It's a good Teen Top song :D
Anyway because I am loser enough to keep all my emails I found a few from Kalis and Mummy and they were so nostalgic to read. I was such a bish back then >_>
Also, mum refuses to supply me any moar money until our funds get back on track after buying the Castle Hill house. At least it's a nice house... I somehow really don't want to move so far away from everyone. Far away from Umma and Poohead and Oppa and hot guys and... URGH!! That would probably mean that I'll never see them ever again! NOOOOO!
So I decided that... remember that guy whom I thought was cute? Why don't I talk to him before I move to secure the friendship possibility I hoped for before a certain someone ruined everything. But how the heck can I do that? Use what I did with oppa? But that's year 8(or was it 7? It has been so long)!
Also I'm addicted to reading Chinese cellphone novels. I just can't stop reading! It keeps me very occupied.
My COD shirt is so comfy and nice~ I love snuggling in it. I can't wait for the Cat Blanket to arrive so I can have a full snugglefest!