Wednesday, May 16, 2012


  OMGWTFBBQ I choked on water and thought I was gonna die just then lol.

  I apologise for my previous uber-emo suicidal-letter-like post, I wasn't feeling very well. Not well at all actually. Barfing my eyes out didn't feel too good and I swear I felt my snot block my breathing and I thought I'm gonna suffocate.

  If you are SOSing, and you only have enough strength to contact one single person, who's the first person you'd call? During that incident for odd reasons I only had one single person in mind. It was really scary because half of the people on that contact list of mine cannot be trusted and wore creepy masks to disguise their hideous selves. Larina had been on Skype with me and she didn't know what to do, sorry my wuv I got you so hyperventilated and probably ruined your sleep :(

  So anyway, it's funny how trust comes into all of this, and that moment I did only trust one single person whom I guaranteed will pick up immediately and would somehow solve the problem. I don't usually call unless it's an emergency so it was also awkward for me.

  So had the problem been solved? Not completely. People whom don't deserve to exist anymore than I thought I did still roamed about freely on Earth. But the fact that I'm not wasting tears over such a stupid matter or that I'm not resorting to desperate, uber-mean methods is always a start

  Does that make sense?

  Dear readers from around the world, have you ever had problems with dogs of the female variety?
Blue Transparent Star