Year 7 had been a time of experimentation, I want to hang around with many people before I find one group to settle with. Interestingly most of my year 7 friends are my current friends, maybe this is fate? Special mentions to RKAK for being my first group ever. I suppose I'm extremely vulnerable at this time due to being bullied and excluded in primary school. I get so overly protective (and easily jealous) of all the people I like and I also desperately searched for a so-called 'best friend'. I met Nifky and Merry, who went on to become people very important throughout my entire high school journey.
Year 8 had been about being cool. I got to meet more people outside my year 7 circle and this is also the time when some people became awkward to talk to. I stuck with this amazing gurl called J and we did many interesting things together, but to a current-me they were embarrassing as fk. The two of us didn't exactly drift, so-to-speak, but more like found people to stick with. To J, you are awesome, you have always been awesome and I'm sorry I often said things that may have hurt you. You are one of the nicest, smartest girls I know and you'll grow up to be someone super successful.
Year 9 and 10 had been about settling down and having fun. I became close with Babe, Cheez and to a certain extent Lulu. We had our little group in the maths rooms. We moved onto the lowers towards the end of the year and met DA BOYZ lolol. I felt like I had to be someone I am not in order to belong (BELONGING DAMN YOU). And stupid me thought that being mean was the way to go. I also got to know Sidyl/Opar more and they are great friends I will always cherish. To my lowers/mathsroom group, you guys have brought me so much fun, and admittedly year 9-10 were the greatest years free from stress and frequented with outings. I apologise for being the meanest person ever and somehow I think this really justified what happened the year after. It's understandable why some of you wouldn't even spare me a glance or a smile, I was a bitch, and I'm sorry.
Year 11 had been a year of great change. It started off with a bang when I met transfers (Imma luking at chu WinLiang Julez CarDi) and got to attend class I actually liked (NO MATHS). Babe and Cheez were already gone, they moved on. Then I had to move houses and everything had just been so different and I was scared. Eventually there was that great drama of dramaticalness and at the time I was so depressed admittedly I was on the verge of killing myself or just anybody else I thought had been responsible of my distress. Though I had great grades teachers actually came up and asked me if I need help. I met Larina and she was my only source of comfort during this time. I got into Steam after receiving a new computer and eventually this came to undermine me in more ways than one. Two days after spending foreveralone lunch in the comp rooms suddenly it's Kalis' bday and Pancake asked if I want to buy her gift together. And then BAM, SS came along and brought me out of my misery. In the beginning I felt like an intruder because I'd just awkwardly sit there, too afraid to go anywhere else because I lived under the impression that everyone hated me (yes I became really self-blaming at this time). I suppose it helped that I knew pretty much all of them from our Yr 7 endeavors and Chairman/Chokmasta from year 10 and Steam.
Year 12 had been when I consolidated my state of BELONGING (I can no longer take the word seriously). I grew closer to this fascinating community that is the SS. But the sad thing is, before I know it, there be no high school anymore. I had always wished for this haven't I? No more drama? No more exclusion? But wow, dear SS, you made me understand what it's actually like to have a group of friends who give a shit. I remember going downstairs one day after Xtine and Chairman had asked me if I were all right all because my blog that day might have implied something and literally yelling at my mum "MAMI I THINK I ACTUALLY HAVE FRIENDS!". She laughed at me. You guys really quite literally adopted me and made me one of your down. You didn't care that I am a gaming otaku who can be really perverted and just weird, I don't have to pretend to be interested in topics I don't like just to start a conversation. Wow, most of this just felt unreal. Thank you, thank you so much. Individual dedications ahead, in alphabetical order.
Chairman: We 'fight', like alot. And somehow I like it (MASO ALERT MASO ALERT). Nah I suppose I have come to accept and love your honest-straightforward personality. From annoying you with long nicknames in year 10 to comforting you when you feel down in the present you were really there second half of my high school life. To you there's no barriers of your FEELZ and in our world of many facades it's a valuable trait to have, keep it up. You're really cute and pretty (BUT HECK OF A SELF-CONSCIOUS PERSON) so continue having b00tiful luvos as your dps!
Chokmasta: Kawaii LoliChok. I'm just kidding. You're so fun to mess around with and wow in the game world you are one heck of a MANLY MAN. To me you are the true definition of a 'gamer girl' (I really hate this term but sadly it is socially acceptable to address some of us this way) and your prowness should be feared in the community. Outside of my teasing and our vidyas you are very kind and sweet, though hesitant to express your feelings (MAYBE YOU HAVE NO FEELZ?). You should let me violate hug you more.
Jojo: MY STALKER FROM YEAR 7. Haha our meeting had really been unexpected and you were probably the first person whose personal space I ever intruded. You are very quiet most of the time so in year 11/12 I found it hard to start a conversation with you (I didn't know what your interests were either) UNTIL MPGIS. You're hilarious and I realised that you aren't so 'shy' after all. I was the first person to luvo with you, HA!
Kalis: My biffle from year 7. Haha you must have been so awkward around me back then because I latched onto you like an abalone (reference stolen from Xtine) and got jealous easily to the point of being mean to others. You are actually responsible for making me into an old perv D< Remember the humping King incident? YEAH THAT REALLY OPENED MY MIND ALRIGHT. Anyway despite being so hilarious all the time you are very mature and nice (though said word seemed like such an understatement). I am glad even at the end of year 12 we can still be great twins friends.
LinC: Now you, missy should take a luvo or two with me sometime!! You may not remember but back at orientation camp I helped you with your harness and I also witnessed your embarrassing slip on the abseiling cliff. I felt so guilty because I thought it was all my fault. You are shy but ONLINE HOWEVER you're so sassy and confident with all your Kpop lubs and though I'm not a huge part of some extensive EXO/Infinite/Whatevs fandom like you I can totally relate the pain of not being able to marry everyone I like ;A;
Pancake: Till this day I'm still as apologetic as fk for my behaviour towards you in year 7. But you are one of the most open-minded and forgiving people I know. We became close-ish during Jap in year 8/9 and dayum those Pancake-less Jap classes were so painful. You're hilarious and not afraid to give anyone a piece of your mind ("You asshole", "What a scumbag"...etc) You got me into alot of your faves like Sips and Nova and remember our endeavors when we were young and stupid well your reviews always made my day. You're also superawesome at baking ermahgerd dat cake.
Sweetie: You always came off as intimidating back in year 9/10 Jap. I suppose you were one of those tall, purdy people who gave off such a confident and mighty aura and I was scared as hell approaching you. Coming to SS however we bonded throughout those free periods and trips home together. You are my fellow Chokmasta's-yandere-army-of-two member and you also invoked my inner BL/Jrock love BUT I WILL NEVER COME TO THE DARK SIDE. You are very accepting, despite dem glances you throw at me whenever you catch me playing my sad games ("I'm judging you!").
Tofu: I met you in Scripture back in the beginning and you are one of the most faithful people I know. I'm not afraid to talk about Jesus near you and in our society today staying true to what you believe in can be real hard. You also like kawaii/fobby things and we should totally wear co-ordinating Harajuku outfits one day xD Too bad your church is far from where I live because I had a great time there (BUT IS IT JUST THE FOOD WINK WINK jk your mum's such a fantastic chef). Btw nice house :D
Xtine: You are one crazy, lazy, rebellious mofo! In the beginning I was totally intimidated by you because you and Rabit got into trouble together and I'm just like WHOA what a badass. Haha beneath all your "OMG I CEEBS"-ness you are such a great, thoughtful person. For example you always remember people's birthdays and even if they never asked for anything you'd still organise something. You are superb-ly inappropriate but I suppose that's just one of the many things I love about you. You're also good at drawing and pretty much anything if you're bothered to make effort. Work hard for HSC cousin (GoT reference in case you don't know).
Yipster: Now out of everyone you're probably the person I knew least in the beginning. Hence I was so intimidated and confused whether you'd accept me or not. You're really pretty and fashionable with your girly (and sometimes fobby) way of dressing and my mum's kinda obsessed with your looks ("LUK @ UR FREND Y U NO PURDY LIEK HER"). I love snapchatting you and texting you too but I'm sorry if I don't seem to do it often but that's like in the case of everyone because I spend pretty much all my time at home gaming/not doing work. I'm so glad to have bonded with you through recesses and lunch and I reckon you'd make the best shopping buddy SO COME SHOPPING WITH ME SOMETIME.