Saturday, February 22, 2014

Orientation (Pt 2)

I was meant to have this post up yesterday but wow, these past days of utter exhaustion has finally caught up to me and I got super sick >_> But this post will cover the rest of my Orientation events :)

On clubs and societies day I didn't really meet anyone new, so to speak. But a better way to describe this would be I WILL meet new people because of all those societies I have joined! I felt kinda sick-ish for the whole day so I didn't end up going to the International Studies faculty welcome, I didn't even finish my food in High Tea (and you get like a teeny tiny bit of food at High Tea =_=)

I gotta say though joining clubs cost ALOT of money so bring alotta money to your O-weeks everyone! I ended up going home not as sick but exhausted from carrying my two kilos worth of freebies. Another tip: Don't bring a heavy bag or anything because you'll regret not being able to carry all the freebies home because your bag was so heavy!

Communications Welcome
Did I mention I caught up with Babe early last week? Well on the day of my Comms welcome I caught up with Umma! I helped her out in picking a Longchamp bag colour and we shopped around. Spending time with Umma is so fun because she's one of the few people who can cooperate with my obnoxious acting in stores ahahaha. I even bought a drink at Gloria Jeans just so we can perv on one of its workers ehehe.

The actual welcome was quite cool! The initial speeches were quite boring (but not so boring you wanna fall asleep even if you were super tired like me). I finally made a new friend with similar interests as me! I thought everyone's gonna be PARTY CLUBBING WHOOO (no stereotyping ofc) in Communications but NO! I might have overreacted abit so yeah... WHATEVER YO FRIENDS YAY I HAVE FRIENDS
Blue Transparent Star