Saturday, January 31, 2015

Time spent with my CG

Dear BCG, what can I say about you?

Despite my hectic worklyf you're a group I always have time for, a group I don't get sick of even though I have to see them twice every week, a group I'm happy to give up double pay and many social/family events for just because I feel the need to commit to.

I do so many things together with these guys it's ridiculous. From NYE to Australia Day, from camp to any other day we decide to get together and just... chill.

It's amazing just how much more connected you are (haha geddit cuz it's connect group) to people who share the same values and vision as you, to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who also aim to dedicate their lives to the Lord.

But before I could even relish in all the great times we had together, we're going under a split. It's for the greater good, of course. We are looking to expand our network and reach out to new people, some of us look to finally pursue their calling, and others may just feel like they were thrown in the deep end because they're just good at what they do.

I will be leading Wildlife this year, and while a part of me feels excited and fulfilled, the majority of me only feel... well... feels.

We've had about 3 farewell events now and the whole idea of everyone being apart from one another still feels shocking and unfamiliar. I will no longer be seeing all these friends I've just grown closer to over the past year, and people change, and often it is hard to cope with that especially if you weren't there to witness their change.

Let's take a look at two of these farewells:

The moment we combined with Wildlife we knew they were preparing us for this split. Although we had liek 17 people squished into one tiny house without air conditioning in 40 degree weather we had so much fun bonding with one another. Waking up every morning with your entire outfit damp from sweat was unpleasant, and so is lining up for the shower and realising you're like 10th in order. But everything else was so amazing... The sessions, sports at the park, walks by the wharf... Many things that will forever be engraved in my memory.

This was an event I organised spontaneously because I feel like that before leaving I should at least get the OG crew together to have fun again. Pretty much everyone was able to make it which was cool. My parents actually offered to cook for us and it was such a pleasant surprise because I was ready to feed these guys anything I could dig up from my fridge. We played our regular games like Deal and Bridge and also Tekken and Youtubing weird stuff. Time passed so quickly I hadn't even realised we spent 8 hours sitting in the same spot just spending time together.

Everyone actually made it this time! I brought Jimface along in hopes of him being able to become a part of our group. I had internship beforehand but was let off early so I met Barrel for a nice chat before the actual meetup. We went to eat at Arisun (mum showed me this article where they found worms in it and I had to check it again only to find it being taken off typical Wechat BS) and then crashed Whale's place for some intense Wii gaming. It was kind of feelsy at the end but

I bumped into Radad and Koe today during work and asked them to wait for me afterwards because I'm foreveralone and all. They actually waited for me! Radad offered his place for us to chill at and I was taught how to Bridge and we were joined by Whale and Boi. Somehow we spent 3 hours playing just cards and Radad's mum even made garlic bread for us :') I also finished writing the farewell cards too!

Tomorrow we'll be having our proper farewell dinner and all I can say is my body will never be ready for the feels to come.
Blue Transparent Star