Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Craptastic Saturday
The only good news being the arrival of Dota2. So I went out with my mum and it was all awesome and fun until we decided to go watch a movie. I really wanted to see the Amazing Spiderman so I spoke very clearly to the ticket lady can we see the session at 3:30 but then she's like, you mean 3:40? We thought the time got changed or something so we nodded and like the idiots we are we didn't check the ticket because it was so suspicious.
It's funny because we're already 20 minutes into the movie but there's no appearance of Andrew Garfield or Emma Stone. Instead everyone was ranting about the city of Gotham and that was when I realised something had been terribly wrong.
The dumb bitch ticket chick screwed us over.
It was a great movie, don't get me wrong, mum likes the fact that so many celebrities she knew are in it and because I've never really watched a Batman movie I was kinda excited to get into the hype as well. However, as good as the movie gets it ran for 3 hours straight and in the duration we missed alot of calls from dad. So he started raging like the immature selfish bastard that he is and naturally mum starts blaming me for it. And then I realised I forgot to turn my heater on for the whole day and got even more busted.
What's worse? STILL stuck on Ancient History and haven't started Eco studying yet (that I'm not stuck on thank goodness). Procrastination really gets to you when all you wanna do is to game and watch dramas.
It's funny because we're already 20 minutes into the movie but there's no appearance of Andrew Garfield or Emma Stone. Instead everyone was ranting about the city of Gotham and that was when I realised something had been terribly wrong.
The dumb bitch ticket chick screwed us over.
It was a great movie, don't get me wrong, mum likes the fact that so many celebrities she knew are in it and because I've never really watched a Batman movie I was kinda excited to get into the hype as well. However, as good as the movie gets it ran for 3 hours straight and in the duration we missed alot of calls from dad. So he started raging like the immature selfish bastard that he is and naturally mum starts blaming me for it. And then I realised I forgot to turn my heater on for the whole day and got even more busted.
What's worse? STILL stuck on Ancient History and haven't started Eco studying yet (that I'm not stuck on thank goodness). Procrastination really gets to you when all you wanna do is to game and watch dramas.

Thursday, July 26, 2012
I have a new blog
For all my writings, so that my phone can finally get a nice well-deserved break :)
Larina you bish, if you're reading this, ily.
Rishab go away, jks.
For all my writings, so that my phone can finally get a nice well-deserved break :)
Larina you bish, if you're reading this, ily.
Rishab go away, jks.

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Still Procrastinating
I should be doing work all weekend! But what did I do? Play games, buy games, play more games. I have to cure this gaming addiction and get on with life. I have stupid Ancient Modern to do and I have no clue how to continue. Luckily it's just them to I hope I end up coolbeans.
We have Civi day on Thursday, I'll be going as something hinted above, a hardcore gamer. Gonna have hair in ugly pigtails, wear those cinema glasses, have HUUUUGGGEEE eyebags (hopefully someone can lend me some makeup since I own none and probably will never own any), my cod shirt and combat pants(or pajamas, we'll see). I am going to make a PS3 controller cardboard cutout and wear it around my neck. I'll change when I get to school of course, it's embarrassing walking around looking like that. My childhood dream is so pathetic.
We have Civi day on Thursday, I'll be going as something hinted above, a hardcore gamer. Gonna have hair in ugly pigtails, wear those cinema glasses, have HUUUUGGGEEE eyebags (hopefully someone can lend me some makeup since I own none and probably will never own any), my cod shirt and combat pants(or pajamas, we'll see). I am going to make a PS3 controller cardboard cutout and wear it around my neck. I'll change when I get to school of course, it's embarrassing walking around looking like that. My childhood dream is so pathetic.

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Just kind of a Loser all the way
My words and actions have ruined my whole life.
Kindergarten: I don't remember what I did exactly, but I think I dobbed in this girl and she told the whole grade to hate me, and they dis. Effing douchebags. The teachers loved me though.
Years 1-2: In China still. Good grades and got da boyz (so humble) but this chick 'stole' my best friend away from me and so I ended up hanging with the guys. Got elected class president but once the teacher left the room and told us not to take everyone started talking, I told them to shut up and when the teacher asked who talked the whole class said I did and the teacher instantly gave my position to this other girl. Effing douchebags. Parents remarried other people and turns out my dad's side didnt want me because I'm a girl. They threw me out like trash and mum took me to Aus.
Year 3, Penshurst- I was the new fob kid in school and I didnt speak English. Made friends with Ciccy and Helen and Joanna and Denise. It was the best term ever. Sadly I had to move schools and they don't even remember me :(
Year 3-6, Mortdale- Yeah, no offense but, the whole grade sucks shit. I didn't feel welcomed at all and because I decided to befriend this girl I ended up a loner till end of year 6. I was severely bullied and the guy I liked called me a crappy piece of crap and asked to 'be friends'. Friendzoned! I'm not gonna lie it was hell. Some people were really awesome though. Effing Douchebags. Luckily I had friends at tutoring and my fake cousin and Sah was always there for me.
Years 7-8, this is my own fault. I was kind of a retard. I met lots of AWESOME people from church. My fake cousin's mum and my mum got into a fight and he had to move away. Still kind of a loner at school but as I said it was my fault. I wrote fanfiction, liked Naruto and Fahrenheit. And then I met Oppa :)
Year 9, best year ever. I had a group, I got really close with two people. I started hanging at lowers and I got in Senior Vocal and went biig on OZ, unfortunately my grades started to drop and got a crazy admirer. Got into multimedia and K-Pop.
Year 10, fell out with OZ crowd. The two girls from last year drifted by the end. Had a misunderstanding with one of my close friends and it ruined my everything. I started getting unwanted attention from people in the grade and it gave me minor paranoia because I think everyone talks about me behind my back. Met an amazing guy. I don't like him in that way(despite what everyone else says) Got to go China with Lily! Got acne dammit.
Year 11-Present, what can I say? Firstly I turned into a hardcore gamer. It started off great when I befriended some transfers and had alot of fun at lunchtimes and after school trains. When I moved houses I started being late like everyday and I drifted from old friends. Then... That happened and things were never quite the same again. Luckily people were there for me and I'm loving these people, idk if they love me (probably annoyed at me, paranoia strikes). I met LARINA and that was when I realised I found my soulmate(friendship). Then only recently I started talking with Rish and he is coolbeans. Gotten fat and eyesight worsened. In conclusion, things have been rough and I hope they turn for better. Now time for some DD. I have another 72 character now lol. 5 altogether.
Kindergarten: I don't remember what I did exactly, but I think I dobbed in this girl and she told the whole grade to hate me, and they dis. Effing douchebags. The teachers loved me though.
Years 1-2: In China still. Good grades and got da boyz (so humble) but this chick 'stole' my best friend away from me and so I ended up hanging with the guys. Got elected class president but once the teacher left the room and told us not to take everyone started talking, I told them to shut up and when the teacher asked who talked the whole class said I did and the teacher instantly gave my position to this other girl. Effing douchebags. Parents remarried other people and turns out my dad's side didnt want me because I'm a girl. They threw me out like trash and mum took me to Aus.
Year 3, Penshurst- I was the new fob kid in school and I didnt speak English. Made friends with Ciccy and Helen and Joanna and Denise. It was the best term ever. Sadly I had to move schools and they don't even remember me :(
Year 3-6, Mortdale- Yeah, no offense but, the whole grade sucks shit. I didn't feel welcomed at all and because I decided to befriend this girl I ended up a loner till end of year 6. I was severely bullied and the guy I liked called me a crappy piece of crap and asked to 'be friends'. Friendzoned! I'm not gonna lie it was hell. Some people were really awesome though. Effing Douchebags. Luckily I had friends at tutoring and my fake cousin and Sah was always there for me.
Years 7-8, this is my own fault. I was kind of a retard. I met lots of AWESOME people from church. My fake cousin's mum and my mum got into a fight and he had to move away. Still kind of a loner at school but as I said it was my fault. I wrote fanfiction, liked Naruto and Fahrenheit. And then I met Oppa :)
Year 9, best year ever. I had a group, I got really close with two people. I started hanging at lowers and I got in Senior Vocal and went biig on OZ, unfortunately my grades started to drop and got a crazy admirer. Got into multimedia and K-Pop.
Year 10, fell out with OZ crowd. The two girls from last year drifted by the end. Had a misunderstanding with one of my close friends and it ruined my everything. I started getting unwanted attention from people in the grade and it gave me minor paranoia because I think everyone talks about me behind my back. Met an amazing guy. I don't like him in that way(despite what everyone else says) Got to go China with Lily! Got acne dammit.
Year 11-Present, what can I say? Firstly I turned into a hardcore gamer. It started off great when I befriended some transfers and had alot of fun at lunchtimes and after school trains. When I moved houses I started being late like everyday and I drifted from old friends. Then... That happened and things were never quite the same again. Luckily people were there for me and I'm loving these people, idk if they love me (probably annoyed at me, paranoia strikes). I met LARINA and that was when I realised I found my soulmate(friendship). Then only recently I started talking with Rish and he is coolbeans. Gotten fat and eyesight worsened. In conclusion, things have been rough and I hope they turn for better. Now time for some DD. I have another 72 character now lol. 5 altogether.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Someone buy me Skyrim and I'll be a Happy Chap
Steam store is such a bitch, they put DR2OTR on sale while I was at school and as Larina and I furiously fumbled and contacted mums in order to buy it her phone batts died and that's the end of our story.
First day of school, I can never fall asleep straight away the night before even though I'm not looking forward to it. I actually thought it was Monday and spent ages looking for my Ancient class and then ended up being late.
I think I'm starting a new blog for my stories so I can stop writing on iPhone Notes and so I can also encourage myself to update Fanfiction more.
We had an in-depth discussion about Fifty in English today, I swear our teacher loves it zomg, she kept on defending it and calling it Deep and Meaningful while the rest of the class dissed it.
First day of school, I can never fall asleep straight away the night before even though I'm not looking forward to it. I actually thought it was Monday and spent ages looking for my Ancient class and then ended up being late.
I think I'm starting a new blog for my stories so I can stop writing on iPhone Notes and so I can also encourage myself to update Fanfiction more.
We had an in-depth discussion about Fifty in English today, I swear our teacher loves it zomg, she kept on defending it and calling it Deep and Meaningful while the rest of the class dissed it.

Friday, July 13, 2012
I hate my memory
So I spent just about the entirety of this year looking forward to Smash
Turns out it wasn't August like my stupid memory remembered, but TODAY.
My cosplay shall rot away in my wardrobe and my poor artist friends will not receive the promised help they need.
Turns out it wasn't August like my stupid memory remembered, but TODAY.
My cosplay shall rot away in my wardrobe and my poor artist friends will not receive the promised help they need.

Thursday, July 12, 2012
PreKBBQ and FiftyShades
About ten more minutes until this train gets
To Strathfield. I went Retail Therapy w/ le mumzilla yesterday and she kept on going on about the way I dress is cheap and ungirly and poceeded to buy these clothes I never really pictured myself in. But today as I strutted out in what she expects me to be wearing as I grow older I don't feel too bad.
I'm seeing the Fifty Shades Trilogy everywjere, this mumporn has become a virus, so I challenged myself into reading it. Smut not half as bad as some of the fanfictions I've read. Sadly the author's style of writing is such a turn-off. Nowhere near as great as, say, John Green? This is why if you ever write some Mrated stupid Twilight fanfiction you don't freaking change the names of everyone, publish it as a pornbook and watch as the world go crazy over it. So, quoting my dear Augustus Waters, I will 'withhold all judgement' until I finish the final book. Not that I'm not judging it already. A proper review shall come then.

Sunday, July 8, 2012
I wish I had relatively interesting things to blog about
But I don't, except for the fact that I haven't started my double history assignments so I'm absolutely screwed, but that's okay, they say stress causes your productivity to increase dramatically.
I didn't go out anywhere except some random business outing with mum this holidays either. I felt like I just spent the entirety of it gaming, eating and staring at my ceiling. I didn't feel like asking anyone out either, not without my beloved wallet.
Instead, please enjoy this screenshot of my Pyro's loadout, it's shitty and Strangeless unlike my medic's, deal with it.
I didn't go out anywhere except some random business outing with mum this holidays either. I felt like I just spent the entirety of it gaming, eating and staring at my ceiling. I didn't feel like asking anyone out either, not without my beloved wallet.
Instead, please enjoy this screenshot of my Pyro's loadout, it's shitty and Strangeless unlike my medic's, deal with it.

Friday, July 6, 2012
I blame it on the excessive amounts of Dungeon Defending. What can I say? I need to help mah Squire to reach level 74 ;A; And Apprentice Santa to level 78 so I beat Larina ;AA;
So yeah I was in bed for an entire day and barely recovered approximately an hour ago. I barfed out whatever my parents tried to feed me and oh dear Lord it had been a horrible experience that made me reevaluate my lifestyle habits. So don't ever sleep late and feed yourself hordes of junk food kids, or you may just end up like me from yesterday.
So yeah I was in bed for an entire day and barely recovered approximately an hour ago. I barfed out whatever my parents tried to feed me and oh dear Lord it had been a horrible experience that made me reevaluate my lifestyle habits. So don't ever sleep late and feed yourself hordes of junk food kids, or you may just end up like me from yesterday.

Sunday, July 1, 2012
So after I finished Once upon a Time I figured I needed something else to watch. Since everybody else seemed so hyped over Revenge I decided that mum and I would give it a go.
First things first, Daniel looks too old (or maybe Victoria's just too young-looking) to be Victoria's son, and there aren't any hot guys worth swooning in the series. Nolan would have to be my bias because he's got dat dry humor, is an absolute nerd and unlike Jack isn't a stereotypical 'good guy'. I spent the whole time being like 'Oh Nolan you so cute' in the non-crush way. A shame his gay tendencies (especially with Tyler, ew) became a harmartia.
And because I've been so busy having TV Streaming Marathons I really need to 1. Catch up on gaming, 2. Do double history assignments and 3. Get a social life, find someone to go buy some games and buy new wallet with.
I'd also like to touch on the concept of being 'Friendzoned'. What's the big deal? I love making jokes about it all the time but I don't think it's a zone a guy can never get out of. I mean sometimes you'd think 'Ew this guy and I will never be together, but I do like him as a friend' and let your feelings stay that way but I knew plenty of best friends turn lovers couples so lemme help you up all those fallen comrades :')
First things first, Daniel looks too old (or maybe Victoria's just too young-looking) to be Victoria's son, and there aren't any hot guys worth swooning in the series. Nolan would have to be my bias because he's got dat dry humor, is an absolute nerd and unlike Jack isn't a stereotypical 'good guy'. I spent the whole time being like 'Oh Nolan you so cute' in the non-crush way. A shame his gay tendencies (especially with Tyler, ew) became a harmartia.
And because I've been so busy having TV Streaming Marathons I really need to 1. Catch up on gaming, 2. Do double history assignments and 3. Get a social life, find someone to go buy some games and buy new wallet with.
I'd also like to touch on the concept of being 'Friendzoned'. What's the big deal? I love making jokes about it all the time but I don't think it's a zone a guy can never get out of. I mean sometimes you'd think 'Ew this guy and I will never be together, but I do like him as a friend' and let your feelings stay that way but I knew plenty of best friends turn lovers couples so lemme help you up all those fallen comrades :')

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