks and lots of applause*

Perhaps it was my short attention span, perhaps it was their eventual retaliation, or maybe it was just my commitment issues.

But there were no more butterflies in my stomach, no more flushing whenever someone mentions their name, no more glancing in a certain direction and giggling to myself and definitely no more sleepless nights over stupid stuff that I've said to them.

Above all, I no longer feel so inferior. Like they were standing on a pedestal and I ain't even worthy enough to clean bird poop off it.

Somehow, it feels liberating.

I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm defs alot less keen and my brain is alot emptier.

Now it's time to let everyone know lol. Nothing to see here anymore guise move along.

Friday, September 12, 2014

All these partays

Ok so firstly I'm overdue for 2 assignments already and I realised that you can email the tutor like 5 hours before due time for an extension like WHAAAT some of them even offer you extensions WHAAAT here I am just waiting to eat that 10% penalty why you make me realise this world.

But yeah I forgot to write about Band Night and stuff, so I'm just gonna write it in the same post as CospARTy and Soso's birthday.... they were all awfully similar anyway. Everyone go there and have a good time, get some drinks, chat loudly with friends and drunkenly happily stumble home. That's actually exactly how I'd describe all three LOL. Cosplaying had been really fun! It attracts alot of attention though especially when you have to run around uni oh gawd such embarrassment. We also managed to organise for Soso's present which is a BOSS wallet and needless to say he loved it!

Another thing I should probably talk about is my new computer... yes, it is pretty much the reason for all my procrastination and shut-in-ness. Thanks to Pat and Gal I now have an awesome powerful beautiful desktop computer that runs everyone on Maximum graphics; making me regret ever buying PS3 games because who needs crappy aiming and curfews because of parents when you can play on your own comp? There were some gpu problems but turns out the solution was really simple. I regret buying a Deathstalker now because it's too smooth for comfort. Also I need to sort out other stuff like iTunes but I'm pretty ceebs about it for now. I even stole the Wifi adapter from my big comp because the crappy modem won't reach my room. So my desk is filled with wires and stuff now.

What else? Well some people have been telling me things that would have been the best news ever like a few months ago. But now hearing them makes me uncomfortable. Am I over this guy already LOL such short attention spam and I definitely have a commitment issue.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Concerning Home

I guess my parents returning have been, as expected, an unfavorable outcome. Because while only one of them being at home is fine, having both can only mean hell for me because everyone seems to enjoy ganging up on me. Also, it makes my internet lag in ways you can never imagine would be humanly possible.

While I am used to this environment most of the time, it can get really, really... frustrating.

And I apologise if I portray matters in an overly light manner, but I'm pretty much so done over this I only wish that you do please hear me out.

So as most of you know I nominated Japan as first choice for my Int studies. My parents, despite abit unsure were generally fine with it when I told them earlier this year.

So I really didn't understand why shit went down as soon as I got assigned my first choice.

Of course it's about Fukushima again, and of course there are heaps of underlying racist intentions as well. The interesting thing about my parents is that my dad is a fundamentalist who is so stubborn you can pretty much never change his views. While this may mean standing up for what you believe in, most of the time it just complements his lack of education and makes everything bad for everyone. In this case, even if I explain to him in full scientific glory the logic behind the effects of radiation he wouldn't understand and frankly wouldn't care. While my mum is much more smarter, she's also a pushover who would just agree with whatever my dad believes in. So if you tell me that I should explain to them about how all those 'news articles' that they come across on Wechat or ACA are just scam, trust me, I've already tried for an entire year.

How about you tell them that because the nominations are down, you can't change it anymore? You ask. Well as I said, because he never really even finished high school the ideas of credit points and nominations are completely foreign to my father. No I can't just simply 'get it changed' or 'not go', but does he listen? Does he understand? No. What about your mum? You ask again. Well, she just denies ever being supportive of my passions and calls me a filthy liar. Okay.

So currently, I'm stuck in the middle of being disowned and completely overlooked. I'm either transparent (you can tell by the fact that I'm now reduced to a pronoun rather than name or nickname) or the butt of all shittalking in the house (even for stuff that had nothing to do with me, she is somehow able to make shit up and rage at me soon after). I get used to cold-shouldering overtime and now I just accept the outcomes of most things. Obey the hierachy and not cause trouble was my personal policy. Maybe that's why you probably haven't caught me blogging about my home troubles in so long. But sometimes enough is enough.

I thank the existence of my Steam friends to give me temporary shelter and escape to this mess I find myself in. I have messaged the subject coordinator but I don't think there's much hope in an ideal solution. My only other plan is to find the uni counsellor to sit down and talk this out.

Oh, you didn't read any of that? Too much boring, confusing text, would you like a TL;DR?


TLDR: I'm fking done with everyone and everything. Life sucks shit atm and I miss being alone. Thinking back on my foreveralone lyf I'd rather be forever isolated from people than having to deal with their shittiness and hide the fact that I just want to beat up everyone. Also can everyone just stop with this Fukushima bullshit and just admit the fact that you're a racist patriotic pig? TYVM.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Transitioning segue or whatever plus a rant

Not too much happened between SMASH and dad returning:

Randomly showed up at Jes' house before the special Hillsong service to pick up my wigs and give her food. After that service I had a sleepover at my Squire and Step's house again. We all fell asleep tessellated on the couch but their family walked in in the morning and it was kinda awks. Also other awks things happened at night my gosh why do I gas at the most inapropro times. Get your crap together digestive system. We went on a mini road trip to Abbotsford to window shop the next day and my phone got hacked real bad LOL.

On the night before dad's return I went makeup shopping at Towers with Estie and we forced Galeo to tag along. My family friend also invited me over for dinner and it went all weird cuz Galeo was sleeping over and so I left him alone at home LOL. I made him grind my solo MMR but two times the opponent DCed and the only time I played (and did well cuz I tried hard) my teammates were scrubs (opponents tried harder) and lost. We managed to go bed early so we can pick up dad the next day.

Turns out both Turtle and I slept in, expecting to get a wake-up call from the other. It was worse on my part cuz I had a dream he didn't pick up when I called him. Anyway we went to pick up dad and all is well until we decided to go KFC for a Gaytime crush and snackbox. We were too early to the drive-thru and had to wait till they open LOL. I had to go Jes' after we got back to fix up our cosplay wigs for the next day (and help her sew her boot covers as well). Cosplaying is so much fun! We got to talk about what's on our minds and just catch up and rant to one another.

CAN YOU STOP WITH THE MIXED MESSAGES. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE. Sometimes you act like I'm your special only friend and others I don't even get a glance. It's so hard to decide whether I wanna be close to you because while some times you totally welcome it others you completely reject me. MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY. Maybe I'm just damn paranoid and self-conscious and scared to the point of wuss but this whole 'close yet far' thing had dragged on for abit too long! Why do you have to act differently to me around different people? What am I supposed to do with you? Why do I chicken out when it comes to anything related to you when I can be so comfortable with everyone else? Do you have any feelings at all? Or are Jes' eyes deceiving her. Cuz even the two of us have diverging opinions when it comes to you. Can you stop being such a complex character pls because I overthink everything.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

BigDaddy's Spotlight

Headshot Boom: I was hoping for a glorious spot light

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Belated post on SMASH! 2014

This year's SMASH was quite the experience for me as for the first time ever I'm not an attendee but a crew member working my hardest to optimise other people's experiences.

So starting from where I left off previously, KTran threw a party and the takoyaki/okonomiyaki he cooked were quite legit. Turtle and I spam-played the Lois Lois Mom video to annoy Blewy, who had to cross-dress to rehearse for the next day. Because stupid Bawk had to get there at 6am I commanded everyone to sleep at 10:30... that obviously didn't work out well because we ended up leaving KTran's house at like 11:30... Everyone else went to crash Turtle's while I went home with Sal and Bawk because they were both Staffing. The next morning their alarm rang at 4:30am =_= I was gonna get up at 6 but after that stupidly loud alarm there's no way I'd be able to go back to sleep! So I ended up getting up early, doing my makeup early and making coffee early; just in time for my nigguhs to get here!

Day 1 was a disaster at the start. I wore an M dress and two of the buttons popped flashing me to thank goodness just me... Noone had a sewing kit and I had to get it together with hollywood tape and safety pins. I ended up having to always hold a tray/menu in front of me. I also didn't know the dance so I just kind of bobbed along trying not to embarrass myself. My first two tables of customers were amazeballs. Like they were super cool, responded to my actions well, bought polaroids and are just plain adorable! The second table had super kawaii goshujin-samas and the kawaiiest ones asked for a $5 ripoff polaroid with me. My only regret is not realising that you can put more stickers and draw ON the photos so hopefully I looked nice at least :( Doing maid food magic and fake-fighting with BD was really fun! Upon their visit my friends totally screwed me over these assholes. Then my day became really tiring and one hour break was totally NOT enough. At the end of the day I couldn't wait to go home and rewind with my homies. However that did not go to plan because a bunch of assholes were too busy with their filthy casualness to realise that Blewy and I were literally dying of drowsiness and anger. I actually felt so headachey and sick its not even funny. So I begged Turtle to drive us home and they got pizza on the way. Turns out Jrd's car broke down, Bawk never came back and we had to figure out a way to get to SMASH the next day, luckily that got fixed and Bawk ended up returning at like 1am. GJ Pres GJ.

The next day my feet were already dead but nevertheless I was ready to work my ass off. My customers weren't as cool as the day before and one even had a medical issue. At least I got an L dress so no more popping accidents! I got some polaroid requests still but I still regret not taking a photo of the cute guy polaroid from the day before :( The day went by in a blur and I was pleasantly surprised with my church friends decide to attend! I called to meet up and go home with them afterwards! Squire was so excited about the convention he still couldn't forget about it =_=

Overall, SMASH had been such a valuable experience this year. I got to meet a heckload of wonderful people (seems like a recurring pattern this year) and gain some cosplay satisfaction.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Still Foreveralone

Uni has finally started, and I've got to say this semester's timetables sucks major ass! 2-3 hour breaks, anyone? The worst thing is I can't seem to fall asleep during breaks anymore thanks to my newfound coffee addiction... SIGH. Anyhow, it's been a hectic few days... starting from Clubs Day!

As usual I just stuck to our stall. We got alot of visitors from AnimeSydney so afterwards we decided to go eat dinner and chill at City Amusements. The pres trio is amazing at BishiBashi and Blewy at Tekken ermahgerd oshiete kudasai. I got to meet new people and stupid Bawk added fifty people using my facebook... SIGH. SUAnime Welcome BBQ was the biggest MEH of it all. People weren't exactly 'welcoming' or 'friendly' there so I just stuck to my own crowd. Unfortunately for Chairman, she had to meet D-Burger and I can safely say I will make sure that next time the two of them do not cross paths again. He can be very difficult sometimes and I guess for normal people (unlike us who are completely numb and ceebs him) that's just too much.

Which leads me to my next issue... My friends can be such assholes! And somehow I can tolerate it because I can be pretty assholey too, and also my most brutally-honest friends are my best friends (in HS and Uni). I guess people who are only 'nice' just come off as in-genuine to me. It's like that time I stayed behind to play pool with the execs, I was on the bus with Turtle and someone FB messaged him to bitch to him about our table... smooth move bro we freaking caught the same bus. Or someone who bitched about me on their Twitter thinking I won't see cuz it's private... We have mutual friends bro. I guess it's what prompted me to start cold-shouldering some people. If you got a problem, say it! I can't look at them the same anymore, knowing that it's just a facade that they put on to be 'nice'. My closest friends I have the most conflicts with... because they're honest so I can actually trust them! I'm just so disappointed with humanity right now sigh.

Maid Cafe Picnic was a decent bonding experience with  my m8s. JL and BD are such perverted yaoi-trolls and we filmed a cringe MV as a butler promotion video. Turns out we actually crashed JASS' event so I got to say hi to my tomodachi there as well. This was when I decided to host my CG house party with Tekken and pizza! Almost everyone ended up showing and didn't make a mess at all! The best, humanity-restoring part of the night was when good ol' Squire stayed back to help clean up/fill up my gaping void of loneliness. The highlight of that was when we jammed to my ukulele in the middle of the night. My voice even recovered yay!

Speaking of parties... Macquarie Chopstix  had a welcome party and I decided to attend last minute (after buying Rachey's pres) and I must say some of those attendees (specifically 2) are WEIRD AS HECK. I made sure I steered clear of them (poor Kli so scared). KTran also threw an exec party before SMASH... Which ended up being a disaster but a blessing in disguise. I was supposed to meet up with Turtle to pick up Bawk and Blewy after uni... until my car ran out of batteries! I freaked out and started crying/breaking down. I swear I made sure it still worked 2 days ago! Did I leave the lights on or something? Turtle had to make an emergency trip home to take his car and arrange Jrd to give us lifts on Sunday. I for one just ran to the store (literally) to impulse-buy a new car battery. Noone ended up assembling it because everyone only knew how to jump start a car.

SMASH/Maid Cafe will be in a separate post! I CAN FINALLY PAINT MY NAILS AGAIN HORRAY!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Home Alone

It's been a week since both my parents left for China, and so far, I think I'm enjoying my time by myself... or with a bunch of other people!

On Monday, as soon as I arrived home from the airport, I realised that noone's actually coming to my Ti4 event. Much sad... until I heard the doorbell! It's Squire! Despite having work early the next day he came and stayed till 3 anyway. I was so touched the feelz were quite real. And for once I felt most at ease looking half-dead and #nomakeupnofilter around people.

On Tuesday was when I felt quite foreveralone. It was like reality had finally sunk in and I felt so lonely and scared. Daytime was fine playing Dota with Selfie and stuff but when nighttime came I was just like omg killmenow. It was all sad until a friend told me he'd jig work to hang with me for the whole day. We went for lunch and a drive around. When I got home I was prepared to be foreveralone again... Until Squire talked me up on FB and invited me to his house :D I haven't been on a sleepover in a while so I just kind of packed my computer and PJs, forgetting the important stuff like toothbrush and pillow on the way. O well. We played more fail smurf games and at like 2am we spontaneously decided to watch the Avengers... much fail because the first half of it was so boring both of us fell asleep =_=.

The next day I was supposed to hang out with GiGi but she had some stuff on and ditched so Squire decided to take over and accompany me to grocery shopping. I was still hesitant on getting Watch Dogs but manned up and finally bought it. Turtle called me sometime and told me that him and Pres will drop by at night. Squire saw it as a queue to leave :( Turtle and Pres somehow managed to drag GiGi along and boy did they raid my house good... opening every cupboard door and scruitinising every detail. Pres decided to use my account to play Dota and one loss later till today I haven't won a single game. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE STUPID KOREAN?! Because we had an exec party the day after Pres slept in the guest room and Turtle went home to return car (at like 2am) so he could use my car to drive to Stratty next day.

Exec party was meh, I mean it would have been fun if I didn't have to leave so early. I mean THEY WERE HAVING POTATOES FOR DINNER! There were some people I was excited about seeing and others not so excited about. Karaoke destroyed my voice but hey I got to sing Kpop xD I didn't end up being late for CG, my offering talk went abit fail because I lost concentration halfway. And instead of talking to everyone afterwards I was too lazy to move and just chilled with Squire.

Saturday was my Jes day <3 I haven't seen her in so long we had alot of fun! We made our Sims family (and hot husbands LEL) We were gonna go Towers for dinner but then Turtle, Pres and VK crashed my house simultaneously because Turtle had to return my car. I got alot of BBQ sauce and drinks in return... umm okay? We went to this Indian restaurant for dinner (but not without our many many racist jokes towards Turtle) and everyone stayed really late. After sending off the non-Hills people Turtle got too tired to drive home so he crashed.

Had to get up slightly early for church on Sunday, KMe was so surprised seeing a dead turtle on my kitchen island and because I had to make juice I made everyone late :'(. Turtle left his glasses at my house LMAO. I had maid training so I wasn't able to go service :( at this rate I might get fired srsly. Made another Dota friend at training! I felt like our group was the least productive because we were too busy making inappropro jokes xD After getting myself sushi/breadtop dunch I got a lift home and spent the rest of the day gaming... which was clearly a mistake because I fell sick and had to sleep in till 5pm today.

So in conclusion, I'm very thankful for friends who are willing to accompany me through my foreveralone time. We had alot of fun and I will cherish the rest of my freedom time... can't get too used to this cuz I wouldn't want to make my parents angry when I start yelling in the middle of the night xD

Monday, July 21, 2014


This one's been delayed for a while and I really wanted this one to be the last one but looks like after my Strawberrynet Haul I will have to make yet another entry to keep you guys up to date. So let's get right to it!

Clinique Almost Powder Makeup 7.5/10
I always wanted to own a powder because my foundation just kept on running and becoming super oily. I was having a hard time choosing between MAC blotting powder and this one. And I must say I made the right choice! The powder just stays together amazingly compared to the ones that crumble and fall apart. The coverage is very, very sheer but as a result it is very natural and not cakey! When combo'd with my medium-coverage concealor it becomes a good finishing powder. My complaints lie in the crappy sponge included, cmon even Revlon can do better. The packaging is also abit dodgy cuz of the square shape.

Rimmel Soft Kohl Kajal Eye Liner Pencil 8/10
I love this product. I freaking love it. Not only is it cheap as heck it works just as well as any high-end eyeliner pencil (if not better cough MAC cough). I have this pencil in white to line my waterline and it actually goes on! The pigmentation is intense (though sometimes flaky but that's ok for a Drugstore product). Unfortunately for me the stupid taped barcode got stuck to the outside so now it's sticky and gross. Dammit Priceline!

YSL Rouge Volupte Shine 9/10
SS got me this lippy for my birthday and I just can't put it down afterwards! I chose No 12 without trying it on because I really like corail and once it went on my lips my oh my. The colour is so nice and pigmented I can either have a full orangey-red lip or a natural shade of pinky-red if I just apply it in the middle and smudge. The formula is also really moisturising and the best thing is it smells like watermelon! The packaging is typical YSL aesthetics: shiny and luxurious. Unfortunately this product loses a point because it's abit heavy and dries your lips quick despite the initial moisturising effect.

Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette 3/10
I bet you're surprised why I gave this widely-loved product such a low rating. As I said before, these reviews are based on my PERSONAL experience of the product. And herein lies my problem... The one I got is actually fake. Now don't get me wrong, I love SS for getting this for me when I saw it I was ecstatic. But the one I got not only did not come with UD's primer samples the colours are all wrong! Instead of rose-pink colours all the way I got a weird mix of tropical, orange and... yellow? The colour names are right but all the colours are completely off. The pigmentation and blendability isn't great either. And the brush is just... urgh. So now I'm pretty pissed off at whoever ripped off my friends and sold them this crappy fake product. For all of your conveniences I have attached a photo I found online that compares the two. Dat difference. In this product's defense though it's still a usable palette with rainbow for colours.

Loreal Voluminous Million Lashes Mascara Excess 6/10
For something from a Drugstore this product is actually pretty expensive. I use it when I want intense spiky lashes because it has a rubber wand. However the wand is freaking huge! Like how do I even ATTEMPT to do my undereye lashes without looking like Death Note's L? Back in Guangzhou I used Jes' normal Million Lashes one and it worked just fine! As I said I also don't really like big packaging because it won't fit nicely in my makeup bag. At least Loreal knows what's up when it comes to packaging.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

What happens at camp, stays at camp.

Well, I've got to say, besides the little mishap on my way home this will be an experience forever etched into my brain. My voice still sound like crack, and butt muscles will probably ache for the rest of the week... WORTH?

Well let us kick start with day one. D-burger's wake-up call did NOT work, in fact we managed to talk for like 15 mins so I went from super early to late =_=. The bus trip wasn't boring because I just wanted to sleep the entire time. Upon arrival it was super cold, windy and raining too. And we were NOT impressed with the dorms/cabins because the toilets/shower area was shared and the rooms had nothing... NOTHING! But somehow, by some blessed chance GiGi and I landed an 2 person exec/staff room right next to a private bathroom, fully equipped with a TV and a minifridge which we never actually used! D-burger, Turtle and Sasa fully drove us to the edge by wanting to share our room. Turtle ended up staying and D-burger/Galeo left us with all the food we bought!

We had okonomiyaki and yakisoba for lunch. And this was one of the many moments when I felt useless. I went for an emergency toilet trip before lunch and when I got back there was just nothing I can do to help out because all the jobs were taken. This gets way worse because I'm the kind of person who wouldn't know what to do until told so, and then onwards I'd do my best to complete the task. I asked around but everyone's like just go chill. There are ofc others who weren't that impressed with my performance. Liv reassured me saying how I wasn't added to the group till like 3 days before and wasn't notified of any meetings. It made me feel better so I somehow dragged one of the okonomiyaki people off the workbench and took over 2 jobs at once.

We were then sorted into groups for the ultimate group show-down. KenKen (who somehow became my adopted father) and I were leading Team 8 (Piece of 8). I was pretty happy with who I got in my team (though two of them made me incredibly uncomfortable). We did newspaper cosplay (got Death Note as theme) and battle royale (pretty much came last). It was very tiring and I ended up being slightly pissed off but it was cool. The difference between being a leader and participating is the fact that I have to remain firm and talk condescendingly when necessary. We played Mafia and toasted marshmallows during campfire. Wilso spun me around like an airplane and on our way back they tried to spook GiGi and I so we juked them good. We were smart to spend our free time showering and just general chilling. We were happily watching EHB after dinner (food was good) before I found out that there was an exec meeting going on. Once again I felt at loss because I was never notified of such meeting (there was one missed call from Va though) and when I showed up it was pretty much over. Insert me feeling useless and unwanted here sigh. As soon as I arrived back in my cabin I just went to bed.

It took my friends a LONG time to wake me up because I pretty much don't wake up unless beaten and abused. They had to resort to tempting me with food and threatening to call you know who. During the long free time after brekkie Wilson drove D-Burger, GiGi, Galeo, Eru and I to Shoalhaven where we walked along the beach and skipped pebbles on the lake. It was super tiring and windy but so nice! We then ofc made our KFC trip so we can eat KFC and drink Welch's (AKA be black). Turns out lunch is fried chicken anyway so CEEBS. Then the corrupted bunch decided to go on a trip to Acidtown so the rest of us were just like LOLBYE.

Afterwards we had the amazing race. Once again I was really disappointed in my self, not being able to help out with anything. I asked everyone but they just told me to participate. Man I got such a headache from running around everywhere in the cold wind. Our team did pretty decent... until the other teams tricked us for the final puzzle and we ended up being dead last. So we pulled everything together and completely nailed the station activities... only to find out that we came last anyway. Why? Because it was technically a 'race' whoever reached the final destination first gets a whopping 10 points. So even though we came first in the points stage the final points just screwed us over. My group worked so hard too. So yeah amazing race was very disappointing for me.

Straight afterwards I was put on the Test of Courage team. I was really excited for it because I finally got to help out with something. I'd like to think that Va and I worked very hard because while he had to stand in the cold for 3 hours I was in a stuffy room... IN A MASK. And when people weren't scared it really disillusioned me and by the end of it I just kept telling myself that I really freaking need a drink. Then I found out (after a curious incident involving exaggerations and disappearing GiGis) that drinks night will end at 11 like what the actual fork I just sat down and they're telling me to stop after half an hour. Turns out I'm not lightweight at all and nek minut I was downing stuff like a real man ("ALIZER IS FOR GIRLS GIMME THE REAL STUFF").

So after my fourth (fifth?) drink not only did my stomach feel really warm, I felt very happy and over-the-top. So I thought to myself ok maybe it's time to stop. Then it hit me 30mins later, I literally had no control over my words and actions and I was on an emotional rollercoaster ride. I yelled at everyone who came across my path, cried over youknowwho, laughed like an idiot and clung onto Turtle's legs while singing rap songs (?). The worst thing is I wasn't even drunk just happy and tipsy. Five toilet trips later ("breaking the seal") I was back to a normal person. No passing out no hangover no nothing. So I guess thay was an interesting experience.

I woke up so dead the next day because instead of letting us sleep in we had to pack up by 7:30 because of changing camp policies. At least breakfast on day 3 was amazing! Wilso offered us a lift to Para so we are able to leave straight after lunch. Then as I said I saw something that upset me and D-burger had to yell at me to bring me back down to earth. I had CG afterwards  but noone except the three of us showed up meh :(

So in conclusion, camp was an interesting experience. There were definitely fun moments and there were also others that weren't so pleasant. But hey, 9/10 would go again.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I think I know how you feel now, Jes

I just want some time for myself, at least 3 days worth of staying home, sleeping in and just chilling with noone else but me.

I'm so sick of socialising, of attending outings and keeping up my energetic facade so people won't ask me if I'm okay because I seem quiet.

I really want to curl up in a ball and sleep till I wake naturally.

For the past two weeks I really can't tell the fact that I'm actually on holidays. I'm either constantly occupied with Anime/Church things or catching up with old friends, or having people over on my only off-days. Or having fifty billion conversation windows open when I'm only trying to enjoy a game of Dota.

Please give me a break, everyone.

Friday, July 11, 2014

When people are crappy

I feel like this blog is dying, so I'll do my best

Because I've been so busy every single day, literally Morning-Midnight all day errday. Like if you look in my diary there's writing everywhere.Yet there's really nothing big happening. I didn't buy anything extravagant, no developments in the relationship department, maid cafe training wasn't that exciting, no big drama turning everything upside down. I'm just good ol regular... me.

But something has come to my attention recently, and I'd like to address it.

The hype of becoming an exec after SGM died down really fast as I came to understanding with how it really is just a fun thing and not a power-struggle or whatnot. I stopped feeling the need to flaunt my position everywhere, because it really isn't anything worth flaunting. We exist to make the club a better place, nothing more, nothing less. So I really don't understand why having a position can corrupt some people, making them forget the reason why they were chosen in the first place.

What every company member should do is, putting it in Chinese, their 本分工作, which means what we are supposed to/assigned to do. If you can't even do your 本分工作 well, how can you even think of doing all the extras or moving up the corporate ladder? And why would you expect to get recognition for the nothing that you've done? Some people do all the hard work but don't expect to be praised, and others only do the surface work, then they expect everyone to love them and stupid stuff like that.

And why do people have such superiority complexes? Sometimes we have to accept that everyone has their own faults because nobody's perfect! You can't just judge everyone based on yourself. I hate it when people think they're top dog when in reality, they're not. I think that I'm quite sensitive to this issue after all that high school drama my own ego has caused. I refused to step down and think about things in other people's shoes, and that led to lots of trouble.

Backstabbing is not cool, bro. You'd think that people won't find out, but things like this spread really quickly. You have to be careful when telling secrets that are harmful to someone because eventually, what goes around comes around and by then it'll be too late to turn back.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I've been so busy

So let me just tell you why:

Well  firstly it's finally work season so I gotta fully-utilise my marketing skills to promote my uni! It's actually a really tiring job, but it's also very fun and rewarding brainwashing high school students and their parents! >:D The pay is good as usual so I finally bought some glasses! It ended up not being the one i had my eye on because everyone keeps telling me how the one my mum liked looks better, SO I FELL TO PEER PRESSURE. The optometrist has like the worst customer service so that's pretty ceebs but since the specs were just so beautiful I couldn't really care less.

I finished doing my 4 Reasons I'm A Christian and it's full of really heavy stuff but I think I managed without breaking down. I also finally started Kids' Ministry! It's super tiring it's like the children drain all of my energy but some of them are just so adorable I couldn't resist pinching their cheeks >< Overall church has been good, can't wait to learn how to drive though!

We had Rabboeki again, it was filled with non-Dota related activities. I also went shopping with my mum and stocked up on winter clothing (bought heaps at Marc's). I even stocked up on games for the Steam Summer sale! Now I just desperately need free time to play them. I also bought a hair Groupon so I can get a trim and maybe try out a new colour. I had to refund the first time round cuz the place seemed really dodgy. The second place was busy (no free time till July 9th which is after Black Party/Maid Cafe Photoshoot sad) but seemed really good. So I booked for that date.

Watched Maleficent with Chairman! She was pleasantly surprised because we were both more keen for TFIOS but wow it ended up being so feelsy and nice and oh gawd such love. Also I'm in love with Tenkomori such cheap ramen ermahgerd.

As for today (yesterday?), Turtle drove me to exec meeting with the dirty ass car that is technically mine. Seriously I really need to clean that thing! We loitered around as usual but we did discuss important things. I also split my Dota time more evenly between Mumble and Uni now, I guess that's a good thing.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, quite a few things happened but nothing too big.

That time of the year again with all my assignments due on the same week. Till today I still haven't done my Uncomm essay which was due... last Friday. Apparently we get 10% off per week late so I'm not that worried I guess? But it's at a stage now where I really do NOT know what to write about after two sentences... it's worth 40% too so FML.

No major developments/drama, you can move along now.
Though this one time I was kinda out of it and he was teasing me calling this thing I do cute and without thinking I shot back "you're cute" and there was just this awkward silence... And then he's like "ngaw I accept that comment" LOL

Went to see Vivid with mum after hanging out with my combined uni friends (FINALLY SEE JES AFTER LIKE 3 WEEKS as you can probably see I was pretty freaking happy and just latched onto her lol). We went Kabuki Shoroku as suggested by Fel, the cuisine was so authentic and fancy though my only concern is the fact that they use one-off bamboo chopsticks. We then had icecream and walked around, we saw like less than half of the sights cuz it was late but it was pretty funsies. I found a pair of glasses I liked, Gucci was having a 30% off everything sale and fak I wanted those so bad but $400 tho cry.

As everyone can probably see I hardly play with Mumble now. Mainly just Gaylen, Wilso and Jdn's friends. So guess who deleted me off Steam, then when they re-added me caused a whole lotta drama? Sigh I think I have it sorted out (because alot of it's my fault as well) thanks for the lift to RTA :) Got my children's check like immediately afterwards lel.

Got a rare invite to the Mumbrella 360 conference worth over $1000... but bailed halfway. Why? I stayed up too late playing Dota and got really sick today. The conference (at Hilton hotel) looked freaking amazing with so many large media companies seeking connections and plenty of white collar workers sharing experience. There were alot of fancy freebies and free food lying around because the theme is tea-party or something. I'm glad Gigi had a good time because before the students section even started I went home feeling really, really dead. Slept till now and hadn't had a bite of food since, dad obv raged over this and threatened to smash my computer again... sigh.

Holiday plans
1. Finish that damn assignment
2. roadtoti4 sleepover
3. SS catch-up sleepover
4. Spent like every second of your holidays with Jes if you can. Sort out Melbourne trip
5. Attend work, get money.
6. Rabboeki with D-burger, Wilso, Erikun & Gigi
7. Pentaforce LAN party
8. Start working at church :D

Anyway, I'll try write the final part of my current makeup collection soon. For now I'll try to write abit more of my essay.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Don't manipulate me

I really don't like being out of the loop. So never use my ignorance to your advantage because that's just low.

Uni life is way too hectic. I have to keep in contact with fifty people at once because those people all mean something to me. I realised that I haven't really contacted SS, Clary, Nic, or even Mumble at all this past month. I just texted a few and hopefully we can catch up soon.

I also realised I have piled up all my final assignments till the last minute. Do I ever learn to just do my work on time LOL.

[REVIEW] Crush

So I know somehow my review on A Crazy Little Thing Called Love blew this blog up, and that's fine, but I haven't really been writing any movie reviews in a while, so sorry if you've been reading this blog expecting my snarky comments on mediocre movies. I've watched alot, but never bothered to write (let's face it, uni lyf is tiring as hell and I've got more things to worry about than how great someone's acting is). But since I watched this somehow indie mediocre movie called Crush today I felt like I just had to bring back this review thing. Spoilers ahead peeps!

I kinda really ceebs you all

So anyway, while ACLTCL is about a loser girl's huge kinda creepy crush on a handsome guy then in the end we find that he actually likes her back and they skip to rainbowponyland or whatever; Crush is of a different caliber of cliche. This movie deals with a loser girl's huge kinda creepy crush on a handsome guy then in the end she tries to kill him. I mean come on, I know Lucas Till is hot and all but do movie writers really have no more fresh plot ideas?

So anyway, this quiet, withdrawn and mysterious girl called Beth (forgive me, it's actually Bess but who cares) moves to town and she luuuuubs dis super hot popular jock dude called Scott Norris (NORRIS??)  from her school. She collects the stuff he has used and leaves him secret admirer notes in his locker. But oh dear dis super hot dude has a equally-as-hot best-friend with benefits/gf called Jules! Oh noes! She asks her co-worker Andie for some advice and Andie's like lol dw I've done weird shit back in my HS days (it's ok errbody so have I) so leave me alone while me and my boss David flirt with eachother. So then it's implied that Bess actually does all these weird things like putting her English teacher in a coma because Scott borrowed a book from her and trying to smother Jules because well duh. So Scott goes up to her and confronts her telling her to leave him alone and she's a freak. Meanwhile this loser guy called Jeffrey also creepily stalks Bess because somehow it's acceptable to make losers like losers and hot people like hot people.

Ye I'm actually da creep. Didn't see that one comin' did ya?
But wait! A wild plot twist appears! Turns out ANDIE is actually the borderline-homicidal freak with a huge crush on Scott! OMG! So the part with Andie saying how she's super creepy before all makes sense! She's also a gigantic pedobear! So she brutally murders David and then locks Scott up in her basement (cliche detector over 9000). But coincidentally Bess comes to Andie's house to save Scott and Jeffrey then comes to stalk save Bess. In the end Bess gets together with Jeffrey and Scott gets back together with Jules.

Ok, so I have many problems with this movie. But let me say the positive things first. The movie did relatively well with its handling of suspense. I was on the edge of my seat most of the time. I gotta thank the soundtrack (though it feels like every horror movie has the same music) and camera angles (those stalker shots are overused but suspenseful as hell) for this.The plot was also kinda original, and I say kinda because plots like this are really just too overused. Also Lucas Till is hot, nuff said. The girl playing Jules also plays Aurora from OUAT so that's bonus points.

Sorry I'm so hot.

Onto the long barrage of problems. Firstly, Bess is freaking pretty. What's with movies making the loser girl all pretty and stuff? And the stereotyping. Why does Bess end up with Jeffrey and Scott with Jules? Because losers belong with losers? That's just stupid. And also whats with the whole "draw me like you draw her" thing? The fact that Scott is a brooding artist is never really implied so the whole thing came off as abit random to me. Nevertheless it's true what they say about this movie: a cheap suspensy horror film designed for bored teenagers.

So in conclusion: If someone has a crush on you, you should DEFINITELY check to see if they're a crazy yandere killer first. Otherwise be prepared to get locked up in a dark basement!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I shudder at how much I want to slap you sometimes

So please stop it, you're a lovely person, I get it, but please just stop.

Sometimes this kind of stuff really just adds up and bites you in the ass.

Hope the prospect of SS reunion, day out with mum and Maid Cafe will make things better.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


High School: Same old mundane routine everyday, when something happens there's a lot to blog about because that's how exciting it is.

Uni: Events on every single day, no choice but to speed-blog through everything.

Also, I'm such a hugger. Idk why but I just love hugs, so I hug like everyone including strangers and stuff. But does today mean that I am free to hug you however and whenever lol #OVERANALYSING

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

VC Week

What a busy couple o' weeks has it been! I was keeping myself busy literally every single day.

First was the Easter City Service. QUALITY TIME HAS BEEN SPENT. GiGi tagged along and for the first time in forever I don't feel completely foreveralone. It was a great service nevertheless because I loved the message (CAVALRY COVERS IT ALL YO).

Went Hot-Star the next day with GiGi Ness D-burger and Wilso. I realised how much I sucked at pool. Srsly this is what happens when you only use the biggest sticks when you were little (that's what she said?). No strength whatsoever sigh. Enough making a fool out of myself so Wilso and I went to the LAN cafe next door to play Titanfall. We skipped the tutorial (pfft who needs them) and went straight for MP against pros. We did surprisingly not bad. The game itself is just COD with mechas. PRESS V FOR TITANFALL!

On Sunday I got a lift and it was quite the average day at Church. Really hard to concentrate when I sit next to urgh though. AND GUESS WHO IMPLIED THAT I'M FAT. Sigh, but really now, gotta lose that flab. But hey, mum's back! With tons of food that I'm still snacking on this very moment!

On Tuesday it was the drawing event when I will inevitably muster up all my PR skills. I met awesome new people. We were sorted into teams to complete different challenges, and guess what? Our team won! It feels so good to be winning even if it's just a $10 Kino voucher.

I was already exhausted the next day but MUST ATTEND CLARY'S PARTY. Gaylen and I met up earlier so I can pick up my concealers (review soon). I went through all that trouble getting my MYER ONE card sorted out only to find that MYER ran out of my colours. We trekked the long way to David Jones. I've got to admit the party was so awkward at first. I didn't know anyone (and didn't really meet anyone by the end of it). Until my uni friends showed up :') We made our tiny "Clary's uni friends" circle and sang bad karaoke.

Being more exhausted (and with a dying voice) I attend JASS Karaoke the next day. Crowded into a room with people I actually know and sang my heart out, literally. It was 6 hours, how did I survive that long? Met more people. You know those kinds of people that you know you'll be annoyed at for the rest of your life? I met someone like that. #MUCHREGRET

I must have been too worn out because by Friday I was super exhausted and sick, very very sick. I couldn't even organise an outing for tomorrow because of how sick I was. So let's skip straight to the one and only SGM that will probably decide my fate (exaggeration). I didn't know they split Publicity and Comms into two and elected Pub first. So despite writing a long and complicated speech it didn't apply to Pub at all and I kind of humiliated myself sigh. I still got the position I wanted but it wasn't the greatest feeling in the world since the process totally screwed up ahhaa. Time to post regularly now! We went for celebration dinner afterwards and fought our way through 13 scoops of BRAINFREEZE.

I brought mum to church the next day (despite errbody asking me if I wanted a lift TRUST ME I DO VERY MUCH BUT SIGH MUMS). So while mum was intro'd to other middle-aged people I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to sit with my friends for lunch but I couldn't so super sigh. Sorry if I ignored you on the day :'( She wouldn't stop complaining about how far the parking street is from church as well. FFS AMIRITE? The USANA meeting afterwards wasn't bad, but I was kinda pissed throughout it, phone dying with no batts as well =_=

Jigged uni on Monday, just couldn't be bothered getting up. I thought to myself oh I'll just stay home and do readings LOLJKS. Sigh. Jes came over and we made mi-goreng though that was freaking awesome. We've organised to go PAX together, with flights booked and hotels and everything!

So onto yesterday. It started brightly with the interview! I think I performed really well but the key issue is still my availability (DAMN YOU MONDAY!). The fried chicken lunch didn't sit well in my stomach cuz when I got home boy i felt dead. Went to bed at 11 sigh.

Right now, I realised that I have two assignments due next week and haven't started either. WHY U DO THIS TO ME BRAIN?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

For once, I dunno what to write about

Here's a picture of me and Mao's chips experience instead:

From this

To this. What happened.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Just another 2 weeks

Oh boy here we go again.

Tuesday: Happy April Fools! My idea of a joke is to snapchat everyone telling them I was in love with them. Everyone's reactions diverge from "I LUB U 2 BB" to "Uhh wrong chat?". It was pretty funny! I have to meet up with Modern class for our reunion dinner and so I have to stay back till really late. I'm so happy I had friends who are willing to bum around with me till 7 so I didn't end up being foreveralone at all! The dinner was great (KBBQ) because I was with Modern class. I stayed in the city till late so yeah not sure if gusta.

Wednesday&Thursday: Ideas in History proposal due tomorrow. I kept on thinking to myself: "Oh this is easy I'll do it later." I even played a game. But ten hours later I realised I haven't started a thing.

Pulled the first all-nighter in my life. I stayed up till 4:30 to do my assignment but it's still incomplete. I scheduled an 1 hour nap but ended up waking at 7, FFS! Luckily I was almost done and I asked Gaylen to print it for me. I just felt so relieved after completion words cannot describe my feelings I'll just say that I happily jigged my lecture. Estie Gaylen and I went Crave to celebrate (kill time and wait for Kai who said he'd come) and we were all pretty grumpy after 0 sleep. But guess which asshole ditched us with no notice? So yeah he owes us food now.

Friday: Captain America outing with Connect Group, but when I was about to groggily leave the house it started pouring so I was like CEEBS and bailed.

Saturday: UTSAnime Ice Skating. Macquarie Center is so cool! Such an easy place to get to too! Had a funny incident in the morning when I ran for a bus but missed it and the next one comes in a hour. Then I realised I was meant to catch the next one anyway so I had to go home, eat breakfast then go. I can't believe I forgot how to ice-skate confidently cuz I was just inching forward on the ice. I also got really tired because I'm just that unfit. Man I need to exercise.

Afterwards Gaylen and I went Town Hall to kill time for JASS Drinking night. Westfield is actually a nice place to sit chill and eat ice cream. We made Kai treat us xiaolongbao. Din Tai Fung in Westfield is disgustingly overrated. We ended up being early for Drinks and turns out happy hour wasn't till 8. But I don't drink alcohol anyway so I just drank 2 glasses of juice the entire night. We chipped in for a tequila shot for Gaylen and one of the guys got slightly drunk and made a mess. Upon reflection of today I realised that I had spent 50 bucks. CRY I'M NOT EATING LUNCH NEXT WEEK.

Sunday: Got up super early for church because I'll be observing Kids Ministry today! Their system is really straightforward and all I have left to do is to get my working with children application cleared. Some of the kids are just so cute! I ended up staying out till like 4 starting my butt off because Jdn didn't go and noone could give me a lift home because of a Kids Ministry meeting. So I stayed and listened to the leaders talk about how to teach kids and it was pretty informative.

Monday: Skipped lecture, AGAIN. I should honestly stop doing this because unlike high school I'm paying for it. Tut was such a bludge as well. I got up in my bunny gear to hand out free hot cross buns for CREDO. I put on my high school charity face and destroyed the market with my awesomeness. Not even bragging I handed out so many :D I'm surprised so many people said no to free food though. All the more for me xD Ran into my friends from BB as well turns out they're all helping!

Tuesday: I'm actually early for my lecture! O Em Gee! At lunch we were joined by Nikki but I was eager to get home.

Thursday: Jigged lecture, sigh sleep was just so tempting ya know? Keo and Gigi joined us for lunch today because I gotta form my battle plan for running for Anime Exec. I'm planning to go screening tomorrow to assert my dominance in the market ofc.

Friday: Quite eventful day. Went screening and surprised everyone because I never go. I stayed for dinner at Poporo afterwards (Doria is so nice but half-size dishes are rip-offs donut get!) I managed to get Clary to come CG with me! We got our second dinner of Ko-mart snacks. I think Clary and I will become good friends because we're so similar in some ways and she totes get how it feels like to be "bro-zoned"! She's sick I hope she feels better soon :( After CG I hung with Sica and I was so sleepy by then (because I didn't get a lift because she's waiting for her Melbourne friends at 11) I became verbally vulnerable. We had a D&M (I think I was the only one talking though >_>) and she asked me about my current love life (what a joke) and yeah... I TOLD HER. I wasn't that straightforward but I think that blush on my face gave it away. Sigh. Got a lift back from the station though (much jinx), haven't caught a train in ages! Keo revealed to me about my fellow competitors because he just had to give me a hint which actually made me guess everyone (cuz I'm smart). I really don't know how to react to this information.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Heyo, procrastination's a bitch, so let's get straight to it. This post covers all those miscellaneous things I bought after my Galleria haul and before my birthday.

Dior Fusion Mono Eyeshadow 7/10
I don't know why but I have a strange obsession and longing for this eyeshadow. I own this in Lune (white) and Aventure (gunmetal) and a pot is expensive as hell (even if you get so much of it $50 still whaaat). I like it nevertheless. If you're gonna get it GET TWO- otherwise you're defeating the purpose of buying it. The whole point of a gel-eyeshadow is that it applies and blends really easily and smoothly. You can achieve an everyday look just by dipping your finger in the white pot, smear on inner eye corners, then dipping in grey pot and smear on outer corners. For a nighttime look do the same thing but heavier application. The sponge applicator that came with it is very cool because you can assemble it and that's always fun. It lasts for about 4-5 hours before the colour stops being as intense.

The Body Shop Colour Crush Eyeshadow 6/10
This was an impulse buy because back then I wanted a second Dior pot and ceebs blowing another 50. There isn't much I can say about this eyeshadow because tbh I haven't used it in a while. It is as pigmented as the store advertised, and yes you can use your fingers. You don't even need a primer to put it on nicely. The texture is really nice and there is a slight shimmer. Though as a product in a competitive market it doesn't really stand out from the rest and you can probably get the same quality for 10 dollars less.

Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner 9/10
I got this in a two-pack at the airport (Black and Sepia Ink) for $50 only and not only did it have beautiful packaging it came with a mini eyeliner brush which works really well. The formula is really smooth and the black one's application is so pigmented it feels like a liquid eyeliner. The brown one stays on my waterline as well. This eyeliner dries quickly and does not smudge at all even on my sad monolids! It is pretty 'long-wearing' but the brown one isn't as great as the black. I can't say how this compares to the MAC and Maybelline one so you'd have to make up your own mind on what to buy.

The Body Shop Camomile Waterproof Eye & Lip Makeup Remover 8/10
Even though I usually just use my trusty Garnier wipes then Sense cleanser to remove my makeup, this baby is my saviour when it comes to my eyes and lips, where a few swipes just don't do the trick. For something smelling so nice and natural its strength is pretty intense. Three little drops onto a cotton wipe along with a dab of water can remove the makeup on both of my eyes. So freaking cheap compared to Clinique as well. My only concern is the tiny little opening that the product comes out of... I know it prevents wastage but I like the size to fit my cotton tip so I don't have to tip the bottle many times.

Chanel Rouge Allure Extrait de Gloss 7/10
I got this in the slightly strange Genie colour, which is a bright, The  end result is actually a pretty nude peach which blends well with a lipstick that's not as natural or just gives your lips a healthy glow (not shimmer! This product does not contain sparkles!) I didn't really like the applicator, and using your fingers became inevitable which on many occasions is gross. The texture feels pretty lip balm-y which is nice because a good lip product shouldn't dry-out your lips. And can I just add how PURDY is the packaging? Feels so luxurious holding it in your hands heheheh.

Monday, March 31, 2014

My Week

Because so much happen on a weekly basis now, I'll just blog about its entire duration ^^

Wednesday: My day off! Nothing of relative interest happened. Bad things are finally starting to happen though as I got yelled at because I left a dish in the sink during my daily chores. Seriously this male menopause thing is getting really annoying.

Thursday: Late for Ideas in History lecture (as usual), hung around after the tutorial to have lunch with my homies. Alice had something on that night so I guess it wouldn't hurt for the rest of us to stick around. We decided to go film Estelle and Alice's jamnominations at Central Park event space. However there's this annoyingass piano player who thinks he's so good and won't get off the piano. The songs he play are pure show-off pieces that don't even sound nice (since he's playing it so fast and so many times over). Played with new steam friends again :3 They stayed up later but I didn't because work training tomorrow starts too early.

Friday: Such a busy day! Had SPROUTS training from 9 till 4. Turns out it was just one huge lecture that came with free food  (which everyone fought for) so I guess that's good. Didn't make any new friends which was surprising because we're all communication agents. Oh well, who needs friends amirite? But nah had lunch with Gaylen; him and Kaiken bought me Chatime and we headed towards Jass/Anime screening together. Kaiken didn't stay cuz he had some friend's birthday thing. WHO NEEDS FRIENDS?

Gintama movie was great but the Subway dinner that I paid $5 for was not at all. So GiGi's friends, D-Burger n co and I went to grab KFC and I soon left for Connect group. It was slightly awkward since everyone was late so I grabbed dinner (mine consisted of a custard bun, chips and milkis for $4 lel) with the leaders and we talked about GoT and Waifuism. When I got home new steam friends asked me to play again so woop. Jimface got really cranky and it pissed me off so I proceeded to ignore him for the rest of the day.

Saturday: GiGi came over at noon to make Rabboeki with me :D We forgot alot of things but man it turned out so good. Who knew randomly chucking stuff into a pot can taste so damn good? We ate and watched You Who Came From The Stars together. Invited her to join our Dota Skype call and I had chores so I asked her to pick a hero for me. She panicked and pressed 'Random' which got me TA. I actually got quite a few kills and least death in game so you can't blame me! This was also the day I kind of decided that this senpai obsession of mine is unhealthy and I should probably stop. So I did, and all was great until I got a text, guess who I'm stuck with for tomorrow? Sigh.

Sunday: Despite playing Dota till 2 I managed to get up at 9, take my shower, clean my bathroom, pick my outfit, dry/straighten hair and put on makeup ("not too caked but covers all blemishes and have a slight ulzzang tone to it") by 10:29. Pro right? Jdn ended up being abit late but I didn't mind. It was just the two of us today so we talked about Dota and general lyf things. 

The message today was really good. It was about love thy neighbour (AWKWARD) and it encouraged us to get involved in this action plan thing. I got really hyped up for it because I thought it was a great idea. I also made my decision to help serve in Kids Ministry and they told me to go abit earlier next week to scout things out. Sounds perfect. 

Went lunch with the group and got to meet some really nice people (ONE MORE DOTA FRIEND). Though call me biased but one of them kinda annoyed me alot for reasons you and I both know (Line Chat). Nevertheless strange topics were discussed over the lunch table (how to die, cannibalism during the apocalypse...etc) and I had some really good ramen. Even took a selfie for snapchat!

More Dota and lyf nonsense was discussed and pocky was shared on the trip back w/ Jdn. I kind of fell asleep instead of doing my UnComm blog post and two Dota games later I realised that it's gonna be due in 2 hours. Somehow I procrastinated a whole hour and at 10pm I got cracking. That was when time passed SO DAMN QUICKLY. Me being a perfectionist only handed in my work 22mins after the due time. I AM SO PARANOID OVER THAT NOW. But hey got to play more Dota afterwards with Jimface, Wilso and Jdn. It's kinda my fault that we lost for both but you can really tell my Steam friend's diverging personalities because while Jimface was a dick who blamed me for everything Wilso was more forgiving and Jdn is just downright nice. I'm sure that deep down underneath they're both equally as annoyed though. Really pissed dad off cuz I was playing late so freaking sigh.

Monday (That's today, folks!): Decided to skip lecture because I slept too late last night (kept on thinking to myself man dad is so right) but for some reason he didn't go work today. I kindly asked him to help me fix my converses because they're all falling apart and all he had to do was to duct tape it. The tutorial was a bludge but at least we're getting somewhere with the splitting into groups thing. Met up with Jess and I realised that I have mistakenly thought of today as the Hot Cross Buns day welp. We went to eat Ippudo together and later Maccas for dessert (fries dipped in sundaes, yay or nay?). I wanted to go Priceline to use my $5 voucher, bought a Loreal mascara but the lady said I had to print my voucher and scanned my item anyway =_= bish. Regret getting this one now cuz the wand's so freaking huge like whoa. Also I'm so used to the MAC hair tips a plastic spool felt weird.

When I got home I realised dad didn't end up fixing my shoes so was kinda annoyed over that because I've been asking him for a week now. I understand that he's very busy since mum's in China but that won't have taken him 5 minutes and I even GAVE him the shoes in the morning to which he responded: "put that in the garage first". Ceebs. I got really tired after pooping greenish black (THANKS SPINACH FOR MAKING ME THINK I GOT CANCER) so took a nap but BIG MISTAKE guess who I angered? He went on his death rant again (idk why he tells me to go die everytime it concerns playing video games) so I decided to ignore it because that's just downright rude. Now I ceebs eating dinner. Wow when I look over what I just typed it sounded like such a first world problem sigh.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things are looking up

Alot has happened recently, I guess that my unilyf is just so packed to the brim I hardly have the time and energy to blog about it. Got to interview Greg Rust for UnComm and even though I haven't really heard of him before I was pretty star-struck hehe.

I got the SPROUT job! I remember sitting in UnComm thinking to myself: "BRACE YOURSELF REJECTION IS COMING" but nope. We only get like around 40 shifts a year (explains the good pay) but I think it's excellent experience and I can learn valuable skills along the way.

So that anon asked to meet up with me at the concourse, I camouflaged myself and actually went to scout it out. To no avail though, Alice even yelled "SELENA'S STALKER COME OUT!". However I did bump into a few familiar faces so all good. I did see some sus guy I met at speed friending go there at 2 and leaving 15 mins later, I don't remember him speaking good English or play Dota so probs not him cuz otherwise urgh.

Anime Trivia Night was fun, I must have gained heaps of weight from that though. We didn't win anything but the feeling of thinking that we could possibly win was euphoric. Afterwards Gaylen and I went to the night markets for expensiveass streetfood, I've never been Chinatown night markets, how crazy is that? Then I went to the Connect group for Chopstix, I never thought I'd actually fit in there and it remained this awkward place where I only knew a few people but nevertheless. Should I nominate myself to become an exec for UTSAnime? I know I want to be the JASS one but I'm enjoying myself more and more among the otakus ahaha.

How annoying is that Jamnomination tag? I got tagged and heaps of difficult, high-pitched songs ran through my head, but I ended up going with Bryan Adam's "Heaven", because I haven't sung that at the beach and it sounds good imo. Still flat and boring compared to all those "Let it go"s and other shenanigans.

I hang with Jes less and less now, it's concerning really, but I'm glad we still do our best to find time for eachother :') I got Alice's present today, my wallet's been draining alot recently cuz dad kept on borrowing off me and I blow my cash on other miscellaneous things like food, travel passes and etc.

GUESS WHO I GOT TO PLAY WITH? I thought that, after I got completely ignored, something like that would never happen. But it did, and my disposition was really natural so phew! Thank you Jimface even though I still hate your guts sometimes. I don't wanna be too keen so I went off when he did and left them to their own devices. Did I make the right choice? I'm pretty sure I did.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Let us catch up

  • Uni is wearing me out, I feel like trying hard in every single assignment but I always end up doing them last minute.
  • I feel like I should act more like a girl, be more quiet, less violent, and take care of my body more.
  • Sometimes I observe other people's actions and realise how retarded I can be sometimes.
  • Everyone around me is hitting on each other and it is getting increasingly annoying because I get left out when that happens.
  • Finally went to Centrelink to finalise Youth Allowance.
  • Got a friggin infection and the treatment is irritating as hell.
  • I just got a few hundred bucks from USANA, so it begins...
  • Mum went to China and I miss her alot already :( Before she left we went shopping and she went crazy at Daiso ahaha. It seems everytime we go out we end up eating Sushi Train. We ate at Sushi Hon and spent like 50 bucks OTL. I got a blazer for the SPROUT interview and Windsor Smith shoes to integrate into the mainstream.
  • The interview went so... URGH. I said alot of stupid stuff and left out the important stuff that would prove my enthusiasm/excellence. They said I was the only DigSocMed applicant and had to wait till the next week to know the answer so I think they meant I sucked so much they had to interview more people because they only sent notices to 10 people. #praythatidgetin
  • Since my homestay left I have my own bathroom, it's such a drag to clean.
  • There's this really cute guy who's like so perf and he just gets more and more perf everyday. NOTICE ME SENPAI <3
  • Oppa does USANA wut wut wut lel lel lel it would be funny if he's actually in mum's team aahahhaha
  • I probably should lose weight if I ever want to go to the beach again.
  • I really want to know who the anon is on so I can talk to him/her.
  • There really is no hope for my computer to run TESO properly ever again.
  • My internet has been really dodgy recently.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Did ya think that after I completely ditched Anti-Bitch and Recounting China this will be another series going down the drain? I don't think so buddy. Let's get right down to it yo! Part two will consist of my Galleria haul!

Guerlain Meteorites Perles Light Diffusing Perfecting Primer 9/10
I freaking love this product, and not because I'm a Guerlain fangirl, either. From top to bottom it just radiates beauty. The formula is so smooth and absorbent it felt like I'm using skin-care and not a primer! Your skin will quite literally glow and shimmer after application, which makes any foundation look good. It is also water-based so your skin feels really good afterwards. The only downside is the price; I actually got this for around $50 (connections) but everywhere else it's hella pricey! So yeah think carefully before investing in it, mine's already like halfway finished cuz mum likes to use it as well just by it self haha.

Guerlain Lingerie de peau Invisible Skin Fusion 8/10
When I bought this product I had to choose between this one and Diorskin Forever, I chose it purely for the fact that the shade the MUA matched me with suited my skintone more and literally felt like second-skin. Its coverage is quite sheer- don't expect for it to fully cover any of your blemishes! This and the pearl primer is like a match made in heaven because the foundation's already-superslick application just glides on like a moisturiser and never clumps/look cakey. It does not have good oil-control so I recommend putting a  powder over it for a flawless finish.

Diorsnow BB Eye Creme 6/10
I asked for a concealer that could trick other people into thinking that I don't have acne, so I got recommended this. Now, if you were to use this product purely for the sake of concealing your undereye circles/bags, then by all means go ahead and use it. It's everything you could ask for- a moisturising formula, light, buildable coverage to make you look natural and an easy applicator. But that wasn't my purpose when I got it, I was told I can also use it as a pesudo-concealer and I can try placing some on my spots, it did not work as planned. I probably won't buy this product again, but it did my panda eyes proud during its stay.

Diorshow Art Pen Eyeliner 9/10
Now, you'd think after my terrible experience with MAC penultimate that I'd be put off eyeliner forever, but that was not the case my friend. I picked up this baby for free with my haul (again, connections) and it serves me well till this day. Its felt-tip applicator makes it easy to draw a precise, pigmented line far more superior than MAC's. Jess nearly poked herself in the eye because it was so sharp xD It definitely stays on for long as well, and once it literally did not smudge at ALL after my outing and I shed tears of hidden-lidded joy. My only qualm with this product is the fact that the lid doesn't fit the other end so I lose sight of the darned thing often.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How you're supposed to attend uni

Me: Ah gotta do my readings for tomorrow!
*audible gasps of exasperation*
Ju: Soooooo keeeeeeeen!
Me: Uhh yeah?
*loud OOOHs and AHHHs in Mumble*
Me: Aren't you supposed to?
Mumble: NO!
Ju: First years, so keen!
A: Man I remember my first year, I was super keen too! Attended all my stuff!
*loud mutters of 'me too's and 'same here's*
Ji: Eventually, you just stop bothering.
Ju: Same old shit every year.

Friday, February 28, 2014

About Me

It's the beginning of uni! That means I will inevitably meet new friends and that many of them will probably stumble upon this little blog. I'm really bored right now so... why not introduce myself? I've never really written anything like this before so if it's not super coherent... FORGIVE ME!

Where to begin... I'm 18 and fresh out of high school. I'm doing DigSocMed and Int Studies (either USA or Japan) and I'm enjoying it so far (even though it's only been a week). I'm loud, talkative and outgoing. However I can have a really shy side if I do not recognise anyone in the room but if you make the first move to talk to me chances are I'll open up immediately. I'm super confident when I'm with a friend, I feel like their presence empowers me to take risks and meet new people.

There really isn't anything that would make me stand out from others because I seem to be a jack of all trades but master of none. I can do a little bit of everything... but I'm never good at something. I guess it's because my interests are too broad.

I've become quite of a hermit since the HSC began, so sometimes I like to describe myself with that word as most of my activities seem to involve sitting indoors in front of my computer. And no, my life does not revolve around Dota 2 but it's something I really enjoy to do if I have the time and the skills and the tolerance for scrubs and trashtalking. Otherwise I spend my time on the internet watching anime/dramas/tv shows/ movies, reading manga/e-books, listening to kpop/electronic music, participating in various forums, and talking to friends via social media. My current computer is much bad so despite owning many video games I cannot play all of them smoothly. Outside my computer I enjoy hanging out with friends- whether it's going to the movies, karaoke, laser-tag and other stuff that teenagers like to do. I also enjoy doing some handicrafts, creative writing (yes by hand) and making doodles.

I am a fan of savoury food. My favourite foods are lasagna, potatoes and tofu, Takoyaki and Tteokbokki. I'm not terrible at cooking, but my area of expertise remain in the noodles category. I can concoction up any kind of noodle. I like drinking water ever since my parents banned other types of drinks. My favourite music comes from groups not individual artists. And they are MBLAQ, U-Kiss, Girl's Day, Aqua Timez, Simple Plan, The Black Eyed Peas and Approaching Nirvana. It's all too mainstream really but I'm not much of a multitasker and prefer silence when browsing the web/playing games.

I have alot of weird habits. I cannot sit in a chair normally- I like to put my feet up, cross my legs...etc This includes when I eat so I guess you can say my table-manners aren't that great. I also have a tendency to talk to myself, like legit conversations and sometimes even debates. I like clinging onto other people (AKA glomp) - suppressing this urge around friends that aren't too close to avoid awkward moments. I like to use ALOT of colours when taking notes, you'll never catch me with less than 5 coloured pens in my pencilcase.

I also have many pet peeves. I can't stand grammatical errors, whether they're from myself or another perso. I hate couples who are overly affectionate with eachother in public. I hate it when others interrupt me, and when someone asks me to repeat myself more than once. I also hate it when I receive dirty/crinkly money, and when someone leaves the toilet seat up... the list goes on and I do not want to bore you to death.

It's very easy to tell when I'm upset, angry and/or annoyed. I simply stop talking or respond only with awkward nods and mmhn's. I don't believe in bottling up my emotions and won't hesitate D&M with a person I've known for one day. This makes people uncomfortable sometimes but my good friends know it's how I deal with issues, it's also a part of my that I'd like to change.

The girly side of me comes from the fact that I really care about my appearance, but not to the extent of changing lifestyle habits just to look better. I don't just throw on whatever outfit is lying around and starting from late last year I take about half an hour every morning to do hair/makeup. This almost-paranoia comes from my self-awareness of my lacking photogenic-ness. I can never look good in photos/videos that others take of me without me knowing and it really stresses me out. I like branded things but own very few of everything, it's quality not quantity that matters. I dislike taking money from my parents- or borrowing off anyone else so you can probably tell that I'm happy for my Youth Allowance to have gone through.

There's no way for one to describe a person in less than a thousand words, so I will close with: Nice to meet you, hope we can become good friends and know eachother better as time passes on.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Pigothy Reviews Makeup

Before we begin, can I just say, I am relatively new to this side of being a girl. Please don't take my words too seriously; I think in the end, it's your personal preferences that matter the most. I am a big fan of high-end makeup because I believe that if something's going straight on your face, it has to be THE best. Because I'm obviously not an expert I'll keep my description short and rate each product out of 10 and list in order of purchase date.

For skin-care I strictly only use Sense's products because nothing else can even compare. CLICK ME TO GET YOUR OWN.

How I store my makeup, some falsies, cotton/wet wipes are in drawers beneath my sink.

Tony Moly 3D Collagen BB Cream (6/10)
This is quite literally the first proper make-up-y thing I ever bought not including all these crappy BYS products. I got it because it was the only thing at Morning Glory that fit my skintone. Compared to other BB creams that I've tried its coverage is not that great. While it doesn't make you break-out it has pretty crappy oil control and I wouldn't expect long-lasting coverage. I still use it for uni because it's smooth, matte and easy to put on unlike actual foundation (and also because it's the only BB cream I own).

MAC Penultimate Eyeliner (4/10)
I don't know how many people I've complained to about this already, but I feel completely ripped off by the MUA at Myer because I was such a nub back then. I told them I wanted something beginner-friendly and they recommended this felt-tip formula. The formula feels really watered-down and because I have heavily hooded eyes this thing smudges and gives me a smokey eye within a single hour. Fortunately if you have a huge crease you probably won't have this problem but there are just better alternatives like Dior that also has felt-tip. Otherwise just man-up and get the normal MAC liquid liner that it's actually famous for.

Chanel Les 4 Ombres Eyeshadow (8/10)
This is actually a hand-me-down from my mum, who got it from my aunt as a gift. The version I got was Frissons (pictured right) which I don't think you can get anymore. Like other Chanel things the packaging is really high-quality and if you use a legit eyeshadow brush (and not sponge-tipped ones) the pigmentation is really good. Sadly having hooded eyes mean eyeshadow doesn't really stay on me that long because it just smudges itself to oblivion (literally) in the end. But if you've got the eyelids and the money, get this.

MAC Pro Longwear Pencil Eyeliner (6/10)
Believe it or not, I wasn't too impressed with this product, and this may be a completely personal thing but my brown eye pencil annoys the heck out of me. It's so soft it becomes impossible to sharpen, it doesn't really stick to my waterline until after a few tries, and despite being super-soft the application isn't even smooth! I much prefer my other Rimmel pencil over this because at least I can sharpen that one =_=. The good thing about it is that it is indeed long-lasting and doesn't smudge (thank goodness)!

MAC Extended Play Gigablack Lash (9/10)
Out of the three products I bought on my first make-up haul this one's definitively my favourite! It dries fast, holds yo' curls and doesn't smudge easily. It does not clump your lashes and builds on top of itself quite nicely. Wut is dis flaking you speak of? Since it's one of the ONLY mascaras I've tried I've never even have to experience flaking! The wand is also really skinny so if you have short lashes like me it goes right under! My favourite thing about this product is its packaging! I usually really dislike cheap crappy MAC packaging but this mascara's shiny, pretty AND compact! It's smaller than my concealer! You can fit it in any small pocket unlike the big and long (that's what she said) ones other brands have. 

Guerlain Kiss-Kiss Precious Colours (7.5/10)
Guerlain is my favourite brand; not only because it has luxurious, golden packaging but also because it contains the least harmful chemical substances. The Kiss-Kiss is also a hand-me-down, except unlike the Les 4 Ombres it's brand sparkling new! I got it in a natural, rosy 544 which makes my pale lips look normal. The stick has a slight shimmer and does not have a moisturizing formula so I definitely recommend using lipbalm underneath. At least it's not sticky and gross amirite? Unlike my new YSL one it doesn't really leave a long-stain so you have to reapply often, but then again it could be just because I always put on a light coat.
Blue Transparent Star