Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Job-hunting is going smoothly, ok not really just got rejected by two places, while no news from other places. A high-end men's clothing store said they'd take me but it's all the way in Homebush and not the one I applied for. Pls retail I am counting on ya.

My Australia day involved getting called out by D-burger for a lunch that involved two plates of sushi and half a hot dog. Don't ask me where my appetite went as I also have no idea. Then I went to buy more bento stuff from DAISO, and thought hey it's convenient to crash Jess' place lets do it. Somehow got yelled at by parents because of some stupid misunderstanding that made me wanna pull my hair out.

Why does my wishlist keep on changing haha lolidek probably because I kept on buying the stuff that's on it so I have to take them off and replace with new stuff.
Blue Transparent Star