Sunday, November 11, 2012


  One word to describe my weekend :D On Friday Night I rushed to finish my one-page document and proceeded to play. On Saturday I actually wrote some eco notes (not the whole chap like I was aiming for unfortunately) and played games. But at dinner I actually did cleaning and even cut up dessert And today, I gamed the whole day. WITH A GOOD CAUSE.

  I've completed my seraphic egg, and today I also managed to complete my merciless egg. That's $10 USD right there guys. I also found an unusual essence worth $5-$10 and bought a LGD pennant for $2.50 which was worth it as the price is likely to inflate further. Then Jimface was being nice and gave me a ward, I also traded this useless mythical item of mine for 6 other items I actually quested for. So that's basically all I aimed for this Halloween event, and I achieved it :D So now I don't have to feel pressured to play and focus on my homework... hopefully.

  I aim to complete my eco notes and modern notes on monday, and actually write an entry for ext 2 before I crap brix.
Blue Transparent Star