I made sure I stayed up after 12 to change my Steam name announcing my soon-to-be legality in one year's time. Nifkeh was the first (2 mins before 12 <3) followed by Duck and Jimface who congratulated me on the dot. Some inevitable Facebook wall posts came, no sign from Oppa.
Went to school early, only to be disappointed by the stupid late bus and end up just on time anyway. Uneventful eco in the morning and by recess I'm already exhausted from nothing happening.
At recess I walked into the room half dead and doing stupid stuff with the excuse "It's my birthday I can do whatever I want, #YOLO". And then people came in and was like Happy Birthday and I was like thanks *half dead*. And then Mao u sneaky sneaky gurl acting like you forgot and I'm like SO CUT YOU FORGOT *back to being half dead and emo*.
Then the door opened and suddenly everyone's in front of me going HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I'm like HUUUUH *presented with my very own Tepig* WAAAT OOOHHH GGGAAAWWWWDDDDD. To think I've always prided myself in being able to predict surprises DX And then Xtine and Dpz was like CHECK YO EMAIL (cheek u emmeeeru) and I did and guess what dat's rite SKYRIM BITCHES and I really wanted to crai but no tears came out (I blame two stupid men for draining my tears dry). The rest of the school day went smoothly, I even got an early mark! When I got home(after grabbing free Chatime with Maozer) I got really bored scrolling down facebook replying to birthday messages, it seems I have 1/3 the amount I had last year, I didn't care, since personally to me those messages (except the obvious few)are more obligatory than sincere.
Onto the feels and sad parts, yup, they've done it again. My parents have forgotten my birthday, horray. My mum got reminded and was like ceeeeebs buying a cake if you really want one we can go buy it now LOLJKSITS6PMNOPLACEISOPEN do you want a coles mudcake and I just broke down into tearless tantrum and locked myself up. Then dad came back and was like why hasn't she showered yet and then he realised what's going on and was like OMG HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS WHERES THE FRIGGIN CAKE and mum's like well I passed several cake shops but I really ceebs and dad threw a tantrum (me still throwing mine) and was like OK GO OUT NOW AND BUY A CAKE OTHERWISE YOU CANT COME BACK. But of course, there ain't any cakes to buy since it's like 7pm so she kind of came back with a few bags of chips to compensate. OFC I was like even more cut since it's the first time in my life where I didn't have a cake on my birthday.
Other cut parts include: 4 significant people in my life literally forgot and by literally I mean even after you nudge them a gajillion times they don't take the hint. But I know what this means, they're just not significant anymore, lol. I hold value to people who don't deserve my feels.
But, in conclusion, despite many shortcomings of my day it was my friends who made it happy, wonderful and special for me, all that jazz because anymore corn and I will crai everytaim agen.