Friday, January 24, 2014

Guess I'm not a busy person

I just can't do busy. One day out in the city with friends, come home too exhausted to even talk. Went to UTS for our student IDs on Thursday and it was such a quick process except all that dolling-up. The double eyelid tape for example it was perfect in the morning but somehow throughout the bus trip one bit of my right eye stuck out and I had to remove the entire damn thing. When will my eyelids come out D: Mum said it will naturally unfold when I'm like 20.

The computers at UTS seemed to screw up alot because both my ID photo and concession application took longer than normal because something went wrong with both those computers. It's cool how they're combining IDs and concession card into one card, yay wallet space!

So I was pretty exhausted after that and went to bed early... only to wake up with a massive headache, even after 9 and a half hours of sleep. I debated with myself whether I should take some panadol and go to today's outing, or stay in bed. Another wave of pain hit me and I was just like nope not happening T_T Jess texted me after that, telling me that they're gonna come over to 'nurse me back to health' LMAO. Because she also happened to be in the city today and we were supposed to be meeting up afterwards as well I think? So ya she actually came over with comfort food and I shed tears of happiness. Even my parents (after she left) were like oh my what a great gurl etc etc YA CUZ WE'RE SOULMATES.
Blue Transparent Star