Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spoiling Myself This Christmas

So in the past 48 hours I have successfully spent a few hundreds bucks on expanding my ever-growing makeup collection.

It all began when I grew so sick and tired of my fake Naked palette I impulse bought a ChiChi one with Chairman. Nekminut double impulse Too Faced purchase from Mecca and all the money spent at Myer today just to accumulate enough points to reach silver. But hey... at least I can continue them makeup review entries amirite?

So because I've been working 7am-11am alot lately I've had the entire day available to chill with parents. So of course we went city! I was abit grumpy upon arrival but we got to go Kabuki Shoroku again and eat their yummy seafood! The manager even gave us free miso soup :3 A fed pig = a happy pig!

Mum ordered two tubs of ice cream online and her goal of the day was to pick them up even though dad and I were like can u not damn u groupon but as a result she went all: "Ok all ur makeup purchases today I will shout" and I'm all "HEH PREPARE YO BODIES". Then dad was like to her "man you're too stingy" and it made her go into a rage buying spree (which quickly stopped because she wanted to wait till before Singapore for duty-free saves). I bumped into Kry and Kae and Kae put makeup on my mum and she actually looked quite nice afterwards (big surprise since she doesn't wear makeup anymore). So while my dad patiently waited mum and I skipped around Westfield looking at random shops.

Dad wanted Crazy Wings for dinner but we ended up going the KBBQ beneath HK Yumcha Cafe. The menu was tiny and the food average but the service really made everything better. Waiters were attentive and super nice they literally came by every 5 minutes to flip our meat (dad: but I wanna cook it myself D:) and refill our sidedishes even without us asking. I was really keen beans to go K with my family because I wanted to sing Chinese songs, so we went Lantern for an hour despite it being 9:30pm (nothing like partaying hard with ur rents amirite).

I just got home and I'm so exhausted. Mum wanted to get me an iPhone 6 and a Nespresso machine from her credit card loyalty points but I feel abit spoiled so I said I'll think about it (WEIRD HUH). The day was almost too fun to be perfect since everytime the three of us go out someone ends up upset. I kept on expecting something bad to happen but guess not! (NO JINXING)

Blue Transparent Star