Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Official Bucket List

As of 27/11/11

I need to do all of these things before I turn 20

-Buy all of MBLAQ's albums except the first one where Cheondung doesn't sing, collect all posters

-Take a photo with a Kpop idol

-Bake sweets for my non-existent-future-maybe boyfriend

-Have $1000 in my bank

-Hug Oppa a hot guy

-Openly confess to a crush face-to-face

-Replay a scene from a drama in real life

-Slap someone, was meant to punch then I realised I'd get a Police Record, damn you Senior Conference D:

-Cure Mint Addiction

-Have a (road?) trip with friends

-Learn shorthand writing

-Actually finish writing a fanfiction

That is all for now!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Classic Convo

Mum: Do the Dishes

Me: Nuuuuuu!

Mum: Do. The. Dishes!

Me: 5 more minutes!

Mum: What would your Cheondung think?


*awkward silence*

Mum: Cheeeeoooonnnduuunnnng~

Me: Not working! Not doing the dishes!

Mum: What would CHEONDUNG think of a lazy person like you?

Me: Nothing! Stop it!


Me: *does the dishes* T^T

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Say Hi to Pigothy

  Oh Mike He I found myself watching every single drama you've been in. Ridiculous! Watching too many dramas would make me think extremely unrealistically.

  Upon hearing news about whatshisname from Qing today I collapsed onto the ground. WHY wasn't I there this morning!? Why didn't I make my usual train instead of catching the early one!? LOL for collapsing dramatically. Damn you dramas. But hey! Real life may not have uber perfect hot guys, but you don't have uber evil scheming bitches either! So it's a fair situation!

  Pigothy's a nice name eh? It's nice enough to sound asexual. Leaving names around apparently just ain't up to people's standards anymore. Let's name everyone after animals! I am going to be a Pig, you can be a Cat, and that one person can be a Dog, of which also happened to be a female.

  Yay for anonymity!

  BTW, new template, horray!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Um... Yeah. So um... You see, it's just a blog. Full of bitching and ranting. People change overtime, but if so many people hate on you for blogging, just don't read it. This doesn't apply to me directly, but everyone else up there. What's a blog full of lies to make criticism sound better? I think if I did write some scandalous thing in the past, it's there for me to look back and laugh about how immature I were. If I want to make a blog sound nice, then that's meaner than going all out at someone because then I'd be lying. I will delete those posts, but it will not prevent me from writing similar things in the future. I'm all for honesty. And I appreciate you for being straight with me. Love you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stop Dying!

  So before I go onto the main topic, let me express some thoughts on work. Firstly, the shifts are way too sudden. I should at least get a day's advance before receiving a shift request, so I can plan the day. You shouldn't tell me to go work ON THE DAY. I don't appreciate calls when I'm at school either. Secondly, I think I'm a little underpaid. The pay arrived yesterday but according to my daily calculations it was $102 instead of $120. But I think it's just a misunderstanding because the company is well-known for its quality in well, everything.

  Main topic is the drama I managed to finish watching in two days, called Love Keeps Going. The main guy is absolutely full of smex and mischievousness. Yet I never liked the actor, lulz. It's basically your typical drama with girl getting dumped and guy who is a complete tsundere picks her up and then love happens. There are A LOT of sex hints in it, but all so subtle it hardly exists.

Look at how sick I am. Oh wait I'm still hot.
  I guess it's too typical. Car accidents and hiding your incurable disease from your girlfriend, really? I mean I love happy endings but the ending for this one felt like someone threw it together the last minute. Kind of like cramming for an assignment and you end up doing crap-ly. But this drama definitely raised my already super high standards in a guy. I mean HELLO? Who WOULDN'T want a boyfriend like Yi Lie? They made him too perfect.

For some reason I find a hot guy who's in love with me annoying.
  Still, I nearly cried when the guy acted like a bitch all of a sudden because he got this super rare disease and don't want the girl to know so he decided to leave her alone with her hating him so she doesn't get sadder. Why do all dramas do that? It's a crap method! The girl would just get sadder if the guy's a bitch. And where do these diseases come from anyway? It's not like they appear out of nowhere like it did in this drama.

  I haven't been social at all recently, I need friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Define Happiness

  I think my version of happiness is simple, I don't need to be kept happy by being fed with materialistic things, although they always add onto the happiness, of course.

  A happy day involves getting up in the morning, on time, without feeling like shit. Having just enough time to get ready and make it in time for the bus. I want to be able to catch the train with a friend and have a decent, entertaining conversation. A hot guy to stare at is fine too.

  Upon arriving at school I want to hang with my friends without the intrusion of year nines and other people who don't belong. I have to not feel sleepy in all my classes, and at lunch it should be the same as the morning. Having something edible for lunch and recess in my lunchbox and enough water to keep me hydrated.

  Everyday, after school; I pray that I'd see him and he'd smile and wave at me. Usually, if this happens no matter how sad my day was it instantly becomes filled with rainbows and sunshines. If he doesn't it backfires and I get sent into depression. Particularly if I see him but he doesn't wave. Hell I don't even know if I can be so sure about not liking this guy anymore, no wonder my friends say that it was hard to believe. I hope I don't like him, because I know it's really depressing to 'like' someone when they don't 'like' you back and you know they never will. We shall stay as friends on speaking terms, as long as he's nice to me as usual, then I'm fine.

  I hope to catch the train with Umma, it's always fun with her around. I want to catch the bus with TamTam because then I can give him all the hugs to make up for the ones I wanted to give to him so badly. Arriving at home there should be food in one of the drawers. Then I would usually just sit and chill. Happiness at home is basically not pissing my parents off or the other way around, it sounded so simple, but usually, it happens everyday. The two are never satisfied with me, ah well, nobody's perfect. And after a nice shower I'd crawl into my nice, clean bed and watch Youtube videos on my phone until I fall asleep.

  So, am I happy today? Technically yes. Work experience was action-packed, but relaxing in some ways. Was banned from shower because parents were being bitchy, now my hair's all itchy. Then iTunes that bastard screwed up on my and my library/files disappeared. So here I am not bothered to fix that up. Turns out Wifi also died on my phone so no Youtube vids for me. BUT!   I caught the train with him and we talked for quite a while and it was very nice because he was smiling the entire time and it made me extremely happy, enough happiness to cancel out the others. See the benefits of 'liking' this guy?  Happiness comes so easily and he doesn't even know it! A hug would probably make up for the whole week! Yup, I'm cool with that.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Too Many Things!

  OH EM GEE I haven't blogged in AGES. Not after mum randomly confiscated my computer for 2 days. Not like I needed it anyway because I've been SO FREAKING BUSY!

  Firstly we have work. I've been asked to go to 3 shifts this week already and that means $120 of moolah. Work is pretty boring now that I think about it. My feet literally die after 4 hours of nonstop work and you need to wait till all customers are served to go toilet as well. Otherwise except a few bad customers all is well.

  Secondly we have the Kpop Music Festival! Cheondung ah! I miss you already! So Carolyn oppa and I went to rehearsal and although we were all the way in Silver and can barely register the stars' faces we were kind of the only ones there(plus we got first row!) so they can hear us pretty clearly if we were loud enough. They ran 30mins late and to think Oppa and I arrived an hour early! Anyway turns out they literally let us watch the whole mock-concert and I waited a long time for Doongie to come out, he did. I was holding a huge Cheondung sign PLUS I'm the only one screaming his name, according to oppa the stadium ECHOED.

  Of course the love of my life heard and saw me, he said 'annyeong' and waved. I screamed "CHEONDUNG AH! CHEONDUNG AH!" over and over again with no shame. Unfortunately for all the Sones and Cassies(half the population) there wasn't GG or TVXQ. Oppa got really upset and I got upset as well because I want to see HoMin.

  The actual concert was quite a bore. I went with Irene whom I informed last minute but still came. The day event was bleh. But I did see Mychonny and there were so many crazy Chonny fans! He ended up hiding in a corner which was the corner I was in so I got to talk to him (pssh, more like YELL at him) for a bit. I snuck Irene into a good silver seat but unfortunately for me no luck with Cheondung this time, I was TOO FAR off from the stage and everyone was standing up how annoying. Then all VIPs got these signed balls and got to touch the stars and I got very jelly.

  Lastly let me just touch up abit on Work Experience. Mandy wasn't there but the manager Andrea and the person who looked after me (Sally) were super nice people. And so were just about everyone there. The weather sucked but the aircon felt so good. They have fancy lunchrooms and office cubicles. I got an early mark and after getting home I ordered White Print Skullcandy Lowriders (see picture).

  Peace out bean sprout.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Programming Watches with Danny and Miss Develin

  Last night I was sooo nervous I texted 10 people asking them what we have today for tests and when I found out I completely chilled out. I looked through my notes for abit (while ignoring a friend whom I have surprisingly grown awkward around) and then just decided to flunk it, I mean who cares right.

  We got supervised by these old cranky people who thinks that we use programmable watches and write cheat notes on our liquid paper and drink bottles. For an English exam. Good on you old people. My hands hurt from writing, but it was generally really easy. So I got really nervous for science right, then I finished 45mins early and got to sleep through the rest. I have invented a new method... sleeping on your folded tie! It was very comfortable.

  Again, I went home with the strong determination of studying for tomorrow (instead of liking all these reeaaally funny pages on facebook about the School Certificate). I'm abit nervous still I guess. I mean maths is one of my weaker subjects and history... apparently you need to remember alot of things. Geo well... let's just hope I can improvise nicely.

  I got a call from my supervisor guy again and this time he's confirming my available timeslots. I guess I was abit bummed out considering how I'm on a crowded bus and I can barely hear him. Lucy commented on how I sounded a little blonde. Oopsies. But this is just... well... it's a really messed up order.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bite-sized Portions

  Today I re-watched Other End of the Line and it was soooo good omg as expected. Then it got me wondering. You know those movies where the main guy makes some mysterious delivery to the girl's house and picks out the PERFECT dress/necklace/shoes/whatever for her? Like just her size and everything?

  Wouldn't it be awkward if it WASN'T perfect? Like the guy gave her an oversized dress and the girl slaps him or something. I mean how do they know if it's perfect anyway? They're not supposed to know what size of dress/whatever the girl is. Weird huh?

  Also, today I was in a pretty nice mood (excluding the part about having a bitchy stepdad from yesterday) right and then I got a call. Semi-hoping it was some hot guy (LOLJKS) it was the Hurzy Coles supervisor so I was like YAY I get a shift naos. But then he was like really serious and mean sounding and he asked me to attend a store interview (see where the part about the dodgyness I mentioned previously comes in?) on Wednesday and bring a load of shiz (I forgot half of them because the phone call woke me up and I was sooo groggy) with me.

  So, does that mean they finally found out (well more like I told the lady on Thursday) about the thingy? Am I gonna lose the job? The interview itself sounded so bad it's not funny. The guy just ain't sounding... approachable. Then again today dad was a bitch for the whole day I couldn't even go hurzy and do my work uniform shopping (which I had to re-think over considering how apparently I ain't hired anymore and all).

  Overall, my mood went from 100% to about 40%. Not too excited for rehearsal either. Nor am I excited about school since all these random retards have joined our group and I thought it was temporary but NOOOO they're here again! And someone was acting like she's too good for us when noone wanted to talk to her. Is this even a group anymore? Or just a charity camp? Why does EVERYONE come to our group when they have noone to hang with? Grr I'm sounding really mean and conceited right now, not cool man.

  I've been getting along particularly well with a certain few people, I dunno why, but it's a good thing. Also, I've been drifting from someone, I know I can't tell her it's not working out anymore (sounding lesbo right now), because then everyone in the whole world would think that everything's my fault and dog me out. Like via formspring trolling or stuff (but ha you can't do that anymore I figured out how to trace you down even if you're anon you idiots).

  Ya'know, nobody's at fault when a close friendship can't work out anymore, it's because people change over time, and you can't help it can you? It's sounding like a failed marriage or a break-up, except why is everyone more keen on dogging others when it comes to friendships? They aren't 'betraying' you, maybe you did something that pissed them off! Or maybe they're feeling GUILTY about misleading you when it comes to how much they like you and stuff! Nothing is wrong with you! Something is wrong with me okay?

  Before this begins to sound like a relationship, I'm sorry I kept you reading for so long. Have a nice day and wish me luck, peace.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Job Induction~

  To be honest it's like extremely boring! We sat around a table too awkward to talk about anything (or crack jokes, I tried to crack one but they stared at me weirdly) and watched instructional videos, filled out forms and did worksheets (yes, effing worksheets).

  Starting work next week with more training (and effing worksheets) to come. But I'm really excited! Moolah here I come! I also need to buy black rabens and black trousers for work.

  I made friends with this reaaally pretty tb-ish B2UTY 12'er St. Georgian called Catherine(Katherine?) and she was really nice and we're the only Asians there so Asians stick together lol. Anyway the interviewer lady was as nice as ever. CKatherine and I talked about our schools, HSC, SAT, SC, and lots of Asiany nerdy stuff.

  Apparently our grade is extremely infamous for being... well... I'm not going to go there so pathetic retarded formspring trolls who don't understand the concept of an IP trace and how being anonymous isn't actually completely anonymous won't try to frame me again. Yeah, kind of found out who my troll(s) were and ya'know I'm pretty raging about it. But at least, I just lost all of my sincerity and respect towards those people. But I forgive them, because I am nice-ish I think o-0.

  You-know-who is being a bitch to me on OZ, I mean chill dude! Stop trying to make yourself look better lol, go get a life or something. But then again OZ is pathetic and gay, you go on there, crossdress and flirt with newbies. Endless hours of fun.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is my Happy Face :D

  I am so happy today! *does random hula dance* Lots of good shiz happened this week, horray!

  First I  got off school early with Alice so she can do this audition casting thing for this TV series. Her mum was really cool! I learnt how to use a Debit Card and then we headed for central to chill at a cafe.

  We're just talking about life and stuff(without buying anything from the cafe the guy must be staring at us angrily) and suddenly my phone started to ring. I thought it was my dad because I forgot to tell him about how I'm going to the audition thing but the number was wrong. So I picked up, turns out it's from the Lady from a certain company who interviewed me like months ago~

  She's like How did you think you did at the interview you recently (cough bullshit cough) attended? So I told her how I ended up getting rejected because of unavailable time slots. Then she told me that I thought wrong because I got accepted into their company! Just like that! Without a second interview we were informed about! So now I have to attend a PAID training introduction session at Sylvania on Thursday at 4 and that means another note I need to get my (supportive) dad to sign T_T. Hope the office doesn't think that I'm jigging school or anything.

  Mummy is such a lucky charm! And Herpe was the first person I told. Also I can get contacts into my eyes in one go now. It still takes alittle while to get it out sometimes, but I'm definitely getting used to it.

  Life is all good!
Blue Transparent Star