Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gotta get down on B-day

It seems that it has become a tradition for me to cry every year on my birthday. Because something always end up screwing up and everyone goes home sad. I'm not even kidding.

I remember when I was turning 9 mum yelled at me in the morning and I ended up crying.
On my 12th the cake wasn't what I wanted or something? Idek.
I actually had many funs on my 13th, but some unexpected visitor intruded my party halfway and I got pissed.
On my 15th our sofa (that had wheels) ran over my foot and I cried out of pain.
On my 16th pretty much noone was able to make my party so I cried out of loneliness.
My 17th started off well with SS, but when I got home my parents forgot and I cried because well why not.

So this year I tried to be as careful as possible, planning my party and celebration with parents with perfection (I wanted to make a restaurant reservation for a family dinner). The venue wasn't perfect, but it was good enough with the compromises we were able to make. Unfortunately, I realised that something may end up being wrong when I realised that it's that time of the month and I'm more prone to PMSing, plus I woke up with a painful headache in the morning.

I don't even know how I even got mad, but I think it was because I had to accompany my mum to the venue where she's having a business meeting and it dragged on for longer than usual and thus on my birthday I was starving and headache-ing to death. Then my mum told me she can't hang out with me because of a doctor's appointment. I just started throwing an immature tantrum in the car. I was really unreasonable because mum even tried to cancel her appointment to make me feel happier, but in the end I was just mad at myself for having a stupid headache that's preventing me from doing anything fun. And I didn't even sleep late the night before! After failing to make me talk my rents decided to give up and let me sleep. Though they definitely did trashtalk me because I just remembered something along the lines of criticism and I burst out crying like a kid, then i fell asleep hahahah. Girls on their period amirite guise.

Later my parents decided to go for the comfort-a-big-kid route and convinced me to get up and get dressed and we'll go to the local Italian restaurant. Turns out there were 3 other birthdays at the same place and those people are not subtle at all =_= I was exhausted upon returning home but too excited to sleep because of my plans for the day after!

I'm not gonna ramble on about my party. But Jes Ella and Larry arrived on time but I ended up being late because I was grooming myself xD (forgot mascara anyway dis clumsy kid). We arrived at the venue and I sent glares of death to the Indonesian reunion thing next door that was super loud with their stupid crappy singing and dancing (WE WERE TOLD THEY'D BE SUPER QUIET WHY ;A;). The guests arrived and I think everyone just minded their own business chatting to people and eating, the atmosphere was great (maybe not for awkward Eru IM SO SORRY).  JES MADE ME A DOTA CAKE. She's like "It's either Dota or Hearthstone" and I'm like "I LOVE YOU". It was almost too good to eat until i convinced myself (and others present) that eating the cake will make them =MLG=. I also got a Deathadder and makeup I've wanted. Along with nail stickers and steam games/credits. Basically I was in a state of disbelief hahaah.

Jes had to leave early, and the others went their separate ways. But Ella and Larry accompanied my to buy a game with my giftcard. I had to choose between SR4, DmC and BL2 but in the end SR4 won because I was too eager to play it and my new comp isn't coming anytime soon. Mum ended up coming shopping with me. We found a good bargain on Kate Hill bags though our feet were dying from the heels/formal attire hahaha.

Overall, I just wanna thank everyone who was able to keep me company through my 18th. It was the best birthday I've ever had and I'm all ready to... grow up and be legal now xD
Blue Transparent Star