Nyehahaha it's so funny how my blog turned from teenage angsty rage to bitching to ranting and finally, to complaining.
What complaints do I have today? You ask. Well, it's what happened at Hurzy today when I went grocery shopping with dad.
We were lining up at the bank right I need to deposit some money and I realised there was a couple in front of me so I'm like kay I'll make sure to pay attention and let them go first because I'm so wonderful and all. Note that there are 2 service desks and the one on the right is faster.
So it's finally my turn, I stepped up, but the Asian bank lady who probably doesn't like kids was like SHOOO to me and tole me the couple was first. It's ironic because I let them have the desk on the right which got unoccupied FIRST out of my manners. So I was like FUUUU in my head but on the outside I'm like o-0 okay okay gosh take a chill pill but anyway you can go first and I'll just head over to the right desk.
Then the guy in the couple who was wearing this ugly yellow shirt started lecturing me about how next time I should ask them before going up to the counter. WTF? Do I need your permission to go to the counter now? So I got really angry and began to argue with the arrogant bitch but he instantly shut up when my dad stepped up and was like *tank look* bastard back off my daughter yo. The other bank lady on the faster counter was like why don't you just get served by me and let the poor girl deposit her money.
Fobs nowadays, think they're better than anyone else because they have a wife and is now opening up a bank account. And can't he at least dress properly WITHOUT that ugly yellow shirt? Gosh.
And then as she was serving me the Asian bank lady gave me dirties the whole way asif I murdered her illegitimate children. WTF? Do we teenagers get zero respect now? I wanted to kick her so bad and my dad was like giving me this look that said "Don't kick her I know you want to kick her"
Also, turns out rehearsal tickets I got for Kfest is actually a DOUBLE pass xD. Now it's definitely worth the money! I wanted to go with Helen ze Korean but her parents were like dkfnajkdsfnaf so I was like :( we'll see on Monday.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
All for Nothing
Yeah Biffle, you're so dense. Turns out you didn't even realise that I was trying to ask you to our formal, so when I talked to you about it you were the epitome of a dimwit. Turns out he asked a year 9 anyway.
Recently I've been getting really annoyed at year 9s. Usually It's just that natural instinct to hate the grade below you, so you tend to ignore it. I mean I know some fantastic people in year 9, but others? Not quite so... BitchSlut for example. It was funny since when I told Bob and Helena who she was in maths I received quite alot of mutual agreement. Ahahaha, the nonsense.
But seriously, some are just so up themselves you know? Today I was trying to walk past a group in the corridors and I don't know if wearing Senior uniform automatically gets a stick in one's arse but did they just roll their eyes at me? For saying excuse me please stop blocking the way?
So I had a nice talk with Mummy about it during multi, and I instantly got reminded of why I stopped going to the lowers. Friends there are cool, but excessive amount of Carllu and awkward randoms... maybe not.
I'm going to this audition thing with Mummy on Saturday, it's gonna be so fun! We can go all out crazy. Maybe I can finally do the 'spot hot guy and ask for his number' thing I always wanted to do.
Recently I've been getting really annoyed at year 9s. Usually It's just that natural instinct to hate the grade below you, so you tend to ignore it. I mean I know some fantastic people in year 9, but others? Not quite so... BitchSlut for example. It was funny since when I told Bob and Helena who she was in maths I received quite alot of mutual agreement. Ahahaha, the nonsense.
But seriously, some are just so up themselves you know? Today I was trying to walk past a group in the corridors and I don't know if wearing Senior uniform automatically gets a stick in one's arse but did they just roll their eyes at me? For saying excuse me please stop blocking the way?
So I had a nice talk with Mummy about it during multi, and I instantly got reminded of why I stopped going to the lowers. Friends there are cool, but excessive amount of Carllu and awkward randoms... maybe not.
I'm going to this audition thing with Mummy on Saturday, it's gonna be so fun! We can go all out crazy. Maybe I can finally do the 'spot hot guy and ask for his number' thing I always wanted to do.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
Five Things you should (not) Bring to School
1. A fan
You know how when the weather gets really hot or the classroom gets really stuffy and everyone uses their textbook or worksheets as fans? Those noises the makeshift fans make are reaaaaallly annoying. Plus the classroom ceiling fans only reach certain areas, why not just bring your own?
2. Body spray/perfume

Without an ipod. The bigger the better. If you have an annoying friend (for example me) and you don't want to tell them to shut up you just wear your headphones and pretend to be busy listening to music and could not hear what they're saying. They'll automatically shut up.
4. A Pillow
This one's from personal experience, yo. When I sleep in class, on the train or even at lunch the table is really uncomfortable! I end up getting all these weird markings on my face because of patterns on whatever textbook I'm sleeping on. And if you use your arms they end up becoming numb. Therefore for your own comfort you should bring a proper pillow.
Now we get serious, yo. Of course we can't really bring a real one because then we'll get arrested. But a fake gun(it has to look realistic though) will come really handy! Firstly you can use it for pretend-self-defense. So the mugger runs away.Or you can just threaten other people to give you food with it, or threaten teachers to give you a better mark. They certainly won't risk their life for some writing or some chips would they?
And there you go folks. Five things that you REALLY need for school and will make your life much much easier.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Stress List
You know what's something I found useful :D? A Stress List. Yes I invented me how genius.
You know when you realise you have so much sheit to do and dunno which one to begin with and then your mind gets messed up and you start getting aggro because of all that stress piling up.
Write it down on a 'stress list' in order of priority and cross out something that's already over and done with. Make sure you write what the stress is, and how you're gonna solve it.
I shouldn't have gone China omg so not worth it. Cassie gave me a good place for last minute work exp today and I hope they accept me :(
My current Stress List:
1. Flute exam on Saturday- Practise FAAARRR
2. Got Dropped- Get work experience form signed FAAAARRR
3. Get formal tickets because I'm too late
4. PDHPE catch-up exam- Study
5. Unprepared for formal- Get that stupid contact lense in my eye, get used to it and contact Sarah for the dress
That's about it :( FFFAAAARRRRRRRR
You know when you realise you have so much sheit to do and dunno which one to begin with and then your mind gets messed up and you start getting aggro because of all that stress piling up.
Write it down on a 'stress list' in order of priority and cross out something that's already over and done with. Make sure you write what the stress is, and how you're gonna solve it.
I shouldn't have gone China omg so not worth it. Cassie gave me a good place for last minute work exp today and I hope they accept me :(
My current Stress List:
1. Flute exam on Saturday- Practise FAAARRR
That's about it :( FFFAAAARRRRRRRR

Friday, October 14, 2011
Total Fobification.
I hate it when I go somewhere and it ain't as good as I thought. China sucked. Visiting long-lost relatives was cool but that's about it. I didn't even go 'mass-shopping' like I promised myself. I didn't manage to buy awesome headphones or iPod speakers and that badge I had my eye on for oppa. What's worse is that I missed on so much crap in the past few weeks! No Facebook NOR Blogger, THE PAIN!
Got dropped by Work Experience, just before it was due. Teh bish, I tried contacting them so many times to finalise it but noone picked up, then I go overseas, and BAM someone else takes the spot. I thought I had it, it was perfect. That's it, I am never buying any shit from Gloria Jeans again! NEVER AGAIN!
What else? I got my beloved friends stuff? Some have to pay since the stuff they asked for costed me a fortune, but most just took over instead of Xmas gifts. But one thing I hate about giving people stuff is the pressure you get from other people. Like you don't know if you should get someone something, so you ended up not. And you had to deal with their awkward glance when you give other people stuff. THE PRESSURE!
I'll give stuff secretly I think. So people who don't get stuff won't make me feel too bad. Which reminds me, I got heaps of belated Bday gifts to give as well. At least it means I don't have to spend a cent for Christmas. Gosh, I don't like it when I give someone something and they don't give something back. It sounds bad I know, but it feels like you're trying so hard to make them happy and they're just like meh suit yourself. I know some people aint really giftgivers but nerrrghhhhh.
What should I tell people if I couldn't find anything that they might like? Ideas anyone? I can't go Oh yeah i didn't find anything you like so have this cookie as a compensation. Nonono!
Got dropped by Work Experience, just before it was due. Teh bish, I tried contacting them so many times to finalise it but noone picked up, then I go overseas, and BAM someone else takes the spot. I thought I had it, it was perfect. That's it, I am never buying any shit from Gloria Jeans again! NEVER AGAIN!
What else? I got my beloved friends stuff? Some have to pay since the stuff they asked for costed me a fortune, but most just took over instead of Xmas gifts. But one thing I hate about giving people stuff is the pressure you get from other people. Like you don't know if you should get someone something, so you ended up not. And you had to deal with their awkward glance when you give other people stuff. THE PRESSURE!
I'll give stuff secretly I think. So people who don't get stuff won't make me feel too bad. Which reminds me, I got heaps of belated Bday gifts to give as well. At least it means I don't have to spend a cent for Christmas. Gosh, I don't like it when I give someone something and they don't give something back. It sounds bad I know, but it feels like you're trying so hard to make them happy and they're just like meh suit yourself. I know some people aint really giftgivers but nerrrghhhhh.
What should I tell people if I couldn't find anything that they might like? Ideas anyone? I can't go Oh yeah i didn't find anything you like so have this cookie as a compensation. Nonono!

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