I've been so busy! Zzz. Everyone has something on the 22nd. There's Jay's lunch, SS's cake/Hunger games, and Reed's formal thing. After an intense round of deciding I went for the Lunch option, only to end up cancelling it because I ended up forgetting to pack so parents were like CANCEL EVERYTHING so I did.
So as I'm standing around bored in the airport, here I am typing this blog post. Mum won't stop hyperventilating and dad and I are just like =_= calm down bro. It's really annoying and embarassing but pretty funny at the same time.
My sleepover was great! I've never had 5 people actually RSVP and come so yay! The rents were pretty chillaxed too. Even made bread. We had xiaolongbao (Yip's lost love) and dumplings (xtine's worst enemy). Xtine the steady hand did the LSP nails I designed and it looked so great I won't stop admiring my nails LOL.
So obviusly a round of Dota or two is obligatory. I told Jimface I GOTTA BREAK MY WR CURSE KYAAAA. So he went full-out PLing and all that and Timmeh went mid and his friends top yadayadayada #cureforlancer but yeah what a way to go before I go China isolated from everyone.
Finally got my hybrid tablet! It's a cheap ASUS trandformer book (took me two months research before deciding on something man still totally want a Surface Pro 2 for da gaming capabilities tho) anyway I'm still satisfied. It is so sleek and beautiful *^*
Anyhow, we're about to board now. I doubt I'll Have blog access but I'll do my best to do a Rach and record down my daily activities or just ya know instagram :D I'll miss you SS! Mumble! Ohwait you can just all Skype me lolol