Thursday, January 9, 2014

[Recounting China] Part One

Pics are now on Facebook!

Guangzhou, Day 1-2
  I only spent one night in Guangzhou as it was a transfer flight, the weather had been easy to get used to (especially when you were told to bring your thickest warmest gear!) because it was just so freaking humid and warm!) Our plan was to arrive at hotel, go eat dinner, hang around, go back, eat breakfast, eat lunch, go back to airport. I was warned of how expensive things are in China but whoa I did NOT expect a Jacket of unknown branding to be 1500 RMB! As a fan of obnoxious brands that was too much even for me! The food was great though! So great I was bloated every time. Mum was trying to find this milk-pudding thing she became obsessed with last time she was down South, we had to look all over for stores that sell it and needless to say I was SUPER disappointed because well, it just wasn't my thing. I don't like milk and I don't like pudding, go figure.

  The next day had been tiring as heck because not only do we have like 6 20kg suitcases we ended up being late for our flight =_=. Turns out mum read the ticket time wrong and we couldn't get our luggage on in time. So we caught the flight and our luggage will be going onto the next plane in 2 hours. This was when I had my first first-class experience! Mums card thing had enough points for a free upgrade and they decided that I should have it. I later found out that it was actually premium business class and there was another cabin above it but ah well. It was so freaking luxurious and the other peeps in it were so obnoxious. It made me kinda sad to see how money makes the world go round. Think that all air attendants are bishes? They were so nice it became annoying because they ask you every 5 seconds if you wanted anything to eat/drink/have/play with. I also felt kinda lonely cuz I couldn't share this experience with my parents. I did get visited by mum and she ate half of my lunch hehe.
Blue Transparent Star