Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things are looking up

Alot has happened recently, I guess that my unilyf is just so packed to the brim I hardly have the time and energy to blog about it. Got to interview Greg Rust for UnComm and even though I haven't really heard of him before I was pretty star-struck hehe.

I got the SPROUT job! I remember sitting in UnComm thinking to myself: "BRACE YOURSELF REJECTION IS COMING" but nope. We only get like around 40 shifts a year (explains the good pay) but I think it's excellent experience and I can learn valuable skills along the way.

So that anon asked to meet up with me at the concourse, I camouflaged myself and actually went to scout it out. To no avail though, Alice even yelled "SELENA'S STALKER COME OUT!". However I did bump into a few familiar faces so all good. I did see some sus guy I met at speed friending go there at 2 and leaving 15 mins later, I don't remember him speaking good English or play Dota so probs not him cuz otherwise urgh.

Anime Trivia Night was fun, I must have gained heaps of weight from that though. We didn't win anything but the feeling of thinking that we could possibly win was euphoric. Afterwards Gaylen and I went to the night markets for expensiveass streetfood, I've never been Chinatown night markets, how crazy is that? Then I went to the Connect group for Chopstix, I never thought I'd actually fit in there and it remained this awkward place where I only knew a few people but nevertheless. Should I nominate myself to become an exec for UTSAnime? I know I want to be the JASS one but I'm enjoying myself more and more among the otakus ahaha.

How annoying is that Jamnomination tag? I got tagged and heaps of difficult, high-pitched songs ran through my head, but I ended up going with Bryan Adam's "Heaven", because I haven't sung that at the beach and it sounds good imo. Still flat and boring compared to all those "Let it go"s and other shenanigans.

I hang with Jes less and less now, it's concerning really, but I'm glad we still do our best to find time for eachother :') I got Alice's present today, my wallet's been draining alot recently cuz dad kept on borrowing off me and I blow my cash on other miscellaneous things like food, travel passes and etc.

GUESS WHO I GOT TO PLAY WITH? I thought that, after I got completely ignored, something like that would never happen. But it did, and my disposition was really natural so phew! Thank you Jimface even though I still hate your guts sometimes. I don't wanna be too keen so I went off when he did and left them to their own devices. Did I make the right choice? I'm pretty sure I did.
Blue Transparent Star