Sunday, March 16, 2014

Let us catch up

  • Uni is wearing me out, I feel like trying hard in every single assignment but I always end up doing them last minute.
  • I feel like I should act more like a girl, be more quiet, less violent, and take care of my body more.
  • Sometimes I observe other people's actions and realise how retarded I can be sometimes.
  • Everyone around me is hitting on each other and it is getting increasingly annoying because I get left out when that happens.
  • Finally went to Centrelink to finalise Youth Allowance.
  • Got a friggin infection and the treatment is irritating as hell.
  • I just got a few hundred bucks from USANA, so it begins...
  • Mum went to China and I miss her alot already :( Before she left we went shopping and she went crazy at Daiso ahaha. It seems everytime we go out we end up eating Sushi Train. We ate at Sushi Hon and spent like 50 bucks OTL. I got a blazer for the SPROUT interview and Windsor Smith shoes to integrate into the mainstream.
  • The interview went so... URGH. I said alot of stupid stuff and left out the important stuff that would prove my enthusiasm/excellence. They said I was the only DigSocMed applicant and had to wait till the next week to know the answer so I think they meant I sucked so much they had to interview more people because they only sent notices to 10 people. #praythatidgetin
  • Since my homestay left I have my own bathroom, it's such a drag to clean.
  • There's this really cute guy who's like so perf and he just gets more and more perf everyday. NOTICE ME SENPAI <3
  • Oppa does USANA wut wut wut lel lel lel it would be funny if he's actually in mum's team aahahhaha
  • I probably should lose weight if I ever want to go to the beach again.
  • I really want to know who the anon is on so I can talk to him/her.
  • There really is no hope for my computer to run TESO properly ever again.
  • My internet has been really dodgy recently.
Blue Transparent Star