Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I'm done honestly

  Except for the fact that I won't act upon it.

  I have 0 studying motivation, and feel screwed.

  Probably the weather tampering with my head and FEELZ.


Monday, February 25, 2013

I received an email

Your PC - Dota 2 match has been scheduled.
Home Team: HJ&F
Away Team: MTS

Match Time: Wed 27th, 8:00pm AEDT

After the match, both teams must enter the score on the matchdetails page:

Thank you,
CyberGamer Support

Thank you, but no thank you.
I hope Duck and HJ/C/A will be available so I can study, LOLJKS OFC I'll be speccing :')

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mope Mope Mope

  Should've done more work yesterday because I realised I have 3 things I need to do: Modern notes, type up extension and write 400 for ext 2.

  So after a humid night's all my anger and frustration turned into utter, pathetic mope. "Why me, why is it always me and not someone else... etc"

  "Why don't you just quit school, stay at home and play games all day!" -Dad

  Oh, if only, if only...

Scratch that

I think I'm angry.

He has no right.

I wish I can turn into a giant marijuana joint so everyone can just chill the fuck out.


I don't friggin even anymore

  These Teen Top 1st Album teasers are killing me with suspense.

  I should honestly stop putting up with the crap thrown at me all the time. But I think others see me as someone who is tolerant of trashtalking, I don't blame them, I'm happy to take a certain amount because I know when you're in a bad mood you gotta let out some air, but sometimes I wonder if enough is enough.

  I was a bitch two years ago (still can be?), the one doing the trashtalking rather than receiving it. It has caused me so much trouble and I've said alot of crap I eventually regret ever thinking of saying. I think I kind of had it coming so yeah, life does not currently 'suck' or anything.

I wouldn't say being on the receiving end has given me benefits or anything, but hey, I don't get trashed on Mumble anymore, woopdeedoo right. Most of them know when they've gone too far and some of them are exceptionally nice, some even taking criticism from me? What has this world come to?!

  Yeah ok sorry for having depressing blog posts again I played abit after doing homework and dad suddenly comes in (after I closed the programs and called it a day) and started blaming me and yelling at me for no reason (technically, since i did work and played for a bit only) and it was kinda upsetting.

  Everyone should just stahp.

Friday, February 22, 2013

I do go far

P: I'm not gonna do homework tonight.
D: Okay, I think that's too far
D is now Offline

Thursday, February 21, 2013


  Now before this sound anymore wrong than it already does, I never expected this day to come and it came quicker than I thought. Chingu-ah, you probably had no idea what it meant.

  Who knew your reply would be 'X' instead of 'Y'. Too bad I'm too wussed out to actually utilise it to my advantage. But hey, progress is all that matters.


  Dear Lord my brain should really shut up it's causing necessary dilemma.

  Also idk this always happens to me but whenever i want to show a friend a conversation I tend to cover up the rest to emphasise the one line and it makes it seem like the convo either bitchy or inappropriate IM SO SORRY MASTER IT ISNT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE. 

  Also Adventure Time, Flame Prince *A*

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


  As most of the human population would realise, I'm hydrophobic. And for odd reasons people automatically assume I can't drink water. It basically meant I can't go near large bodies of water without my pulse speeding up dramatically and finding it difficult to breathe. I usually sit the furthest away from the pool when near one, and I would not dare venture anywhere deeper than knee-deep when at the beach (treading water had only recently become a joy of mine, it feels dangerous ahaha). I think this started when I nearly drowned in the pond behind our house in China (I vaguely remember a neighbour having to 'fetch' me with a net).

  It isn't as bad as when I was little anymore (somehow I survived the swimming lessons from years 7 and 8) and I don't scream and run away when I see lakes/rivers/ponds anymore but it still has the obvious drawbacks, including when playing games that involve your character swimming (Skyrim, SR3, fps...etc) my heart rate speeds up like IRL. I am unable to take baths without freaking out, and the smell of chlorine nauseates me. Otherwise it's not something overly obvious and affecting my life.

  A shame I miss out on the duck (DUCK!) theme of Swim Carnival, not really. I don't wanna pay 5 bucks to sit around and do nothing. I don't have anything decent and yellow to wear anyway. Instead I sit home and attempt to study (sigh, as you can see that didn't go well), while trying to strike up a conversation with anyone currently online.

  Exams in 2 weeks, woopeedidoo, ofc I'm unprepared.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Moar Mumble Moments

★ ☆ ★

Ju: P quickly abandon the game, you're on a smurf
P: Why is it always me? Ji's on a smurf...
Ju: Because... just because.
P: Are you a misogynist?!

★ ☆ ★

P: Sorry omg my game froze sorry for ruining the game...
Ji: How long till you come back?
P: ;A; not sure, just play this one without me ;A;

★ ☆ ★

Jn: Don't you get it? P and I are shit, we're gonna lose.

★ ☆ ★

HJ: ♫I wanna f*** you, I wanna f*** you, I wanna f*** you in your pantsu babyyy ♫
F: Are you high.
P: He is.

★ ☆ ★

F: Guys... I can't stop farting... I don't think I can play anymore...

★ ☆ ★

Ju: All of us used to give P alot of shit because she sucked.
P: Just you...

★ ☆ ★

Ju: k
P: k ur face
Ju: ur mum
P: ur butt

★ ☆ ★

K: WTH I thought you said P is pro!
Ju: She's better than you lol.
K: But that still doesn't justify her being pro

★ ☆ ★

Ji: Stop watching her you do realise the huge teamfight is over here...
HJ: We don't care about the match, we don't care about the teamfight...
D: This is P's battle! We wanna know if she survives!
HJ: If she doesn't we're submitting it to Fails of the Week

★ ☆ ★

And last but not least:

Ju: OH what, is your name actually S... But I actually thought it was P! I tried to convince everyone!
P: You are so dumb, took you long enough.

★ ☆ ★

 None of these people shall find out that I have posted on the interwebz the stupid and embarassing crap they have once said. I just want some place so I can document these funny times. This is why ladies and gentlemen I never mumble unless forced to.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Watashi no Tanjyoubi

 I made sure I stayed up after 12 to change my Steam name announcing my soon-to-be legality in one year's time. Nifkeh was the first (2 mins before 12 <3) followed by Duck and Jimface who congratulated me on the dot. Some inevitable Facebook wall posts came, no sign from Oppa.

  Went to school early, only to be disappointed by the stupid late bus and end up just on time anyway. Uneventful eco in the morning and by recess I'm already exhausted from nothing happening.

  At recess I walked into the room half dead and doing stupid stuff with the excuse "It's my birthday I can do whatever I want, #YOLO". And then people came in and was like Happy Birthday and I was like thanks *half dead*. And then Mao u sneaky sneaky gurl acting like you forgot and I'm like SO CUT YOU FORGOT *back to being half dead and emo*.

  Then the door opened and suddenly everyone's in front of me going HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I'm like HUUUUH *presented with my very own Tepig* WAAAT OOOHHH GGGAAAWWWWDDDDD. To think I've always prided myself in being able to predict surprises DX And then Xtine and Dpz was like CHECK YO EMAIL (cheek u emmeeeru) and I did and guess what dat's rite SKYRIM BITCHES and I really wanted to crai but no tears came out (I blame two stupid men for draining my tears dry). The rest of the school day went smoothly, I even got an early mark! When I got home(after grabbing free Chatime with Maozer) I got really bored scrolling down facebook replying to birthday messages, it seems I have 1/3 the amount I had last year, I didn't care, since personally to me those messages (except the obvious few)are more obligatory than sincere.

  Onto the feels and sad parts, yup, they've done it again. My parents have forgotten my birthday, horray. My mum got reminded and was like ceeeeebs buying a cake if you really want one we can go buy it now LOLJKSITS6PMNOPLACEISOPEN do you want a coles mudcake and I just broke down into tearless tantrum and locked myself up. Then dad came back and was like why hasn't she showered yet and then he realised what's going on and was like OMG HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS WHERES THE FRIGGIN CAKE and mum's like well I passed several cake shops but I really ceebs and dad threw a tantrum (me still throwing mine) and was like OK GO OUT NOW AND BUY A CAKE OTHERWISE YOU CANT COME BACK. But of course, there ain't any cakes to buy since it's like 7pm so she kind of came back with a few bags of chips to compensate. OFC I was like even more cut since it's the first time in my life where I didn't have a cake on my birthday.

  Other cut parts include: 4 significant people in my life literally forgot and by literally I mean even after you nudge them a gajillion times they don't take the hint. But I know what this means, they're just not significant anymore, lol. I hold value to people who don't deserve my feels.

  But, in conclusion, despite many shortcomings of my day it was my friends who made it happy, wonderful and special for me, all that jazz because anymore corn and I will crai everytaim agen.

My Incomprehensible Love for Digimon

  So I recently rewatched the entire Digimon Adventure again, and almost shed tears of nostalgia... almost. Oh Digimon, what can I say? You're my childhood, you're the reason why I'm glued to the TV when I was younger and you're the sole reason why I get turned off by Pokemon.

  Everywhere I go, Pokemon lovers would shed hate on my beloved series, calling it a shitty ripoff and all. Ok, bitch please, I never once even compared the two together and calling the other better. Personal preferences exist for a reason right? I understand why Digimon is so underrated but it was all I had access to in China and it did reach me before Pokemon did.

  But since we're here, fine, let me tell you the reasons why I will never get into the Pokemon franchise.

  First things first, it isn't a ripoff of Pokemon, it was originally designed as Tamagotchi for the manly men and not a video game. The concept is almost completely different to that of Pokemon's, while one is about multiple creatures you capture/tame to keep as pets/slaves, the other is a lifelong friend who chooses you on its own will and you are expected to take care of it. One is a creature, the other is a hologram of sorts created from data.

  Secondly, this is where I delve into the anime and talk about just how amazing it is. Before American dubbing ruined the show, it made me smile, laugh and cry (I still vividly remember wailing for 2 days when Wizardmon died). This point is mainly about the respective theme songs of the two. Apparently damn Americans changed the opening to some digi-champion crap, let me reiterate the original songs: Butter-fly and Brave Heart. Click HERE to look at their translations. The evolving theme, Brave Heart, is my current ringtone.

  Additionally, the anime holds many values that can inspire children watching the show. The meaning of the children's crests: Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Knowledge, Love, Purity, Hope and Light are unraveled as the children experience gradual character developments and bond with eachother/their Digimons. Many episodes really get to you such as the one where Sora finally finds out that her mum's constant nagging actually meant that she cares for her and the episode where Yamato realises that it doesn't matter who's more capable because friends don't compete but work together to conquer obstacles. I never cried during Pokemon but back then I'd cry many times during Digimon episodes.

  Finally, Digimons are so much more cuter in my opinion of course. Patamon is like GAAAAAHHH SO CUTE and their digivolutions are so hot (Angewomon, Wizardmon... just to name a few, and Yamato had always been my childhood cartoon crush ahahaa). Note that this point is actually pretty shallow, that's why I left it till the end. So let me also add in a few miscellaneous snippets... Things like how Digimon can talk, gain power with will and inner strength to evolve and grow stronger overtime... many more things that made me really dig this show.

  As I said, I have absolutely nothing against Pokemon except for a selected few fundamentalist fans out there. I think, to conclude, that the two shows should co-exist in peace as they really are about different things and target different kinds of people. So don't hate yeah? Let us all get along, I want to bake a cake out of sunshine and rainbows... etc etc.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


  Am I supposed to be excited? Probably not, I'm not expecting much tomorrow anyway. Interestingly I'm much more looking forward to ih tonight once I get my hw done.

Did I Waste my Weekend?

  I dunno why I'm talking to him again, it's not like I can do anything else if he just randomly starts talking like nothing ever happened before. Dat bish. It's ok me, politeness and subtlety's where it's at...

  So I did literally no work besides finishing my short story. And in terms of entertainment I found myself amidst countless games of ih and supporting Clan BAKE on their path to success(?). I'm a pathetic manager really, never there during picking phase and too lazy to fix up the logo.

  But I guess the overall achievement is meeting new people and finding team synergy/peace on mumble. I've discovered that the best way to stay out of trouble is just say ":okay:" to everything they say and gradually I realised I've reduced the trashtalk to 0 and what replaced them became "bad luck" and "This is what you should have done". But I don't know, maybe I'm just getting better at the game. It's great, but I really need to concentrate on my sad sad HSC life. Ok me, no playing on weekdays unless you finished all your work!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


  Guess which loser finally got over their PMS angsty period. Ehehehe.

Angsty of the Undesired

  Despite sleeping in and arriving at school patheticly late at 11, I had a relatively decent day. I even got to catch the bus with a friend of mine (we don't know eachother very well but she is likeable in every way), she got off before me and I got off later.

  Before I was about to cross the road to go home however some guy in sunglasses and 'cool kid gear' approached me with a 'hey', note that since I'm friggin tired and groggy from the bus nap I kind of slowly turned around and was like 'huh'? But even before I could manage the huh through my half-open eyes he was like hey take this Aad he handed me some cardboard flyer. I was about to ask why he's giving me a stupid piece of paper before he's like "oh it's for your friend, can you give it to her" Before I can question about it he walked off to Lord-knows-where.

  I didn't get a good look at this guy's face so I wasn't sure whether I should feel happy and excited for my friend (SECRET ADMIRER OMG AHANFDSKJNFD) or throw the stupid thing away (What if she gets herself a stalker? What if he's a pedophile psychopath?) And then, it hit me like a bullet, suddenly I feel extremely self-conscious and realise how much of a douche the guy was.

  I don't know about you, but I think it's a pretty douchey thing to do to go up to a random chick, pass her your number and tell her to give it to her friend. Man up Mr Pheg, if you like a girl, freaking go for it. Note passing is cute, if you do it right, right now in my head I see my friend is being pursued by the biggest wuss on the planet, who probably thinks the chick with the appearance disadvantage is easier to approach.

 Sigh, I don't know, I'm just pissed off and kinda wish I don't look like a half-dead sardine all the time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

IT'S OVER 10000

Most of them are probably from myself, but whatever, I've come a long way.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Suck At Dota 2

"Pigothy, you useless motherf****r."

Can't believe I haven't improved at all after the holidays.

So like, that means, I officially wasted the entirety of it.

PMS Squared

  My whole body aches, my brain feels all tired and weird and I just washed the gajillionth thing for the day.

  After swallowing pills and actually doing some work for the weekend, I think I feel significantly better.

  Or so I thought, realising that I have morning class tomorrow.
Blue Transparent Star