Friday, February 28, 2014

About Me

It's the beginning of uni! That means I will inevitably meet new friends and that many of them will probably stumble upon this little blog. I'm really bored right now so... why not introduce myself? I've never really written anything like this before so if it's not super coherent... FORGIVE ME!

Where to begin... I'm 18 and fresh out of high school. I'm doing DigSocMed and Int Studies (either USA or Japan) and I'm enjoying it so far (even though it's only been a week). I'm loud, talkative and outgoing. However I can have a really shy side if I do not recognise anyone in the room but if you make the first move to talk to me chances are I'll open up immediately. I'm super confident when I'm with a friend, I feel like their presence empowers me to take risks and meet new people.

There really isn't anything that would make me stand out from others because I seem to be a jack of all trades but master of none. I can do a little bit of everything... but I'm never good at something. I guess it's because my interests are too broad.

I've become quite of a hermit since the HSC began, so sometimes I like to describe myself with that word as most of my activities seem to involve sitting indoors in front of my computer. And no, my life does not revolve around Dota 2 but it's something I really enjoy to do if I have the time and the skills and the tolerance for scrubs and trashtalking. Otherwise I spend my time on the internet watching anime/dramas/tv shows/ movies, reading manga/e-books, listening to kpop/electronic music, participating in various forums, and talking to friends via social media. My current computer is much bad so despite owning many video games I cannot play all of them smoothly. Outside my computer I enjoy hanging out with friends- whether it's going to the movies, karaoke, laser-tag and other stuff that teenagers like to do. I also enjoy doing some handicrafts, creative writing (yes by hand) and making doodles.

I am a fan of savoury food. My favourite foods are lasagna, potatoes and tofu, Takoyaki and Tteokbokki. I'm not terrible at cooking, but my area of expertise remain in the noodles category. I can concoction up any kind of noodle. I like drinking water ever since my parents banned other types of drinks. My favourite music comes from groups not individual artists. And they are MBLAQ, U-Kiss, Girl's Day, Aqua Timez, Simple Plan, The Black Eyed Peas and Approaching Nirvana. It's all too mainstream really but I'm not much of a multitasker and prefer silence when browsing the web/playing games.

I have alot of weird habits. I cannot sit in a chair normally- I like to put my feet up, cross my legs...etc This includes when I eat so I guess you can say my table-manners aren't that great. I also have a tendency to talk to myself, like legit conversations and sometimes even debates. I like clinging onto other people (AKA glomp) - suppressing this urge around friends that aren't too close to avoid awkward moments. I like to use ALOT of colours when taking notes, you'll never catch me with less than 5 coloured pens in my pencilcase.

I also have many pet peeves. I can't stand grammatical errors, whether they're from myself or another perso. I hate couples who are overly affectionate with eachother in public. I hate it when others interrupt me, and when someone asks me to repeat myself more than once. I also hate it when I receive dirty/crinkly money, and when someone leaves the toilet seat up... the list goes on and I do not want to bore you to death.

It's very easy to tell when I'm upset, angry and/or annoyed. I simply stop talking or respond only with awkward nods and mmhn's. I don't believe in bottling up my emotions and won't hesitate D&M with a person I've known for one day. This makes people uncomfortable sometimes but my good friends know it's how I deal with issues, it's also a part of my that I'd like to change.

The girly side of me comes from the fact that I really care about my appearance, but not to the extent of changing lifestyle habits just to look better. I don't just throw on whatever outfit is lying around and starting from late last year I take about half an hour every morning to do hair/makeup. This almost-paranoia comes from my self-awareness of my lacking photogenic-ness. I can never look good in photos/videos that others take of me without me knowing and it really stresses me out. I like branded things but own very few of everything, it's quality not quantity that matters. I dislike taking money from my parents- or borrowing off anyone else so you can probably tell that I'm happy for my Youth Allowance to have gone through.

There's no way for one to describe a person in less than a thousand words, so I will close with: Nice to meet you, hope we can become good friends and know eachother better as time passes on.
Blue Transparent Star