Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Belated post on SMASH! 2014

This year's SMASH was quite the experience for me as for the first time ever I'm not an attendee but a crew member working my hardest to optimise other people's experiences.

So starting from where I left off previously, KTran threw a party and the takoyaki/okonomiyaki he cooked were quite legit. Turtle and I spam-played the Lois Lois Mom video to annoy Blewy, who had to cross-dress to rehearse for the next day. Because stupid Bawk had to get there at 6am I commanded everyone to sleep at 10:30... that obviously didn't work out well because we ended up leaving KTran's house at like 11:30... Everyone else went to crash Turtle's while I went home with Sal and Bawk because they were both Staffing. The next morning their alarm rang at 4:30am =_= I was gonna get up at 6 but after that stupidly loud alarm there's no way I'd be able to go back to sleep! So I ended up getting up early, doing my makeup early and making coffee early; just in time for my nigguhs to get here!

Day 1 was a disaster at the start. I wore an M dress and two of the buttons popped flashing me to thank goodness just me... Noone had a sewing kit and I had to get it together with hollywood tape and safety pins. I ended up having to always hold a tray/menu in front of me. I also didn't know the dance so I just kind of bobbed along trying not to embarrass myself. My first two tables of customers were amazeballs. Like they were super cool, responded to my actions well, bought polaroids and are just plain adorable! The second table had super kawaii goshujin-samas and the kawaiiest ones asked for a $5 ripoff polaroid with me. My only regret is not realising that you can put more stickers and draw ON the photos so hopefully I looked nice at least :( Doing maid food magic and fake-fighting with BD was really fun! Upon their visit my friends totally screwed me over these assholes. Then my day became really tiring and one hour break was totally NOT enough. At the end of the day I couldn't wait to go home and rewind with my homies. However that did not go to plan because a bunch of assholes were too busy with their filthy casualness to realise that Blewy and I were literally dying of drowsiness and anger. I actually felt so headachey and sick its not even funny. So I begged Turtle to drive us home and they got pizza on the way. Turns out Jrd's car broke down, Bawk never came back and we had to figure out a way to get to SMASH the next day, luckily that got fixed and Bawk ended up returning at like 1am. GJ Pres GJ.

The next day my feet were already dead but nevertheless I was ready to work my ass off. My customers weren't as cool as the day before and one even had a medical issue. At least I got an L dress so no more popping accidents! I got some polaroid requests still but I still regret not taking a photo of the cute guy polaroid from the day before :( The day went by in a blur and I was pleasantly surprised with my church friends decide to attend! I called to meet up and go home with them afterwards! Squire was so excited about the convention he still couldn't forget about it =_=

Overall, SMASH had been such a valuable experience this year. I got to meet a heckload of wonderful people (seems like a recurring pattern this year) and gain some cosplay satisfaction.
Blue Transparent Star