Sunday, September 22, 2013

True Blood Feels

Just some nonsensical, biased ramblings after watching four seasons of this show four days in a row.
Oh, expect spoilers, and gifs, lots of gifs.

Eric Northman
I've been waiting for that haircut for the entire season
It breaks my heart they'll probably never end up together like in the books and that he'll screw his sister
His height is really awkward most of the time because everyone has to look up to talk to him
Bill is a whiney little bitch
I mean seriously I grow to like him less and less as the show goes on, he used to be such a QTPie
Sookie is badass... most of the time
Sookie is a slut
Sookie thinks the entire world revolves around her
Eric Northman
Tara was cool, then she's also a whiney little bitch oh your life is just so hard ain't it
I stopped following Sam's storyline but he has a cute brother
Alcide is really huggable
His wolf form is even moar huggable
Godric is a sweetiepie
He dies too quickly
Witches be bitches
The Newlins are so funny
There's alot of sex, and boobs

Sookie reminds me of Ariel Lin and I get pissed over that
Eric Northman
Sophie-Anne is cool and I'm really sad that she died.
You eventually grow to love Jason Stackhouse
The website I watch from is so slow and I get really frustrated over it
Sookie falls in love with Eric's empty shell so it kinda feels like she's using him
How come Godric dies in like 2 seconds but Russell took forever and is still alive

Eric Northman
Jessica is cool and endearing
I have no comments on Lafayette
Pam looks like a pornstar
Hoyt is just... Hoyt
I have seriously been skipping through episodes post S3 because of the convoluted plotlines
Vampires have no sense of  personal space or privacy
DEM ACCENTS I can't take what anyone says seriously anymore
The show can be really repetitive
By the way, did I happen to mention Eric Northman
Blue Transparent Star