Monday, January 28, 2013


  Here I am sitting and trying to get AT LEAST abit of Ext 1 work in, and it occurred to me that I had literally spent my holidays doing absolutely nothing productive. WHY COULDN'T I DO WORK EARLIER? O the power of hindsight.

  Now everything is distracting me, loud old Chinese music blasting downstairs and the stupid pond turtle squirting water everything is so annoying right now urgh.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I get distracted easily

  While lots of people see distraction as a bad thing, yesterday (early today?) it has proven to be quite handy. You forget about bad things as long as you're distracted (while not doing hw but let's put that one aside) with something else.

  2 more days of holidays, still done nothing. How can this even be possible?! Why can't I just settle down and work.

  Duck said it's also a good thing, one less influence to play games (if not the only one as long as I stay the hell away from Mumble) and one less thing to worry about.

  I'm ready to put it behind me, you really have nothing to fear if you've got friends who has your back. I consider it a profit according to the amount of freebies I unconsciously leeched off. It's just a shame you don't realise things sooner.

Friday, January 25, 2013


It's been like, 4 days.

I'm surviving I guess, surprisingly and patheticly.

I wonder how you're doing, probably don't even notice. :(

I have problems.

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Pig's Guide to Shopping

Hey, what can I say. Since I just got a tumblr I saw all this crap and I'm just like MEGUSTA. Follow me guise k.

Nothing I particularly HAVE to have:
>A new USB, preferably an adorable one *A*
>Short shorts (standard size 8)
>U-Kiss Albums (Bran New Kiss, Neverland, Doradora, Special to Kiss-Me, Stop Girl)
>Steam Games/PS3 Games (Skyrim, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Borderlands 2)
>Dota 2 Cosmetic Items (Winter Snowdrop Set, Solar Divine Set, Spirit of Calm, Eye of the Storm Set )
>Happylab happybeans
>So Good necklace (thin ones)
>Scarlet by Melissa Meyer
>Razer Naga Hex Mouse
>If all else fails remember, just $$$ and even squid sticks will make me a happy woman

Stay absolute away from:
>Chocolate. I overdosed on truffles during holidays
>Kino stationery. I mean LOOK in my pencilcase, really now?
>Earrings. Don't have earholes, don't plan on getting some soon.
>Shops like Supre, Diva, Smiggle, Jay-Jays, Cotton-on, Typo and Equip. The ones you'd visit on a daily basis in year 7 that has stuff you easily rip.
>Non-Pig Plushies because they'll sit at the back of my room neglected when I have a fun time with my Pig plushies
>I hate makeup, I hate every kinda makeup, I just wanna slap all of them, but I can't slap every makeup.

All that aside, I'd be absolutely glabbergasted if you actually got me anything. yeah, even if it's something from the list above I'd love you anyway. I don't really have a huge history of getting presents unless I begged so even you remembering my bday without the help of Facebook is a huge honor for me *insert other feels here*

Saturday, January 19, 2013


  So today I went out shopping and bought a really nice Cafe Delight candle-in-a-jar from Dusk. It's Strawberry Shake flavoured and it's stinking up my whole room with delicious fruity vanilla goodness. I think I have another thing on wishlist now... those ball-shaped refills for it! Preferably that lemongrass one or the Pink Aromatherapy one weeee. So expensive though.

  ANYWAY, so I got into a frenzy after getting my hands on the lighter (those long barbeque ones KFNKSDF) I lit up every single thing there is to light in the house, turns out we have ALOT of candle holders so the family is going electricity-less for the day (except the TV and the stereo system and all the computers... we'll put that aside). I went crazy running around the house with the lit thing in my hands going "IMMA SET THIS WORLD ON FIREEEE WOOOOOO *mum shakes her head calling me a future criminal*"

  Fun timezes :D

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Up, Up, and Away!

  I hate it when I have nothing to do. I just sit there and stare ahead, when I could be doing something MUCH MUCH more useful like homework ==

  I've gotten into a habit or relying on others' company. Playing solo is no longer enjoyable. I find it weird not to be engrossed in a conversation with someone every minute and being home alone has lost its charm.

 So I figured I'd update some of my stories (you can read them in my other blog), still kinda stuck on the latest chapter on my actual phone and hopefully my plot bunnies will come back to me.

  I can't believe our 'study session' wasn't productive at all T_T Well on the plus side it was fun and I felt like a tourist the entire time *w* Didn't end up going out today since the weather is just like OTL

  At lunch after finishing my soba, then immediately I picked up mum's bowl and ate her share. She just laughed at me and muttered about me being fat.

Monday, January 14, 2013


  It's hard to come out of a shell you put around yourself.

  But it's even HARDER to get out when someone else makes that shell for you.

  You get judged based on what that shell looks like, and there's nothing you can do about it, because they don't WANT to see you as anything but what they make you to be. They REFUSE to hear you explain and they don't give a flying shit about who you really are because they do not want their viewpoints to be proven wrong.

  Hence, I have given up on trying to come out. It's not that bad in here anyway. Luckily I'm not immature enough to the point of  "OMG I HATE YOU GUYS", but the sad thing is what I'm saying is more along the lines of ":okay: whatever you say"

  Can't wait to get HSC over with and become in control of my own life. Until then I will embrace my inner misery.


Friday, January 11, 2013


It takes a lot to make a pig angry.

When when she does, you sure as hell wish you could turn back time.

Things don't work like they do in movies when people make up as soon as they fall out.

Because last time she did the person apologised for a whole week until she chugged and overdosed on happybeans.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oh Gawd Wai

  Today was way more uneventful than expected, to be fair it was so damned hot noone wanted to do anything but lurk around indoors(I mean seriously, 40 degrees WAT). And so happily (expecting icecream) I went home, took a shower, and man dinner looked great.

  And then that happened.

  I took a marinated egg from the pot my rents kept in the fridge, but somehow between then and my journey back to put it back dad put a keg in its place, when I tried to place the pot a level higher BAM it went upside down on me and it spilt everywhere there is for a huge pot of soy sauce to spill in the kitchen. I became drenched and my face was just like ;A;

  And then the blaming started, there wasn't much I could do besides apologise and clean up. That's what I did ignoring my soy sauce'd pajamas. But no, the blaming and raging didn't stop, and I felt like it was so unfair I ran upstairs hungry and crying, pathetic pathetic self.

  For people knowing Dota, this guy called Art had typed something I cannot unread.

ლ(´ڡ`ლ): whered you goooo
♔ ll Pigothy: unicorn land
ლ(´ڡ`ლ): come back
ლ(´ڡ`ლ): to the world of dota
♔ ll Pigothy: but unicorns...
ლ(´ڡ`ლ): mag is a unicorn
ლ(´ڡ`ლ): sort of..

Blue Transparent Star