Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Orientation (Pt 1)

TL;DR: I had a blast, and this was only the beginning.

From start to finish uni orientation had exceeded my expectations.

I arrived being as lost, intimidated and confused as anybody else, but the moment the vice-chancellor guy started on his witty speech I knew I am going to love it there even more. All the sessions that followed were super funny yet helpful at the same time. I recognised all the guys from Im-professional, because they're my theatresports teachers. Everyone around me just gave me a >_> look when I exclaimed "OMG I KNOW THAT GUY I KNOW ALL OF THEM!" I really wanted to volunteer for some stuff but I chickened out (omg sad excuse of a drama student). But can I just say all the people that went on stage are so bad at improvising it's good. Maybe I'm used to seeing our drama kids be so good at it that became a shock to me.

Today I enjoyed myself equally. Though I definitely had problems meeting new people and fitting in. For one nobody in our tour group did my main course so I can't huddle together with someone crying about not knowing anything about our mysterious new course. Secondly everyone I happened to meet (thanks to Mummy's helping me open up) are so... FRIGGIN AMAZING. It's so intimidating being amongst smart hot successful people and I finally understood the meaning of clashing interests... But I also learnt a valuable lesson when communicating with others, I have to be more flexible in speech so I can become more active in participating in conversations. FELLOW HERMIT OTAKU KPOPPER GAMER WHEN WILL YOU COME AND SWEEP ME OFF MY FEET. Jks why would such people even exist in a course as outgoing and open like communications OTL

Afterwards having lunch with our new friends Mummy and I went jobhunting. I received a mysterious call while sitting in the cafe and turns out one of the random jobs I applied for yesterday decided that they like me enough for an interview, too bad it's located in Bondi and I have to be there at 9:30 on my birthday. When I asked for them to reschedule the lady said "K THEN TIME TO PUT UR RESUME ON HOLD". Till now I wonder if I should have done that but I really don't want another birthday to be ruined by stuff that suddenly pop up like this. I handed resumes to many stores I like THEN I SAW SUPERDRY AND THEY WERE HIRING AND I RAN INSIDE ALL HIGH AND TOLD THEM HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM AND THREW THEM THE RESUME. Reflecting back on my actions maybe my expression was abit... overly keen. But omg I want the job so much I could cry I never wanted a job this much akdnfkjanfkjanfkjadf.

While we were looking at makeup counters in Myer, I realised that I lost my phone. I panicked so much I ran through QVB wondering where I left it. I can't really describe how I felt then because I've never even come CLOSE to losing my phone in a place like the city. Mummy quickly called it and turns out an Asian couple (AKA BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH HANDS DOWN) picked it up and returned it to the nearby Guerlain counter. I HAD LEFT IT ON THE COUNTER THE ENTIRE TIME INSTEAD OF LOOKING DOWN AT THE COUNTER I RAN BACK THROUGH QVB GOOD JOB ME.

So to comfort my crying soul I went to buy the MAC powder I had my eyes on before but declined last minute (good move turns out it will break you out if you're acne prone). Instead I settled for Clinique and it was a worthwhile purchase and I promoted my mum's company to the assistant so all good.
Blue Transparent Star