Tuesday, January 7, 2014

[Recounting China] Part Negative

  I have decided to recount, belatedly, my adventures in China. The lack of any legitimate form of social media in said country ruined my original plan of day-by-day blogs.

  (Or maybe I never intended on blogging about China but a certain Pancake threatened to stalk me and whisper in my ear during my sleep if I don't blog so yeah)

  The format of these posts will be one post every new location. With the exception of Tianjin, the home base which I have visited twice and will blog about twice; and Guangzhou, sharing feelings about the trip being delayed and post-ATAR blues.

 In this post, I just want to share some afterthoughts of my trip altogether. My expectations of it, what impressed/disappointed me, and a general comment that can cooly tie a knot to the end of this adventure.

  Before leaving, I was mentally prepared for a boring flight, so I charged all my electronic devices and even brought out my ancient artifact-worthy PSP. I was also ready to leave Facebook, Twitter and Youtube behind for their Chinese replacements. Turns out our flight had in-flight entertainment, and I was too tired/sick to pig out on plane food (yes I like plane food judge me). I actually slept in the study for 2 days before we left because I found a roach in my room and after losing to it in a staring competition I grabbed my pillow and ran downstairs in tears. Damn you roach phobia.

  Overall, I had alot of fun, despite my house being in a rotten deserted mess that we all have to clean up on return and my inability to navigate through social websites I previously had no access to. One month can really reshape one's habits. Since I brought my tablet along with me, I had ACTUALLY forgotten how to use a mouse. Yep, no Dota on day 1 after all, also no finishing the 200 Youtube vids lining up in my subs feed.
Blue Transparent Star