Sunday, January 25, 2015


P1: will you play gat out of hell with me?
P2: O/////////O
P2: I-I need to think about this
P1: ok i understand if you need some time to think abt this
P2: Idk man I mean we just finished SRIV
P2: i think it's moving too fast
P2: gotta slow down
P1: ok ok i completely understand
P1: i too want to take things slowly
P2: this is a big commitment
P1: yea, im just really nervous you know. in the past things didnt work out so well :(
P2: yeah I know how you feel, my last co-op experience ended badly too
P2: he just couldn't handle the pressure, ya know?
P1: yea for sure
P1: i felt like as if i messed up
P1: and i cant forgive myself you know
P1: just dont want to get hurt again
P2: Yes, indeed, I guess we will have to forget the past and move on, but I'm glad you brought this up.
P1: ahh good good
P1: just wanted to get it off my chest


And then I spat out my drink.
Blue Transparent Star