Wednesday, April 30, 2014

VC Week

What a busy couple o' weeks has it been! I was keeping myself busy literally every single day.

First was the Easter City Service. QUALITY TIME HAS BEEN SPENT. GiGi tagged along and for the first time in forever I don't feel completely foreveralone. It was a great service nevertheless because I loved the message (CAVALRY COVERS IT ALL YO).

Went Hot-Star the next day with GiGi Ness D-burger and Wilso. I realised how much I sucked at pool. Srsly this is what happens when you only use the biggest sticks when you were little (that's what she said?). No strength whatsoever sigh. Enough making a fool out of myself so Wilso and I went to the LAN cafe next door to play Titanfall. We skipped the tutorial (pfft who needs them) and went straight for MP against pros. We did surprisingly not bad. The game itself is just COD with mechas. PRESS V FOR TITANFALL!

On Sunday I got a lift and it was quite the average day at Church. Really hard to concentrate when I sit next to urgh though. AND GUESS WHO IMPLIED THAT I'M FAT. Sigh, but really now, gotta lose that flab. But hey, mum's back! With tons of food that I'm still snacking on this very moment!

On Tuesday it was the drawing event when I will inevitably muster up all my PR skills. I met awesome new people. We were sorted into teams to complete different challenges, and guess what? Our team won! It feels so good to be winning even if it's just a $10 Kino voucher.

I was already exhausted the next day but MUST ATTEND CLARY'S PARTY. Gaylen and I met up earlier so I can pick up my concealers (review soon). I went through all that trouble getting my MYER ONE card sorted out only to find that MYER ran out of my colours. We trekked the long way to David Jones. I've got to admit the party was so awkward at first. I didn't know anyone (and didn't really meet anyone by the end of it). Until my uni friends showed up :') We made our tiny "Clary's uni friends" circle and sang bad karaoke.

Being more exhausted (and with a dying voice) I attend JASS Karaoke the next day. Crowded into a room with people I actually know and sang my heart out, literally. It was 6 hours, how did I survive that long? Met more people. You know those kinds of people that you know you'll be annoyed at for the rest of your life? I met someone like that. #MUCHREGRET

I must have been too worn out because by Friday I was super exhausted and sick, very very sick. I couldn't even organise an outing for tomorrow because of how sick I was. So let's skip straight to the one and only SGM that will probably decide my fate (exaggeration). I didn't know they split Publicity and Comms into two and elected Pub first. So despite writing a long and complicated speech it didn't apply to Pub at all and I kind of humiliated myself sigh. I still got the position I wanted but it wasn't the greatest feeling in the world since the process totally screwed up ahhaa. Time to post regularly now! We went for celebration dinner afterwards and fought our way through 13 scoops of BRAINFREEZE.

I brought mum to church the next day (despite errbody asking me if I wanted a lift TRUST ME I DO VERY MUCH BUT SIGH MUMS). So while mum was intro'd to other middle-aged people I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to sit with my friends for lunch but I couldn't so super sigh. Sorry if I ignored you on the day :'( She wouldn't stop complaining about how far the parking street is from church as well. FFS AMIRITE? The USANA meeting afterwards wasn't bad, but I was kinda pissed throughout it, phone dying with no batts as well =_=

Jigged uni on Monday, just couldn't be bothered getting up. I thought to myself oh I'll just stay home and do readings LOLJKS. Sigh. Jes came over and we made mi-goreng though that was freaking awesome. We've organised to go PAX together, with flights booked and hotels and everything!

So onto yesterday. It started brightly with the interview! I think I performed really well but the key issue is still my availability (DAMN YOU MONDAY!). The fried chicken lunch didn't sit well in my stomach cuz when I got home boy i felt dead. Went to bed at 11 sigh.

Right now, I realised that I have two assignments due next week and haven't started either. WHY U DO THIS TO ME BRAIN?
Blue Transparent Star