Monday, July 28, 2014

Home Alone

It's been a week since both my parents left for China, and so far, I think I'm enjoying my time by myself... or with a bunch of other people!

On Monday, as soon as I arrived home from the airport, I realised that noone's actually coming to my Ti4 event. Much sad... until I heard the doorbell! It's Squire! Despite having work early the next day he came and stayed till 3 anyway. I was so touched the feelz were quite real. And for once I felt most at ease looking half-dead and #nomakeupnofilter around people.

On Tuesday was when I felt quite foreveralone. It was like reality had finally sunk in and I felt so lonely and scared. Daytime was fine playing Dota with Selfie and stuff but when nighttime came I was just like omg killmenow. It was all sad until a friend told me he'd jig work to hang with me for the whole day. We went for lunch and a drive around. When I got home I was prepared to be foreveralone again... Until Squire talked me up on FB and invited me to his house :D I haven't been on a sleepover in a while so I just kind of packed my computer and PJs, forgetting the important stuff like toothbrush and pillow on the way. O well. We played more fail smurf games and at like 2am we spontaneously decided to watch the Avengers... much fail because the first half of it was so boring both of us fell asleep =_=.

The next day I was supposed to hang out with GiGi but she had some stuff on and ditched so Squire decided to take over and accompany me to grocery shopping. I was still hesitant on getting Watch Dogs but manned up and finally bought it. Turtle called me sometime and told me that him and Pres will drop by at night. Squire saw it as a queue to leave :( Turtle and Pres somehow managed to drag GiGi along and boy did they raid my house good... opening every cupboard door and scruitinising every detail. Pres decided to use my account to play Dota and one loss later till today I haven't won a single game. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE STUPID KOREAN?! Because we had an exec party the day after Pres slept in the guest room and Turtle went home to return car (at like 2am) so he could use my car to drive to Stratty next day.

Exec party was meh, I mean it would have been fun if I didn't have to leave so early. I mean THEY WERE HAVING POTATOES FOR DINNER! There were some people I was excited about seeing and others not so excited about. Karaoke destroyed my voice but hey I got to sing Kpop xD I didn't end up being late for CG, my offering talk went abit fail because I lost concentration halfway. And instead of talking to everyone afterwards I was too lazy to move and just chilled with Squire.

Saturday was my Jes day <3 I haven't seen her in so long we had alot of fun! We made our Sims family (and hot husbands LEL) We were gonna go Towers for dinner but then Turtle, Pres and VK crashed my house simultaneously because Turtle had to return my car. I got alot of BBQ sauce and drinks in return... umm okay? We went to this Indian restaurant for dinner (but not without our many many racist jokes towards Turtle) and everyone stayed really late. After sending off the non-Hills people Turtle got too tired to drive home so he crashed.

Had to get up slightly early for church on Sunday, KMe was so surprised seeing a dead turtle on my kitchen island and because I had to make juice I made everyone late :'(. Turtle left his glasses at my house LMAO. I had maid training so I wasn't able to go service :( at this rate I might get fired srsly. Made another Dota friend at training! I felt like our group was the least productive because we were too busy making inappropro jokes xD After getting myself sushi/breadtop dunch I got a lift home and spent the rest of the day gaming... which was clearly a mistake because I fell sick and had to sleep in till 5pm today.

So in conclusion, I'm very thankful for friends who are willing to accompany me through my foreveralone time. We had alot of fun and I will cherish the rest of my freedom time... can't get too used to this cuz I wouldn't want to make my parents angry when I start yelling in the middle of the night xD
Blue Transparent Star