Saturday, February 22, 2014

It's A New Beginning

So, uni starts tomorrow and to be quite honest I don't know if I'm fully prepared for it. I know during my entire longass holiday break all I ever wanted was for school to start so I actually have stuff to do, but reading through all my subject outlines and assessment guides I realised that despite having 3 days of uni a week the total study load is actually REALLY intense!

Yesterday Estie and I (and to some extent D-burger) attended UTS Anime Orientation. The feel of this event completely juxtaposed the feeling I got during my communication events because I got to meet SO many interesting people with mutual interests and values! Think about it like this: A bunch of hermits crowded into one area = YAY FRIENDS! I met many new cool people and even someone who does my course! We also went full wingman mode ehehehehehe ok I won't say more here.

I also want to write a make-up review entry just to document the products I've used and whether I like them or not.
Blue Transparent Star