Saturday, March 30, 2013

What does your Blog Name mean?

  I thought the question be pretty relevant to our English course, so I thought hey why not explain it.

  My blog domain is Slings Ate Arrows, which originated from Hamlet, which is a part of the famous 2BOrNot2B quote:

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

  Yeah so all in all it basically means a negative attack. And I changed it because it's apparently TAKEN to slings ate arrows. Now that I think about it it kinda suits me because not only do I hate/complain about everything I am also hyper/random and I'm also incredibly angsty at times just like good ol' Hamlet. If you squish that into a giant dough you get me. My name doesn't have any interesting puns so my only resort was to think of something that suited the theme of this blog.

  Before 'All Those Ups and Downs', this blog was called Part-time lover, Full-time hater and that was also true until I realised how embarrassed I am of my angsty (and young!) self. I remember the description was 'Selena's not-so-reliable guide to life and everything that comes with it.'

  Ok, blog post down, so let me list the things I need to do in the remaining holidays:

1. Start history major work NAO! Finish synopsis and at least introduction cmon.
2. 1000 words of Ext 2 done
4. Eco Notes, SEE ABOVE
5. Hamlet/Calvino readings, start on Calvino essay even though you have no idea what you're talking about.

  Doubt I'll get all of them finished, especially the notetaking part.
Blue Transparent Star