Saturday, January 11, 2014

[Recounting China] Part Two

Tianjin- Week 1
Because I've totally lost track of my dates.

My first week in Tianjin was arguably the most boring time I spent in China. The moment I stepped off the plane I knew I wasn't gonna like the weather. It took us four hours to get home from Beijing airport and needless to say I was already exhausted. It was pretty emotional seeing my step-family once again after 10 years but we familiarised ourselves very quickly. They're just so easy to get along with!

I met my step-brother, his fiancée, and many others on day 2 for a family get-together and it was really really awkward at first because I didn't know what to say but they were so nice to me and totally spoiled me with food because 1) I'm fat and 2) I'm the youngest. It's weird how even though I'm almost 18 my nickname from them is xiaobudian (小不点)which means "little dot" i.e. "the tiny one".

Problems I've encountered:
- There's Internet, but nothing to do on it since everything's blocked.
- Granny snores really loudly it's like a volcano and I had to learn to use earplugs.
- Breakfast in Tianjin is like the best food in China, but I have to get up so early everyday otherwise the street vendors will be closed.
- The weather's super cold, so everytime I go out I have to put on layers after layers of clothing and it's such a pain in the ass.

I also got a haircut and it's kind of sad seeing the hair I took so long to grow all because of one single oppa comment get cut off but I was determined for a change (well not really since I've always kind of had short hair in year 8-10). I also dyed it burgundy but it kind of just looks browny to me =_=. My mum actually asked me :"Oh aren't you dyeing it blue or something?" Damn if only I knew she actually let me I would've done it ;A;
Blue Transparent Star