Friday, August 22, 2014

Transitioning segue or whatever plus a rant

Not too much happened between SMASH and dad returning:

Randomly showed up at Jes' house before the special Hillsong service to pick up my wigs and give her food. After that service I had a sleepover at my Squire and Step's house again. We all fell asleep tessellated on the couch but their family walked in in the morning and it was kinda awks. Also other awks things happened at night my gosh why do I gas at the most inapropro times. Get your crap together digestive system. We went on a mini road trip to Abbotsford to window shop the next day and my phone got hacked real bad LOL.

On the night before dad's return I went makeup shopping at Towers with Estie and we forced Galeo to tag along. My family friend also invited me over for dinner and it went all weird cuz Galeo was sleeping over and so I left him alone at home LOL. I made him grind my solo MMR but two times the opponent DCed and the only time I played (and did well cuz I tried hard) my teammates were scrubs (opponents tried harder) and lost. We managed to go bed early so we can pick up dad the next day.

Turns out both Turtle and I slept in, expecting to get a wake-up call from the other. It was worse on my part cuz I had a dream he didn't pick up when I called him. Anyway we went to pick up dad and all is well until we decided to go KFC for a Gaytime crush and snackbox. We were too early to the drive-thru and had to wait till they open LOL. I had to go Jes' after we got back to fix up our cosplay wigs for the next day (and help her sew her boot covers as well). Cosplaying is so much fun! We got to talk about what's on our minds and just catch up and rant to one another.

CAN YOU STOP WITH THE MIXED MESSAGES. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE. Sometimes you act like I'm your special only friend and others I don't even get a glance. It's so hard to decide whether I wanna be close to you because while some times you totally welcome it others you completely reject me. MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY. Maybe I'm just damn paranoid and self-conscious and scared to the point of wuss but this whole 'close yet far' thing had dragged on for abit too long! Why do you have to act differently to me around different people? What am I supposed to do with you? Why do I chicken out when it comes to anything related to you when I can be so comfortable with everyone else? Do you have any feelings at all? Or are Jes' eyes deceiving her. Cuz even the two of us have diverging opinions when it comes to you. Can you stop being such a complex character pls because I overthink everything.

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Blue Transparent Star