Sunday, September 22, 2013

True Blood Feels

Just some nonsensical, biased ramblings after watching four seasons of this show four days in a row.
Oh, expect spoilers, and gifs, lots of gifs.

Eric Northman
I've been waiting for that haircut for the entire season
It breaks my heart they'll probably never end up together like in the books and that he'll screw his sister
His height is really awkward most of the time because everyone has to look up to talk to him
Bill is a whiney little bitch
I mean seriously I grow to like him less and less as the show goes on, he used to be such a QTPie
Sookie is badass... most of the time
Sookie is a slut
Sookie thinks the entire world revolves around her
Eric Northman
Tara was cool, then she's also a whiney little bitch oh your life is just so hard ain't it
I stopped following Sam's storyline but he has a cute brother
Alcide is really huggable
His wolf form is even moar huggable
Godric is a sweetiepie
He dies too quickly
Witches be bitches
The Newlins are so funny
There's alot of sex, and boobs

Sookie reminds me of Ariel Lin and I get pissed over that
Eric Northman
Sophie-Anne is cool and I'm really sad that she died.
You eventually grow to love Jason Stackhouse
The website I watch from is so slow and I get really frustrated over it
Sookie falls in love with Eric's empty shell so it kinda feels like she's using him
How come Godric dies in like 2 seconds but Russell took forever and is still alive

Eric Northman
Jessica is cool and endearing
I have no comments on Lafayette
Pam looks like a pornstar
Hoyt is just... Hoyt
I have seriously been skipping through episodes post S3 because of the convoluted plotlines
Vampires have no sense of  personal space or privacy
DEM ACCENTS I can't take what anyone says seriously anymore
The show can be really repetitive
By the way, did I happen to mention Eric Northman

Saturday, September 21, 2013


To many this may come as an obligation, but to me it's more of a convenience, since writing cards didn't work out when I realised that I need to save all hand-strength for the HSC. Let's get started shall we? Long post ahead.

Year 7 had been a time of experimentation, I want to hang around with many people before I find one group to settle with. Interestingly most of my year 7 friends are my current friends, maybe this is fate? Special mentions to RKAK for being my first group ever. I suppose I'm extremely vulnerable at this time due to being bullied and excluded in primary school. I get so overly protective (and easily jealous) of all the people I like and I also desperately searched for a so-called 'best friend'. I met Nifky and Merry, who went on to become people very important throughout my entire high school journey.

Year 8 had been about being cool. I got to meet more people outside my year 7 circle and this is also the time when some people became awkward to talk to. I stuck with this amazing gurl called J and we did many interesting things together, but to a current-me they were embarrassing as fk. The two of us didn't exactly drift, so-to-speak, but more like found people to stick with. To J, you are awesome, you have always been awesome and I'm sorry I often said things that may have hurt you. You are one of the nicest, smartest girls I know and you'll grow up to be someone super successful.

Year 9 and 10 had been about settling down and having fun. I became close with Babe, Cheez and to a certain extent Lulu. We had our little group in the maths rooms. We moved onto the lowers towards the end of the year and met DA BOYZ lolol. I felt like I had to be someone I am not in order to belong (BELONGING DAMN YOU). And stupid me thought that being mean was the way to go. I also got to know Sidyl/Opar more and they are great friends I will always cherish. To my lowers/mathsroom group, you guys have brought me so much fun, and admittedly year 9-10 were the greatest years free from stress and frequented with outings. I apologise for being the meanest person ever and somehow I think this really justified what happened the year after. It's understandable why some of you wouldn't even spare me a glance or a smile, I was a bitch, and I'm sorry.

Year 11 had been a year of great change. It started off with a bang when I met transfers (Imma luking at chu WinLiang Julez CarDi) and got to attend class I actually liked (NO MATHS). Babe and Cheez were already gone, they moved on. Then I had to move houses and everything had just been so different and I was scared. Eventually there was that great drama of dramaticalness and at the time I was so depressed admittedly I was on the verge of killing myself or just anybody else I thought had been responsible of my distress. Though I had great grades teachers actually came up and asked me if I need help. I met Larina and she was my only source of comfort during this time. I got into Steam after receiving a new computer and eventually this came to undermine me in more ways than one. Two days after spending foreveralone lunch in the comp rooms suddenly it's Kalis' bday and Pancake asked if I want to buy her gift together. And then BAM, SS came along and brought me out of my misery. In the beginning I felt like an intruder because I'd just awkwardly sit there, too afraid to go anywhere else because I lived under the impression that everyone hated me (yes I became really self-blaming at this time). I suppose it helped that I knew pretty much all of them from our Yr 7 endeavors and Chairman/Chokmasta from year 10 and Steam. 

Year 12 had been when I consolidated my state of BELONGING (I can no longer take the word seriously). I grew closer to this fascinating community that is the SS. But the sad thing is, before I know it, there be no high school anymore. I had always wished for this haven't I? No more drama? No more exclusion? But wow, dear SS, you made me understand what it's actually like to have a group of friends who give a shit. I remember going downstairs one day after Xtine and Chairman had asked me if I were all right all because my blog that day might have implied something and literally yelling at my mum "MAMI I THINK I ACTUALLY HAVE FRIENDS!". She laughed at me. You guys really quite literally adopted me and made me one of your down. You didn't care that I am a gaming otaku who can be really perverted and just weird, I don't have to pretend to be interested in topics I don't like just to start a conversation. Wow, most of this just felt unreal. Thank you, thank you so much. Individual dedications ahead, in alphabetical order.

Chairman: We 'fight', like alot. And somehow I like it (MASO ALERT MASO ALERT). Nah I suppose I have come to accept and love your honest-straightforward personality. From annoying you with long nicknames in year 10 to comforting you when you feel down in the present you were really there second half of my high school life. To you there's no barriers of your FEELZ and in our world of many facades it's a valuable trait to have, keep it up. You're really cute and pretty (BUT HECK OF A SELF-CONSCIOUS PERSON) so continue having b00tiful luvos as your dps!

Chokmasta: Kawaii LoliChok. I'm just kidding. You're so fun to mess around with and wow in the game world you are one heck of a MANLY MAN. To me you are the true definition of a 'gamer girl' (I really hate this term but sadly it is socially acceptable to address some of us this way) and your prowness should be feared in the community. Outside of my teasing and our vidyas you are very kind and sweet, though hesitant to express your feelings (MAYBE YOU HAVE NO FEELZ?). You should let me violate hug you more.

Jojo: MY STALKER FROM YEAR 7. Haha our meeting had really been unexpected and you were probably the first person whose personal space I ever intruded. You are very quiet most of the time so in year 11/12 I found it hard to start a conversation with you (I didn't know what your interests were either) UNTIL MPGIS. You're hilarious and I realised that you aren't so 'shy' after all. I was the first person to luvo with you, HA!

Kalis: My biffle from year 7. Haha you must have been so awkward around me back then because I latched onto you like an abalone (reference stolen from Xtine) and got jealous easily to the point of being mean to others. You are actually responsible for making me into an old perv D< Remember the humping King incident? YEAH THAT REALLY OPENED MY MIND ALRIGHT. Anyway despite being so hilarious all the time you are very mature and nice (though said word seemed like such an understatement). I am glad even at the end of year 12 we can still be great twins friends.

LinC: Now you, missy should take a luvo or two with me sometime!! You may not remember but back at orientation camp I helped you with your harness and I also witnessed your embarrassing slip on the abseiling cliff. I felt so guilty because I thought it was all my fault. You are shy but ONLINE HOWEVER you're so sassy and confident with all your Kpop lubs and though I'm not a huge part of some extensive EXO/Infinite/Whatevs fandom like you I can totally relate the pain of not being able to marry everyone I like ;A;

Pancake: Till this day I'm still as apologetic as fk for my behaviour towards you in year 7. But you are one of the most open-minded and forgiving people I know. We became close-ish during Jap in year 8/9 and dayum those Pancake-less Jap classes were so painful. You're hilarious and not afraid to give anyone a piece of your mind ("You asshole", "What a scumbag"...etc) You got me into alot of your faves like Sips and Nova and remember our endeavors when we were young and stupid well your reviews always made my day. You're also superawesome at baking ermahgerd dat cake.

Sweetie: You always came off as intimidating back in year 9/10 Jap. I suppose you were one of those tall, purdy people who gave off such a confident and mighty aura and I was scared as hell approaching you. Coming to SS however we bonded throughout those free periods and trips home together. You are my fellow Chokmasta's-yandere-army-of-two member and you also invoked my inner BL/Jrock love BUT I WILL NEVER COME TO THE DARK SIDE. You are very accepting, despite dem glances you throw at me whenever you catch me playing my sad games ("I'm judging you!").

Tofu: I met you in Scripture back in the beginning and you are one of the most faithful people I know. I'm not afraid to talk about Jesus near you and in our society today staying true to what you believe in can be real hard. You also like kawaii/fobby things and we should totally wear co-ordinating Harajuku outfits one day xD Too bad your church is far from where I live because I had a great time there (BUT IS IT JUST THE FOOD WINK WINK jk your mum's such a fantastic chef). Btw nice house :D

Xtine: You are one crazy, lazy, rebellious mofo! In the beginning I was totally intimidated by you because you and Rabit got into trouble together and I'm just like WHOA what a badass. Haha beneath all your "OMG I CEEBS"-ness you are such a great, thoughtful person. For example you always remember people's birthdays and even if they never asked for anything you'd still organise something. You are superb-ly inappropriate but I suppose that's just one of the many things I love about you. You're also good at drawing and pretty much anything if you're bothered to make effort. Work hard for HSC cousin (GoT reference in case you don't know).

Yipster: Now out of everyone you're probably the person I knew least in the beginning. Hence I was so intimidated and confused whether you'd accept me or not. You're really pretty and fashionable with your girly (and sometimes fobby) way of dressing and my mum's kinda obsessed with your looks ("LUK @ UR FREND Y U NO PURDY LIEK HER"). I love snapchatting you and texting you too but I'm sorry if I don't seem to do it often but that's like in the case of everyone because I spend pretty much all my time at home gaming/not doing work. I'm so glad to have bonded with you through recesses and lunch and I reckon you'd make the best shopping buddy SO COME SHOPPING WITH ME SOMETIME.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I've been reading through everyone's yearbook pages, and somehow many of them have come off as somewhat enlightening. Particularly this one of my old friend's. I finally understood how she felt all this time, and I feel indefinitely guilty because I felt like I may have contributed to whatever she went through. Unlike everyone else I didn't cry (the Captain/V.Captain speech nearly got me though) because somehow I may have no emotions. LOLJKS when I get sad I just laugh alot in a retarded way.

Graduation wasn't overly eventful. Muckup Day was ruined by a certain Matkobitch but I had so much fun dressing up and taking photos. Everyone had awesome costumes and putting on makeup is becoming easier for me, just in time for HSC gr8 let's all cake our faces before entering exams. The afternoon tea didn't have particularly great food and they used the same catering company as our committee last year.

I want to write a sentimental blog post but yes it's 3am and I'm up watching True Blood (no hot guys but Y SO ADDICTIVE 4). Anyway, here ends my high school journey. Time goes by so quickly and sometimes I wonder if I am able to keep up with it.

Goodbye making up excuses for being late in the morning.
Goodbye sleeping in class and never getting caught.
Goodbye crowded bus trips where I attempt to check out cute sprouters and glare at rude juniors.
Goodbye awkward waves (or simply feigned ignorance) at Steam friends from SB.
Goodbye recesses and lunchtimes filled with meaningless conversation and good humor.
Goodbye free periods wasted watching anime or discussing the beautification of Chokmaster.
Goodbye people who are there but I don't talk to often, I wubbed you all.
Goodbye lovely teachers, and the not-so-lovely ones dead-set on ruining your day.

To tomodachi, this is not goodbye, because I know we'll all see eachother again very soon, and often. I support tofu's idea of weekly catch-up lunches.

*Insert teardrop here*

Saturday, September 14, 2013


  Informal assembly had been so impeccably organised, I was so surprised it went so smoothly since we barely had any rehearsals at all, or at least, I hadn't been to any. Onto today's bizarre events...

  Binge-shopping with mum was fun, but time always go by so quickly and we were barely through with like 3 of the shops before they all started closing -_- Australia = No nightlife. Anyhoo, my mission today was to make a decent costume for Wednesday, I finally decided on a Flower Fairy in white.

  I found a flower crown at Lovisa that I liked but I was indecisive and I'm like nah I'll see if there are better ones but when I didn't find any decent ones I literally ran back AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT. I ended up buying this pearly one from Diva but nomatter how many times mum calls the Lovisa one ugly I had deep regrets. Anyway, other purchases today are finally a pair of Lee Riders, some cheap SES shiz (inc a dress to complete my fairyness), cotton PJs, MAC makeup (my first set besides those crappy BYS stuff I bought when I was tiny!!), and Korean snacks, obviously. I couldn't find any white fairy wings, so I bought some off eBay and hopefully it arrives before Wednesday (it says before OR ON Wednesday).

  Anyway, I don't know whether I was high, angry from the flower crown or just purely impulsive but I passed this Beauty consultant place on my way back home and I found some fake flowers lying around on the table. The place was open-style and since it's like 6 it's pitch black and 100% empty besides that awkward bouquet lying on the table (sorta like the information table that you pass in shopping centers). I was like hey this matches my dress with its perfect colours  someone must have left it there since perfect *takes*. I know, you can report me to police or kill me now I  later realised it was a decoration for the room (otherwise why would someone put a bouquet of fake flowers on a table?! Even if it's not in a vase) a while later and I kinda just stole it and there are probably security cameras everywhere looking for the thief OH GAWD. As soon as I got home dad inevitably made rude remarks and it only fed my guilty conscience and I'm like omg I have to return it omg then he's like you took it already no returning. FKFKFKKFKFKFKFK I'm returning it anyway as soon as I get the opportunity.

  Speaking of being guilty, on that gay game some guy from the guild got angry at me for kicking him after he dced for MPD. I lied and said he quit himself and since he was all angry and sweary while I was calm and rational people stood up for me (and even said that everyone else quit and we would've gotten owned anyway, also I did not use gender to advantage because I'm a guy in the game) and the officer even threatened to kick him for making drama. I felt really bad so I quit the MPD and lost my daily attempt. I tried to send him a rose but he UNFRIENDED me. It's just a game dude, but anyway I apologised many times and since he unfriended me I can't send compensation to him so his loss.

  So yeah, future criminal?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Little Miss Pathetic 2.0

  Tunic Day! I enjoyed fooling around with legit juniors with my dress-up antics. However I think the most enjoyable part is definitely 1)Kawaiifying your friends and 2)Having an excuse to take photos with them because yay photos! My tunic feels constrictive (HSC weightgain/puberty BAH) but very comfy (there's no need to constantly pull it down in order to avoid flashing and the waist doesn't choke me because there's no need to roll it up!) It's interesting to see everyone hemming it the night before though xD

  What else is interesting? OH YEAH, just when I thought I have moved on from a certain quacking creature it just had to be brought up TWICE today. INSERT OBLIGATORY BLUSH HERE. The more I think about it the more conflicted I feel because what's already complex become more complex until it swirls into a void of complexity beyond my transient understanding of the meaning of life... yadayadayada.

  I ought to start studying. This party environment is just making procrastination worse. I'm halfway between excited and nervous for finishing high school. *dramatic music* Six years of laughter and tears and general derpy moments. I'm not sure if I'd be one of those people who cries at the end of the year.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Disappointment all around. I suppose with all that wasted time I wouldn't have been productive anyway. And standing around for a few hours... that counts as a part of the formal diet right? Anyway, Chairman said she's proud of me for being honest even though the fams just got plain angry because I 'could have been studying' and 'have no right to complain about wasting time'.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

[REVIEW] Gakuen Ouji

It's funny how I always seem to review things I have many, many complaints about. But ah well, it's things like these that get me really fired up. If it were something good like Reimei no Arcana or Ima Ai Ni Yukimasu all I have to say would be “It's good, go read/watch." I actually did write about them but one entry died with Otakuzone and the other you'll have to find somewhere in my pile of old blog posts.
Pull yo pants up.

Anyway, Gakuen Ouji had been my new craze within the past 2 days. I was trying to find a smutty story from Pink no Idenshi and I came across it. My first impression had been "Hmm the main guy's cute, let's give it a read maybe it'll be Shinji Mayu style." Needless to say I became addicted. I read it everywhere I go.

I mean a stupid plot like this just give it so much potential! A world of female domination, inherent sexual tension between the main characters, abundance of fanservice, indicators of future smutty goodness and how everyone has an extensive back story which somehow connects every character together in some way. The funny bits actually had me in stitches, the main girl isn't too hateable upon first impression since she isn't a total pushover. The guys have a lot of imperfections and already I knew I was in for a long ride.
Racist imagery of a black monkey (its owner is Indian).

I suppose the plot is pretty stupid, I mean a former all-girls private school with only a handful of (hot) males already sound bad enough. What's worse is that every guy in the school risks getting sexually harassed unless they're either 1) An unapproachable delinquent, 2) A high-up idol, 3) A sex-crazed player who really doesn't give a crap and 4) Taken by another girl in the school shown through the exchange of ties. 

So Mizutani is a transfer student, he's pretty mysterious and decent-looking. The classes are ranked and naturally being the rare species that is a male he got placed in the S class where only the brightest of the crop go. After being given a general run-down of the school he got pretty freaked out and once girls start chasing after him wanting to give him a 'baptism' (pretty much to violate him) he finds nerdy girl Okitsu who just wants to blend in hiding in a cupboard. He's like, hey let's choose option four and declares her as his girlfriend without her consent. So naturally the girl gets bullied by her sheep-like classmates, and the two eventually do their best to act couple-like in front of other students (INSERT PLOT DEVELOPMENT HERE). 
Akamaru, the QTPie Tsundere

Alot of other things happen, such as shitty transfer students (seriously can someone in this world PLEASE be nice to Okitsu for once, why does everyone have a villainous side to them? It gets totally predictable in the end). She realises that the hot tsundere guy who falls into category no 1 is actually her long-lost childhood friend and Mizutani faces public rape execution and they all have to save him. Each individual 'arc' were actually pretty interesting and well-paced. This is when the English translations end and I thought I had to wave goodbye to Gakuen Ouji forever... UNTIL I found the Chinese RAWs and you have no idea how damn happy I was to have made that discovery, since the manga's so nice so far.

UNTIL Okitsu starts dating Akamaru.

I thought of Akamaru (sweetiepie, I totally ship them but still) like the dude with a crush on the MC but will never have his feelings reciprocated, or the MC's one-time boyfriend who never kisses/sleeps with her because that would be against the rules of Shoujo Manga. Well, I thought again, alright, I guess this must be a plot twist where the girl actually ends up with the nice guy. But then Okitsu starts to show signs of liking Mizutani once again (because he totally didn't just betray you) because she is such a slutbag. But all dat intuition happens to be wrong because some villain feeds her aphrodisiacs and she seduces Akamaru and I'm like that's it I'm so done I want to see mah smut but this is not the smut I want to see because it makes 0 sense. Turns out slutbag Okitsu mumbles Mizutani's name in her sleep and breaks poor Akamaru's heart.
"Come find me anytime." Douche.

Of course Okitsu ends up with Mizutani. But the stupid ending was rushed, unjustified and plain half-assed. I wanted to know so much more about all the characters but the author decided to reveal everything in 3 shortass chapters. Oi Yuzuki Jun, maybe you can tell me whatever happened to Akamaru when Okitsu totally dumps him like that? Maybe you can finally reward a faithful reader with some well-deserved smut? Anything? No. This is like Reborn! all over again. Freaking sigh.

Now, here are more problems I have with this manga. Firstly, the plot's unrealistic enough, why would an 'ugly' (pfft yeah just take off her glasses and she'd look hot) girl have a friggin harem inside an all-girl's school where guys are treated as rare treasures? Also, majority of the 'smut' in this manga is Mizutani getting molested by girls, or the glasses dude having sex with all the girls. Which gets really repetitive and stupid after a while. Then the girl's personality keeps on changing from headstrong to a pathetic little weakling that can't fend for herself. I just get increasingly annoyed and agitated with her stupid indecision and self-pity. Also, something interesting to note is the heavy BL undertones present in this manga. Even the scanlators made funny pictures by changing the dialogue of some pics and turning them into yaoi.

Literally what half the manga consist of
So in conclusion, this manga would probably hook a person like me upon initial inspection. However, its quality gradually degrades and after one reaches the ending they will have already torn all of their hair out.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dangers of Blogging

  Today Jess and I had a conversation about having a blog, I said something really unintentionally deep and I just HAD to write it down.

  I think how blogs are different from articles or essays is the fact that they're public (so you never know if what the author writes is true or not) and temporary (how the author is feeling when they write affects the overall quality of the entry).

  My blog has gotten me into whole heaps of trouble. Like falling out with OZ people, getting trashed for bitching, to creating millions of misunderstandings and generally have what I write come back around to me irl. I suppose I'm very sensitive when people mention my blog in any other online/offline occasion- because of how much shit this little site got me into. I swear my heartrate speeds up every time people start "hey you know in your blog...etc" because I'm so used to having bad stuff after. HENCE THE ANTIBITCH THING. People also always wonder if an entry is dedicated to them, which often, they are not. My friend at Even Ground once wrote something about how our blogs are a cluster of our angst and generally complex emotions. This was from long ago so don't expect a link.

  So anyway, back to my advice for Jess. I told her what I hate about blogging, which is getting judged forever for something that you've written mostly on a whim (even my 'reviews' are extremely transient). You also have to refrain from mentioning names, mentioning incidents and be generally vague about what you write about. These vague things can often be misunderstood and you land in deep pits of shitty shit.

  I have Anti-Bitch #3, review on Rolling Love, admiration for my tomodachi and finally an update to Stormy Days coming up for you guys.

Weightloss Pls

I was looking at some of my old photos and I'm like hey nice body. OHWAITIMSOFATRIGHTNOWCRYCRY.

Diet plan isn't going too well because
1) I'm still eating like the pig that I am
2) The only time I exercised for a decent amount of time I got sick the next day due to exhaustion and lack of clothing when running + cold breeze. and
3) I'm still not sleeping before 11pm

So yeah what I need to do right now is get up my fat ass and make sure I fit in a nice dress for formal so  I won't cry over photos of that night.

What is this HSClyf.
Blue Transparent Star