Sunday, January 12, 2014

[Recounting China] Part Three

Chaoyang- Week 2

While Tianjin's all about meeting my dad's side of the family, Chaoyang's dominated by mum's side of the family. I wasn't that excited about seeing them because every time I go China I go see them so I'm used to it. The trip there was a nightmare. Despite me stocking up on all my favourite snack foods the bus trip was like 6 hours long, with one toilet break at 2 hours. So we drank like 0 water (we're all water junkies) cuz we didn't wanna go toilet. I just kept on eating to keep my mouth busy. We were at the very back of the bus too, it was bumpy as heck.

When we finally got there (it was so freaking cold, colder than Tianjin but apparently it could be colder) we met up with my uncle and aunt and because there wasn't enough accommodation at their sad excuse of a house (cuz they use it as an office as well it's very unhomey) they decided to check us into a nearby fancy hotel. But apparently, due to a new law in place, to do that you need a China ID (married couples need to bring their marriage certificate lol wtf). So we kept on getting kicked out of all sorts of hotels because WHY WOULDN'T THEY JUST ACCEPT OUR PASSPORT HOW FREAKING RACIST ARE THEY. My dad was actually like "Oh ya they're both my daughters" and that's funny because everyone believes that. I suppose she kind of does look like it cuz he looks 30 (she's 45).

We ended up staying in this run-down motel that gave me nightmares for life for the first night. On day 2 we went to the police station, told them about our situation and found out that apparently this stupid rule only applied to Chaoyang GAY. They told us we can check in at the 5-star hotel on the other side of the small city because it's an 'international' hotel and even gave us half price cuz Asian connections. Horray! So in the end my experience of living at Chaoyang wasn't too bad because the hotel had everything (even a shower you have no idea how rare it is to be able to shower in China), there was free breakfast buffet for two every morning (so dad and I snuck food for mum, they assumed we only had 2 people because it was a double king single room).

My mum's side of the family is screwed up, thatI can tell you. At the family gathering table I could literally FEEL certain people glaring daggers at someone else. My family's stance in this feud is really neutral so it's kind of awkward for us. My grandma is one cool lady though. She's like 70-something but she's super healthy, has this amazing social life and walks faster than, and is stronger than me =w=.

P.S: I apologise for the messy formats of these posts because they're very stream-of-consciousness-y.

P.P.S: Lately I've been up to nothing. Gone back to my sleeping late habit (partially because of jet lag). Addicted to Hearthstone and still trying to learn how eyeshadow works. Perhaps I should separately blog about my daily feels?

P.P.P.S: I feel the need to make a b-day wishlist.
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