Monday, January 19, 2015

Super-delayed Melbourne Post

In fact this post was so damn delayed I almost forgot I event went to Melbourne before. But in the spirit of going there again and being awkward if I post that first I will post this anyway so read on if you're interested it probably won't be that interesting anyway since there are almost no pictures.


Jes and I got to the airport at 6am. Yep, 6 freaking AM and our plane was at 8. We had plenty of fun in the airport eating lots of food and taking photos of random stuff. It wasn't long till we had to board our plane which was crowded, uncivilised and generally peasant compared to international flights. But that was ok, it's got the bogan spirit! It took less than an hour for the plane to arrive and the excitement was real as both of us prettied up in the airport. We managed to get a Skybus ticket too but decided against their hotel transfer service because we wanted to walk from Southern Cross (their Central) to our hotel and eat lunch on the way. Jes only wanted to take photos so I was stuck with the suitcase =_=, but that's ok lose weight 4 more gainz!

The Hardware Societe was our obligatory first stop since both of us were super excited about Melbourne coffee. It didn't amaze us THAT much, but I can see where it gets its hype from. I ordered a mocha and herb-roasted mushroom toast while Jess had chai latte with her pork belly. From there it was easy to walk to our hotel which was surprisingly close to town center. Then Rib finally responded to my calls and texts and told us he'd come to the city to give us a tour. So the two of us unpacked and freshened up in our nice studio apartment for a hotel. I even got a complimentary drink because of my mum's silver membership hehe!

The weather was super hot and cold at the same time as Rib took us on the fastest-paced tour ever around town. He showed us all the major shopping districts and tourist attractions, somehow, we remembered! After he left our first goal was to find the casino because it supposedly had a huge indoor arcade. Took us the longest time ever but we ended up finding it! Too bad we literally did nothing in it because despite its size the arcade had no variety =_= Afterwards both of us became quite exhausted and after I stopped by H&M on the way back we settled back at the hotel. Jes had homework to write and feet blisters to heal (I made her a home remedy involving tea bags and the kitchen sink) which took forever and I was hungry and tired so I dozed off... only to wake up feeling the sickest I had been in years.

Feeling bad Jes encouraged me to go out and tempted me with food. I felt better after but the place we were planning on going to (Asian Beer Cafe) had costume night so we ended up walking around town finding a cheap place to eat. I still feel headachy and nauseous this time and had to take a billion toilet trips because somehow I have diarrhoea as well. We stumble upon Gyoza Gyoza in their longass Chinatown which had super cheap nice food and awesome drinks. Too bad I was so sick on the top half and diarrhoea-ing on the bottom half (which was soooo embarrassing sigh) to enjoy the meal properly. I suspected food poisoning from the donuts this morning. After making like 50 toilet trips I finally felt better and we are able to go back to the hotel and rest up for the big day.


Day 2 is PAX-DAY! We woke up early enough from the night before to get dressed in cosplay and take selfies. Taxis are so cheap here and we were lucky enough to score a taxi even though it was a race day and it's apparently impossible to hail a cab (we stood out cuz of our wigs I guess?). We were super excited upon arriving and seeing all this nerdy goodness (and collecting all the freebies of course!) I also got texts from Hika and AL asking to meet up later in the day.

Surprisingly I don't have much to say about this convention, it was all about going around stalls getting freebies and occasionally posing for a photograph. The highlight of the day would probably be Jes winning an SSD from the MSY lucky draw and us going round and round the LoL booths to grab free skins. We didn't end up having lunch however and I was really dehydrated the whole time while Jes is full on a Cactus in human form. She's got so much stamina it's amazing.

Because we're friendly people keen to make more friends, Jes and I invited AL to stay at our hotel since he had nowhere to go... BIG MISTAKE MUCH REGRET LATER IN LIFE. This guy pretty much turned out to be a sleazy asshole with no respect for women. We went to ABC and the food there was nice (except their gross Long Islands). Jes and I tried to put it nicely by calling him Anti-fun but acting super snobby and going around (after Melb) telling everyone how he totally 'scored' was just retarded. Since we always combined our beds together he decided to move from his rightful place on the couch to the middle of the two beds, putting aside how freaking sleazy that was both Jes and I had our personal space invaded so we obv shuffled outwards but he kept on rolling from side to side and since both of us are practically gonna roll off the bed we kicked him into the crack. He asked us if we wanted to hang in the morning and we're just like NAGTFO. Luckily Jes and I fixed the rumors that (thanks Turtle :D) he later made up and now everyone knows what really happened.


Since both of us had like 0 sleep the night before we weren't all that keen to get up and having to pack up because of the checkout curfews. I felt like poop with a hangover and all and the hotel staff were nice enough to give us abit more sleep-in time :'). They also let us store our luggage until the Hotel Transfer Service arrives (which they also booked for us), super service <3 I felt better once we're out in fresh air though. We went Victoria Markets across the road from our hotel and checked out their fresh organic produce. I bought my parents organic coffee while Jes bought... BLUE CHEESE? She's later gonna regret it because it ended up stinking so much hahahaha. We also had some street food nearby like sweet Cannoli and colourful pot stickers, they were very nice.

We tried to find alleyways with good street art and came across this really nice lane with some amazing art pieces. Apparently Flinders Lane had all the good stuff but the one we found was amaze! We left the artists there a note so maybe they'll see it and feel wubbed :3

I later got very hungry, I needed lunch real bad :( Our plan was going to Giraffe Cafe but it was closed :( So we then went Koko Black Royal Arcade but it only sold desserts so we took a raincheck on that. All cafes are closed on Sundays for some reason so we had to settle for this place which I forgot the name of but it didn't have much to buy we ended up sharing a brioche. Funny story though we found a fruit fly in it and had to get the dish swapped... they were full judging us and it was so awks... Reminds me of communitychannel's video 'they gonna spit in yo food'. At Koko black we both ordered desserts but my sickness struck again OTL. I couldn't finish my food and we had to get it taken away cuz no time to eat we got a bus to catch D:

So in conclusion, although there were a few mishaps in our Melbourne trip, Melbourne is such a chill, laid-back artsy city with nice, friendly people and awesome culture- both from the many things you can do there to the much foodporn such fat you can get :) I totally experienced the last two hands on during the USANA conference but I'll blog about that later :D
Blue Transparent Star