For odd reasons I had plenty of time to study for everything, but ALWAYS leave everything till last 4 hours because I'd waste time doing NOTHING (thats right even gaming would be more productive) and end up with no notes written.
My performance in the past exams had been satisfactory but I know I screwed up English when I had a 6 page creative and 3 page incomplete dumbed down essay.
Modern was alright but the whole class feel really screwed about the "whoa I did NOT see that one coming" question.
I completed eco essay but left out important details from my practise essay and the question was also on something I wasn't too sure about.
I celebrated the start of my 4-day break with plentiful amounts Skyrim and Dota. Made alot of Skyrim progress and played Dota well... most of the time. Parents are feeling concerned for my behaviour.
Haven't done ext 1 essay and readings for ext 2 yet, breaktime's over Pig, time to (hopefully) get some work done.