Sunday, July 20, 2014

What happens at camp, stays at camp.

Well, I've got to say, besides the little mishap on my way home this will be an experience forever etched into my brain. My voice still sound like crack, and butt muscles will probably ache for the rest of the week... WORTH?

Well let us kick start with day one. D-burger's wake-up call did NOT work, in fact we managed to talk for like 15 mins so I went from super early to late =_=. The bus trip wasn't boring because I just wanted to sleep the entire time. Upon arrival it was super cold, windy and raining too. And we were NOT impressed with the dorms/cabins because the toilets/shower area was shared and the rooms had nothing... NOTHING! But somehow, by some blessed chance GiGi and I landed an 2 person exec/staff room right next to a private bathroom, fully equipped with a TV and a minifridge which we never actually used! D-burger, Turtle and Sasa fully drove us to the edge by wanting to share our room. Turtle ended up staying and D-burger/Galeo left us with all the food we bought!

We had okonomiyaki and yakisoba for lunch. And this was one of the many moments when I felt useless. I went for an emergency toilet trip before lunch and when I got back there was just nothing I can do to help out because all the jobs were taken. This gets way worse because I'm the kind of person who wouldn't know what to do until told so, and then onwards I'd do my best to complete the task. I asked around but everyone's like just go chill. There are ofc others who weren't that impressed with my performance. Liv reassured me saying how I wasn't added to the group till like 3 days before and wasn't notified of any meetings. It made me feel better so I somehow dragged one of the okonomiyaki people off the workbench and took over 2 jobs at once.

We were then sorted into groups for the ultimate group show-down. KenKen (who somehow became my adopted father) and I were leading Team 8 (Piece of 8). I was pretty happy with who I got in my team (though two of them made me incredibly uncomfortable). We did newspaper cosplay (got Death Note as theme) and battle royale (pretty much came last). It was very tiring and I ended up being slightly pissed off but it was cool. The difference between being a leader and participating is the fact that I have to remain firm and talk condescendingly when necessary. We played Mafia and toasted marshmallows during campfire. Wilso spun me around like an airplane and on our way back they tried to spook GiGi and I so we juked them good. We were smart to spend our free time showering and just general chilling. We were happily watching EHB after dinner (food was good) before I found out that there was an exec meeting going on. Once again I felt at loss because I was never notified of such meeting (there was one missed call from Va though) and when I showed up it was pretty much over. Insert me feeling useless and unwanted here sigh. As soon as I arrived back in my cabin I just went to bed.

It took my friends a LONG time to wake me up because I pretty much don't wake up unless beaten and abused. They had to resort to tempting me with food and threatening to call you know who. During the long free time after brekkie Wilson drove D-Burger, GiGi, Galeo, Eru and I to Shoalhaven where we walked along the beach and skipped pebbles on the lake. It was super tiring and windy but so nice! We then ofc made our KFC trip so we can eat KFC and drink Welch's (AKA be black). Turns out lunch is fried chicken anyway so CEEBS. Then the corrupted bunch decided to go on a trip to Acidtown so the rest of us were just like LOLBYE.

Afterwards we had the amazing race. Once again I was really disappointed in my self, not being able to help out with anything. I asked everyone but they just told me to participate. Man I got such a headache from running around everywhere in the cold wind. Our team did pretty decent... until the other teams tricked us for the final puzzle and we ended up being dead last. So we pulled everything together and completely nailed the station activities... only to find out that we came last anyway. Why? Because it was technically a 'race' whoever reached the final destination first gets a whopping 10 points. So even though we came first in the points stage the final points just screwed us over. My group worked so hard too. So yeah amazing race was very disappointing for me.

Straight afterwards I was put on the Test of Courage team. I was really excited for it because I finally got to help out with something. I'd like to think that Va and I worked very hard because while he had to stand in the cold for 3 hours I was in a stuffy room... IN A MASK. And when people weren't scared it really disillusioned me and by the end of it I just kept telling myself that I really freaking need a drink. Then I found out (after a curious incident involving exaggerations and disappearing GiGis) that drinks night will end at 11 like what the actual fork I just sat down and they're telling me to stop after half an hour. Turns out I'm not lightweight at all and nek minut I was downing stuff like a real man ("ALIZER IS FOR GIRLS GIMME THE REAL STUFF").

So after my fourth (fifth?) drink not only did my stomach feel really warm, I felt very happy and over-the-top. So I thought to myself ok maybe it's time to stop. Then it hit me 30mins later, I literally had no control over my words and actions and I was on an emotional rollercoaster ride. I yelled at everyone who came across my path, cried over youknowwho, laughed like an idiot and clung onto Turtle's legs while singing rap songs (?). The worst thing is I wasn't even drunk just happy and tipsy. Five toilet trips later ("breaking the seal") I was back to a normal person. No passing out no hangover no nothing. So I guess thay was an interesting experience.

I woke up so dead the next day because instead of letting us sleep in we had to pack up by 7:30 because of changing camp policies. At least breakfast on day 3 was amazing! Wilso offered us a lift to Para so we are able to leave straight after lunch. Then as I said I saw something that upset me and D-burger had to yell at me to bring me back down to earth. I had CG afterwards  but noone except the three of us showed up meh :(

So in conclusion, camp was an interesting experience. There were definitely fun moments and there were also others that weren't so pleasant. But hey, 9/10 would go again.
Blue Transparent Star