Friday, January 17, 2014

Aforementioned Excitement Dying Down

To expand on my previous post, yes I got into the course I wanted, and I pretty much did everything including finishing my own class timetable immediately after. Journalism went down by like 5 but instead of applying for that for round 2 I have decided to stick to my combined degree, which is actually lower than that but I am trying my best to ignore the atar number and focus on my passion.

Choosing subjects can be super fun as Est and I synchronized all of our lecture/tutorial times together. I wish I can find all the other kids and synch with them. I know alot of other people are confused and panicking but trust me guise it's simple. I got really excited and happy I couldn't sleep for I was too keen on reading all about the subjects and even the assignments and exams.

Then came the down-low. SMH thought it'd be a good idea to publish everyone's results on print and online. Wow, goodbye privacy. Seriously. That's basically insinuating OH LOOK XXX GOT INTO COMBINED MED AND LAW WHILE XXX IS BEING A LOSER WITH 40 ATAR. They even put your post codes just so you can stalk down all the other year 12s in state.

So being the curious person that I am I decided to look into everyone's results. The amount of subjects that people from my grade got into is very... divergent. That was sarcasm, they're pretty much all the same and I felt very left out. Meanwhile I realised that there's only 20 people in my degree while 50 in just dig/soc. And guess what? All white people. I even found an old friend's name in it which is so coincidental it's funny I never knew he transferred from TAFE. Not sure if it's too awkward if I ask. And no I'm not racist (WTF), I'm just so used to being in a... culturally diverse environment at dear old SGHS it felt like an unfamiliar concept to me. At least I only have 1 lecture/tut with course-specific people and some people might take it as an elective! But my parents are all "oh look all the high achievers go into med/law/comm while you're stuck with uncompetitive people." Guess they haven't met the top achiever at my school. But hey, new uni new start let the fun begin!

Now onto some other things:

- My internet's screwing up again, just when I thought it'd finally be ok to Dota. Kept on dcing ruined alot of the game. This is the main reason why I haven't been playing much as of late.

- I got to babysit Napoleon while DP's in Singapore enjoying holiday lyf. At first he caused a turmoil in my house because my dad used it as an excuse to be a bitch and throw tantrums. He also didn't like me very much because he wouldn't eat unless I deliver straight in front of his mouth and hides everytime I go in the garage. Now I got used to his feeding schedule (haven't let him out/cleaned cage yet) and he doesn't hide anymore :D

- I haven't spoken with dad in a long time because I'm sick of him being unreasonable. I'm almost an adult now and I am no longer blinded to my own shortcomings. But if you're feeling pissed for no particular reason, you probably shouldn't take it out on mum and I.

- Recounting China will be back. For now I'm going to bed, going to church tomorrow so excite.
Blue Transparent Star