Saturday, November 24, 2012


  So I managed to watch 2 movies dealing with Internet strangers today, 'Trust' and 'The Boy She Met Online'. I know I should be studying but I finished the rest of topic 1 for modern and topic 2 I have summary notes from class, good enough right? Plus I wrote an apparently awesome thesis and opening sentence according to Duck (irony eh). Gonna finish the points by tonight.

  Let's start with 'Trust'. It's about a naive and according to me, PLAIN STUPID 14-year old girl who falls in love with a dodgy webcamless stranger online, meets him and gets raped. Now, before you think, that's pretty normal nowadays, that ain't the full story. This girl, Annie, is so damn stupid, after he changes his age 3 THREE TIMES from 16 to 20 to 25 she STILL meets him. When she gets greeted by a middle-aged man who tells her creepy things about how they're soulmates in the safe place of a mall she STILL doesn't run away. After getting gifted underwear and asked to model them she STILL doesn't just GTFO. And yeah, she gets raped(according to her it's consensual, I call BS), shes fine with it, her parents go mental and her dad even kills a guy. She loves the pedo until she realises that he's ACTUALLY a pedo and pedos on other people too. Not a cool story at all.

  So obviously, this movie didn't invoke a positive reaction from me. I don't understand how rotten tomatoes gave it a 77% since it's UNREALISTIC AS HELL. Throughout the whole thing I was groaning about how stupid the girl is and being like WTH at the comments of the video saying how she's just naive. Yeah right, I'm PRETTY sure she isn't mentally retarded.


  The second movie, 'The Boy She Met Online' is slightly more realistic, but certainly not too much better off. It's about this other girl (17, 18 in a month) who actually has friends warning her about talking to anonymous Interwebz people meeting a 23-year old jailridden but HOT AS HELL guy. I give bonus points for fanservice. He lies to her about being in jail and meets her normally when he got out. She fully supports him even after he confesses about his crimes (covering up the fact that he actually did it with how he was framed). Then he involves himself with his badass friends who drives him in deep shiz and she becomes involved AND HER MUM TOO.

  I think things worked out too good for this girl since he's hot and his DP actually understated his hotness. The ending of this (SPOILERS) also consisted of the girl and her parent hugging, then the audience is left to wonder, DAFUQ DID I JUST WATCH since you're not sure if it's supposed to be a cliffhanger or that the director/writer got too lazy to finish it off. Like even 'Trust' had a better ending when the ending credits show the identity of the pedo rapist.

  So in conclusion, people aren't really interpreting this "I meet stranger shit happens" idea very well. They often stray away from the stranger part and focus on how families are affected and fanservice. Someone come along and do a better job pls. 1/10 will not date.
Blue Transparent Star