Informal assembly had been so impeccably organised, I was so surprised it went so smoothly since we barely had any rehearsals at all, or at least, I hadn't been to any. Onto today's bizarre events...
Binge-shopping with mum was fun, but time always go by so quickly and we were barely through with like 3 of the shops before they all started closing -_- Australia = No nightlife. Anyhoo, my mission today was to make a decent costume for Wednesday, I finally decided on a Flower Fairy in white.
I found a flower crown at Lovisa that I liked but I was indecisive and I'm like nah I'll see if there are better ones but when I didn't find any decent ones I literally ran back AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT. I ended up buying this pearly one from Diva but nomatter how many times mum calls the Lovisa one ugly I had deep regrets. Anyway, other purchases today are finally a pair of Lee Riders, some cheap SES shiz (inc a dress to complete my fairyness), cotton PJs, MAC makeup (my first set besides those crappy BYS stuff I bought when I was tiny!!), and Korean snacks, obviously. I couldn't find any white fairy wings, so I bought some off eBay and hopefully it arrives before Wednesday (it says before OR ON Wednesday).
Anyway, I don't know whether I was high, angry from the flower crown or just purely impulsive but I passed this Beauty consultant place on my way back home and I found some fake flowers lying around on the table. The place was open-style and since it's like 6 it's pitch black and 100% empty besides that awkward bouquet lying on the table (sorta like the information table that you pass in shopping centers). I was like hey this matches my dress with its perfect colours someone must have left it there since perfect *takes*. I know, you can report me to police or kill me now I later realised it was a decoration for the room (otherwise why would someone put a bouquet of fake flowers on a table?! Even if it's not in a vase) a while later and I kinda just stole it and there are probably security cameras everywhere looking for the thief OH GAWD. As soon as I got home dad inevitably made rude remarks and it only fed my guilty conscience and I'm like omg I have to return it omg then he's like you took it already no returning. FKFKFKKFKFKFKFK I'm returning it anyway as soon as I get the opportunity.
Speaking of being guilty, on that gay game some guy from the guild got angry at me for kicking him after he dced for MPD. I lied and said he quit himself and since he was all angry and sweary while I was calm and rational people stood up for me (and even said that everyone else quit and we would've gotten owned anyway, also I did not use gender to advantage because I'm a guy in the game) and the officer even threatened to kick him for making drama. I felt really bad so I quit the MPD and lost my daily attempt. I tried to send him a rose but he UNFRIENDED me. It's just a game dude, but anyway I apologised many times and since he unfriended me I can't send compensation to him so his loss.
So yeah, future criminal?